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Phar File Compilation

guvra edited this page Nov 28, 2023 · 1 revision

How to Compile the Phar

A default phar file is provided in the releases section of the project on GitHub.

However, it is also possible to compile the phar manually. This allows to:

  • Add custom converters
  • Add custom templates
  • Add Faker locales

To compile the phar:

  1. Fork the project, then clone it.
  2. Do whatever you need (add custom converters, custom templates...).
  3. Run the following command: make compile (it might take a few minutes). This will create a file named "gdpr-dump.phar" in the folder "build/dist".

Adding Custom Converters

To add converters, there are only two requirements:

  • The file must be in the directory "src/Converter" (or a subdirectory).
  • The class must implement the interface ConverterInterface.

Adding Custom Templates

Templates are located in the directory "app/config/templates". The files must use the .yaml extension.

Faker Locales

By default, the phar file is only bundled with the "en_US" locale (to reduce the phar file size).

Changing the Default Locale

The locale used by default is defined by the parameter faker.locale in app/config/services.yaml. For example, to change the default locale to "fr_FR":

    # ...
    faker.locale: 'fr_FR'

This locale is automatically added to the phar file during the compilation process.

Adding Multiple Locales

To add multiple locales to the phar file, you must compile it with the --locale option. For example, to compile a phar file that includes "de_DE" and "fr_FR":

make compile c="--locale=fr_FR --locale=de_DE"

The default locale can be omitted, it is automatically added to the phar file.

Available locales can be found in the official faker documentation.