Discussion middleware is middleware proxy service, which is having all discussion forum apis.
Clone the discussion middleware repo from https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/discussions-middleware.git
Execute npm install
add the environment variable in environmentHelper.js file.
let localEnvVariables = {
NODEBB_SERVICE_URL: env.nodebb_service_url || 'http://localhost:4567',
Authorization: env.authorization_token || 'd8402b15-1d5f-4d84-9fae-595ef805f287', // Your local nodebb Master token
nodebb_api_slug: env.nodebb_api_slug || '/api'
Note: If your testing the DF-lib using demo application. You have to use user token instead of master token. Once we implemented DF-middleware cache then onwards no need to change the token. we can use master token itself.
Run the discussion middleware using the command npm run start
. Discussion-middleware will run on port 3002.