Source code to run InteractionGNN on protein-protein interfaces
- Set the desired parameters in config.ini
- in a bash shell, run
- Manual: install Pytorch, Pytorch-Geometric, Cuda-Toolkit, Scikit-Learn and the packages numpy pandas matplotlib lz4 and tqdm (
conda install -c pytorch -c pyg -c conda-forge python=3.9 numpy pandas matplotlib tqdm pytorch pyg scikit-learn cuda-toolkit lz4
) - All-in-one: Run
conda create --name interaction_gnn --file interaction_gnn.yml
InteractionGNN is using Pytorch-Geometric.
Should be in the folder data, displayed like the following example for binary classification: \
| | ...
| |___0
| | | file1
| | | file2
| |
| |___1
| | file3
| | file4
| |___0
| | | file5
| | | file6
| |
| |___1
| | file7
| | file8
If you use this code, please cite the associated paper:
Y. Mohseni Behbahani, S. Crouzet, E. Laine, A. Carbone, *Deep Local Analysis evaluates protein docking conformations with locally oriented cubes*