- Log in to the Environment VPN.
- Open Jenkins and log in.
- Choose the "Release" option.
- Select the "StagingRCTag" from the available options.
- Opt for the "Build with Parameters" option.
- Choose "Sunbird-Ed/ml-analytics-service."
- Select the latest available release.
- Initiate the build process.
- Once a job is completed latest tag will be available in the GitHub tag.
- Log in to the Environment VPN.
- Access Jenkins and log in.
- Opt for the "Deploy" option.
- Select the desired environment.
- Choose the "managed-learn" option.
- Then select "ml-analytics-service."
- Select the "Build with Parameters" option.
- Provide the "private_branch" parameter with the latest DevOps branch.
- In the "branch_or_tag" field, enter the latest tag.
- Initiate the build process.