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Query helper contract for fetching an account's names

This contract should only be used in an off-chain context, due to the larger execution cost associated with fetching data.

Public functions:

Read-only functions:

Private functions:






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(define-read-only (get-names ((account principal)) (tuple (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20)) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (names (list 20 (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 48)) (owner principal)))) (next-id (optional uint))))

Fetch an account's legacy name and their BNSx names. Up to 20 BNSx names are fetched.

Returns a tuple with names (BNSx) and legacy.

legacy returns a single tuple - an optional with properties return from .bns#name-resolve.

names - a list of tuples, containing data from .bns-x#get-name-properties.

The account's primary BNSx name will be returned first

Source code:
(define-read-only (get-names (account principal))
  (merge { legacy: (get-legacy-name account) } (crawl-names account))


Name Type Description
account principal


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(define-read-only (get-legacy-name ((account principal)) (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20)) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20)))))

Fetch the BNS legacy name and name properties owned by a given account.

@returns none if the account doesn't own a legacy name.

Source code:
(define-read-only (get-legacy-name (account principal))
  (match (contract-call? 'SP000000000000000000002Q6VF78.bns resolve-principal account)
    name (some (merge name (unwrap-panic (resolve-legacy-name name))))
    e none


Name Type Description
account principal


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(define-read-only (resolve-legacy-name ((name (tuple (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20))))) (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20)))))

Given a name,namespace tuple, return the properties of that name

Source code:
(define-read-only (resolve-legacy-name (name { name: (buff 48), namespace: (buff 20) }))
  (match (contract-call? 'SP000000000000000000002Q6VF78.bns name-resolve (get namespace name) (get name name))
    props (some props)
    ;; props (some (merge name props))
    e none


Name Type Description
name (tuple (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20)))


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(define-read-only (get-bnsx-name ((id uint)) (optional (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20)) (owner principal))))

Fetch name details from the name registry as well as information from legacy BNS.

Source code:
(define-read-only (get-bnsx-name (id uint))
  (match (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-name-properties-by-id id)
    props (some (merge props {
      legacy: (resolve-legacy-name { name: (get name props), namespace: (get namespace props) })


Name Type Description
id uint


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(define-read-only (get-bnsx-by-name ((name (tuple (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20))))) (optional (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20)) (owner principal))))

Same as get-bnsx-name but looking up via {name, namespace}.

Source code:
(define-read-only (get-bnsx-by-name (name { name: (buff 48), namespace: (buff 20) }))
  (match (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-name-properties name)
    props (some (merge props {
      legacy: (resolve-legacy-name name)


Name Type Description
name (tuple (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 20)))


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(define-read-only (crawl-names ((account principal)) (tuple (names (list 20 (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 48)) (owner principal)))) (next-id (optional uint))))

Helper method to recursively fetch an account's names using the linked-list data structure exposed by the name registry. Starts with an account's primary name and fetches up to 19 more names.

This method doesn't fetch an account's legacy name, if they have one. Use get-names for that.

Returns a tuple with:

  • legacy: (see resolve-legacy-name)
  • names: a list of up to 20 names, starting with the account's primary. See get-bnsx-name for more information
  • next-id: A "cursor" representing the ID of the next name for this account, if the account has more than 20 names. See crawl-from-id to paginate.

If an account has no names at all, names will be an empty list, and legacy will be none.

Source code:
(define-read-only (crawl-names (account principal))
  (match (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-primary-name-properties account)
    primary (let
        (next-id (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-next-node-id (get id primary)))
        (first (merge primary {
          legacy: (resolve-legacy-name { name: (get name primary), namespace: (get namespace primary) })
        (iterator {
          names: (list first),
          next-id: next-id,
      (fold crawl-fold ARRAY iterator)
      names: (list ),
      next-id: none


Name Type Description
account principal


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(define-read-only (crawl-from-id ((id uint)) (tuple (names (list 20 (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 48)) (owner principal)))) (next-id (optional uint))))

If an account has more than 20 names, use this to paginate and fetch 20 more names.

Source code:
(define-read-only (crawl-from-id (id uint))
  (match (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-name-properties-by-id id)
    props (let
        (next-id (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-next-node-id (get id props)))
        (first (merge props {
          legacy: (resolve-legacy-name { name: (get name props), namespace: (get namespace props) })
        (iterator {
          names: (list first),
          next-id: next-id,
      (fold crawl-fold ARRAY iterator)
      names: (list ),
      next-id: none


Name Type Description
id uint


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(define-read-only (crawl-fold ((index uint) (iterator (tuple (names (list 20 (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 48)) (owner principal)))) (next-id (optional uint))))) (tuple (names (list 20 (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 48)) (owner principal)))) (next-id (optional uint))))

Internal method for iterating over names

Source code:
(define-read-only (crawl-fold 
  (index uint)
  (iterator { 
      (list 20 {
        owner: principal,
        name: (buff 48),
        namespace: (buff 48),
        id: uint,
        legacy: (optional {
          lease-ending-at: (optional uint),
          lease-started-at: uint,
          owner: principal,
          zonefile-hash: (buff 20),
    next-id: (optional uint),
  (match (get next-id iterator)
    id (let
        ;; (name (unwrap-panic (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-name-properties-by-id id)))
        (name (unwrap-panic (get-bnsx-name id)))
        (next-id (contract-call? .bnsx-registry get-next-node-id id))
        (name-list (unwrap-panic (as-max-len? (get names iterator) u19)))
        names: (append name-list name),
        next-id: next-id,


Name Type Description
index uint
iterator (tuple (names (list 20 (tuple (id uint) (legacy (optional (tuple (lease-ending-at (optional uint)) (lease-started-at uint) (owner principal) (zonefile-hash (buff 20))))) (name (buff 48)) (namespace (buff 48)) (owner principal)))) (next-id (optional uint)))





(define-constant ARRAY (list u0 u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 u6 u7 u8 u9 u10 u11 u12 u13 u14 u15 u16 u17 u18))

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(define-constant MAX_NAMES_QUERY (+ (len ARRAY) u1))

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