4.0.0 (2020-07-16)
- Deprecate support for Augeas < 1.0.0
- Update supported Ubuntu versions
- sshd_config: close array regexp (GH #54), fix GH #52
- sshd_config_match: remove duplicated condition param in test (GH #58)
- sshkey: do not test type update, it's a parameter in Puppet 6 (GH #59)
- Add support for comments in types and providers (GH #61)
- Update copyright and authors infos
- Add EL8 support
- Add 'Port' to the list of items supporting Arrays in the documentation
- Fix puppet requirement to < 7.0.0
- add support for Puppet 5 & 6
- deprecate support for Puppet < 5
- update supported OSes in metadata.json
- Add support for array_append to sshd_config type (GH #43)
- Fix support for 'puppet generate types'
- Bumped supported puppet version to less than 6.0.0
- Updated the spec_helper.rb to correctly load for Puppet 5
- Added CentOS and OracleLinux to supported OS list
- ssh_config: fix HostKeyAlgorithms and KexAlgorithms (#GH 36)
- Added docker acceptance test
- Refactor the travis.yml for the current LTS versions of Puppet
- Bugfix Release:
- Allow multiple values for GlobalKnownHostsFile (#GH 32)
- Ensure that AddressFamily comes before ListenAddress (#GH 34)
- Implement instances for sshkey (only for non-hashed entries)
- Add sshd_config_match type and provider (#GH 5)
- Purge multiple array entries in ssh_config provider (GH #12)
- Add sshkey provider (GH #13)
- sshd_config: munge condition parameter
- Improve test setup
- Get rid of Gemfile.lock
- Improve README badges
- Properly insert values after commented out entry if case doesn't match (GH #6)
- Convert specs to rspec3 syntax
- Fix metadata.json
- sshd_config: consider KexAlgorithms and Ciphers as array values (GH #4)
- Add ssh_config type & provider
- First release of split module.