Welcome to our comprehensive E-Waste management solution! This README file provides an overview of the key features, technologies used, and guidelines for developers and users.
Our app uses longitude and latitude coordinates to assist users in finding the nearest e-waste collection facilities based on their location.
This section provides essential information on e-waste management, emphasizing reuse, recycling, and the potential health impacts of improper disposal.
Sikka Pranali calculates credit points for users based on the quantity of precious metals recovered from correctly disposed e-waste. Users can convert these credit points into Indian Rupees (INR).
Our app features government regulations and policies related to e-waste management to promote adherence to legal standards.
Government authorities can access, analyze, and record data related to e-waste management through our website.
This system collects buyer information, including their address, image, and contact details, and submits it to the government for approval.
A dedicated dashboard for domestic waste collectors where they can add an e-waste section and receive the location of e-waste sellers on their route.
- Java
- Kotlin
- JavaScript
- Android Studio
- VS Code
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/ShreeGaneshPurohit/SustainableSathi.git
Run the application:
- Launch the app using Android Studio for the mobile components.
To See Data Analysis:
- Go to Sustainable-Sathi website.
- Seller Dashboard:- https://github.com/ShreeGaneshPurohit/SustainableSathi/blob/main/Seller%20Dashboard.mp4
- Municipal coopration driver:- https://github.com/ShreeGaneshPurohit/SustainableSathi/blob/main/Municipal%20coopration%20driver.mp4
- Buyer Dashboard:- https://github.com/ShreeGaneshPurohit/SustainableSathi/blob/main/Buyer%20Dashboard.mp4
For any inquiries or feedback, please contact us at Manav Patni - [email protected] ShriGanesh Purohit - [email protected].
Happy coding!