1.4.0 (2024-10-28)
- add Release-please for automated releases (cb8a74f)
- automated_pypi_releases (deeaa91)
- orderly enumeration of R group indices (0481aaa)
- update version path for release-please (94a4ff5)
- add Copyright info and modify theme options (779dac0)
- Failing documentation theme issues (987db2c)
- file path ci_pytest.yml (4dac10f)
- file path issue (bd97abc)
- indentation ci_pytest.yml (fb19534)
- only remove PIKAChU if it is there initially (caused crash) (3b5d3e0)
- tests (febbb19)
- version bump 1.3.0 (adf25e5)
- version bump: 1.1.8-->1.1.9 (9c54d7c)
1.3.1 (2023-09-22)
- version bump 1.3.0 (adf25e5)
1.2.1 (2023-07-13)
- add Copyright info and modify theme options (779dac0)
- only remove PIKAChU if it is there initially (caused crash) (3b5d3e0)
1.2.0 (2023-07-05)
- add Release-please for automated releases (cb8a74f)
- orderly enumeration of R group indices (0481aaa)
- Failing documentation theme issues (987db2c)
- version bump: 1.1.8-->1.1.9 (9c54d7c)