Currently there are no APIs present in UserOrg service to do role management. If any new role needs to be added it is done through DB script.
Sample Script:
insert into sunbird.role (id,name,rolegroupid,status) values ('PROGRAM_MANAGER','Program Manager',['PROGRAM_MANAGER'],1);
insert into sunbird.role_group (id,name) values ('PROGRAM_MANAGER','Program Manager');
DB details:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sunbird.role(id text, name text,roleGroupId List<text>,status int, PRIMARY KEY (id));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sunbird.role_group(id text, name text, PRIMARY KEY (id));
To fetch the roles in the system, below API can be used:
GET /v1/role/read
Roles | Description |
ORG_ADMIN | A org admin can :
PUBLIC | Default role |
BOOK_CREATOR | A book creator can create book |
BOOK_REVIEWER | A book reviewer can review and publish book |
COURSE_MENTOR | A course mentor can:
CONTENT_CREATOR | A content creator can create all type(Course, resource, Collection, Lessonplan, Upload content, Upload large videos, Course assessment) of contents except book |
CONTENT_REVIEWER | A content reviewer can review and publish all type of contents except book |
REPORT_ADMIN | Can publish reports on the portal as 'Live'. Also has access to the 'Datasets' tab on the portal, where datasets are made available for Admins to be able to download. Also has all the rights of the 'REPORT_VIEWER' role - all of these for the tenant that they have the role for |
REPORT_VIEWER | This role allows a registered user to have 'view' access to all reports pulbished for their tenant on the portal. These are accessed via the 'Dashboards' page on the portal |
PROGRAM_MANAGER | This is a new role introduced as a part of 4.2 hotfix. The role will have access to Program dashboards and can access all CSVs for different resources mapped in a program. They will have access to the programs that they are program managers of. The role will have the following right:
PROGRAM_DESIGNER | This is a new role introduced as a part of 4.2 hotfix. The role will have access to Program dashboards and can access Status CSVs for different resources mapped in a program designed by them. The role has following rights: