The original code and assets in this project are "Copyright © Daniel Friesen - 2019" and are released under the MPL-2.0 license.
This project uses resources from various other sources that have separate licenses.
, Assets/SteamVR_Input
, and Assets/OpenVR
contain SteamVR_Unity_Plugin and OpenVR code provided by Valve Inc. under the 3-Clause BSD license.
contains compiled binaries from the vJoy SDK project provided under the MIT license.
contains compiled binaries from the Markdig NuGet package.
contains code from the InputSimulatorPlus library provided under the Ms-Pl license.
contains icons from a variety of 3rd party sources. The README in that folder contains an author/source/license list for 3rd party icons used in the project.
contains fonts from a variety of 3rd party sources. The README in that folder contains attribution info for fonts used in the project.