Jenkins is used to build, deploy and setup the infrastructure for Sunbird. Almost everything in Sunbird is automated using Jenkins pipelines which integrates with ansible and other tools.
SSH to the Jenkins server and enter the following commands -
git clone cd sunbird-devops && git checkout tags/release-5.0.0 -b release-5.0.0 cd deploy/jenkins sudo bash
Open Jenkins UI in a browser by visiting JENKINS_IP:8080
Enter the initial password and follow the on-screen instructions. Choose Install suggested plugin and create an admin user
Go to http://JENKINS_IP:8080/pluginManager/available -> Search for ‘Configuration as Code Plugin’ and install the plugin without restart.
Don’t run the following until above steps finished
Run the below commands on Jenkins server -
sudo bash cp envOrder.txt.sample envOrder.txt vi envOrder.txt
Update the environment list as per your requirement in ascending order. For example, if you want to have dev, staging and production environments, your envOrder.txt will look like -
dev=0 staging=1 production=2
Run the below script on Jenkins server and provide input as required (case sensitive) -
sudo bash
Restart jenkins
sudo service jenkins restart
Configure Jenkins
sudo su jenkins curl -SsL -o ~/jenkins.yaml # Replace all placeholders ${VALUE} with proper values # For example, # username: "${GH_USERNAME}" to username: "mygithubusername" vim ~/jenkins.yaml
Run the below commands on Jenkins server -
mkdir -p /var/lib/jenkins/secrets cd /var/lib/jenkins/secrets touch deployer_ssh_key vault-pass k8s.yaml chmod 600 deployer_ssh_key vault-pass k8s.yaml
Copy the contents of your server’s private key into
Copy the kubernetes config file contents into
If you have encrypted your
, enter the password to decrypt into/var/lib/jenkins/secrets/vault-pass
. If you have not encrypted, then enter a random value like 12345 -
sudo visudo
on jenkins server and add the below line -
- Reboot the Jenkins VM (
sudo reboot