- Install
as per https://developer.hashicorp.com/vagrant/downloads - Configure a provider
- Run
vagrant up
and thenvagrant ssh
There is a prepared Vagrant environment with microk8s set up for collection tests, for details see here.
You'll need to use QEMU instead of VirtualBox to use Vagrant on ARM. The following instructions will assume an M1 Mac as the host:
- Install QEMU:
brew install qemu
- Install the QEMU vagrant provider:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-qemu
- Set the default Vagrant provider to QEMU:
echo 'export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=qemu' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
- Enable SMB sharing:
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.smbd.plist
- Provision the VM with the provider:
vagrant up
If asked for a username and password, enter your macOS user credentials.
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon
in the project root and wait for dependencies to be installed -
In order to run integration tests, you'll need the Docker daemon installed separately
- Install direnv You can use nix for this by running
nix-env -i direnv
. - Hook it into your shell
- Run
direnv allow .
in the project root
In order to relase, please follow the releasing guide.
make update-otc OTC_CURRENT_VERSION=0.73.0-sumo-1 OTC_NEW_VERSION=0.74.0-sumo-0
Note: this make target uses GNU sed
. If you're on a Mac, see e.g. here.
You should examine the resulting changes as the automated tool can make mistakes. It's just a dummy "search and replace" under the hood.
What it does is:
- It updates the OTC image version (for logs, metrics and traces) in the chart's values file and README file.
- It updates the OTC image version in test files.
- It updates the links to the documentation of OTC components, e.g. here.