Storage::DBI class implementing MariaDB specifics
This module adds support for MariaDB in the DBIx::Class ORM. It supports exactly the same parameters as the DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::mysql module, so check that for further documentation.
$ cpanm DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::MariaDB
Similar to other storage modules that are builtin to DBIx::Class, all you need
to do is ensure DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::MariaDB
is loaded and specify
MariaDB in the DSN. For example:
package MyApp::Schema;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
# register classes
# ...
# load mariadb storage
package MyApp;
use MyApp::Schema;
my $dsn = "dbi:MariaDB:database=mydb";
my $user = "noone";
my $pass = "topsecret";
my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect($dsn, $user, $pass);
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