- Fix group filter for kills only (#11)
- Fix kills beeing posted multiple times (#12)
- fix: show correct totalValue of kills instead of destroyedValue
- the bot now uses a mongodb to store/cache data required to render killmails
- redis is now required for running the bot
- the bot will now fetch all data required to render a killmail from esi and store it in the mongodb
- posting kills with colors (green/red) is working again
- add bullmq for queueing messages to prevent rate limiting of discord api and asyncQueue (optional)
- add redis as requirement for bullmq
- when bullmq is enabled, sending will be retried up to 10 times
- added new functionality to filter groups and ships by region, constellation, and system
- update nodejs to 20
- update discordjs to 14
- update all other dependencies
- add new eslint rules
- attention: new command filters will roll out within 24 hours
- added new functionality to filter by kill type (kill/loss)
- attention: new command filters will roll out within 24 hours
- add new functionality to subscribe to a ship type
- bot will restart itself after a disconnect or error (thanks for https://github.com/ocn for the code idea)
- attention: new commands will roll out within 24 hours
- make system/region/constellation unsubscribeable
- add new functionality to subscribe to a ship group
- attention: new commands will roll out within 24 hours
- make alliance/corp/char killmails filterable by region/constellation/system (#5)
- improved killmail embedings by fetching the open graph data from zkillboard url (#2)
- colors for kills (green) / losses (red) on the embeds (#2)
- attention: new commands will roll out within 24 hours
- fix typo in corporation
- add possibility to subscripe to region, constellation of system kills
- add command to unsubscribe whole channel
- attention: new commands will roll out within 24 hours
- prevent message from sending twice to the same channel due to multiple subscriptions
- try message owner of discord on channel permission problem when sending a killmail