Food Ninja is a food delivery app created using Flutter, Firebase, BLoC.
- Android
- iOS
- Authentication
- Restaurants
- Food Menu
- Search
- Filter
- Pagination
- Cart
- Order
- Order History
- Profile
- Favorites
- Payment (just UI)
- Map
- Chat
- Rate
- Review
- Dark Mode
- Settings
- Reset Password
- Notification (just UI)
- Promo Codes (just UI)
- Flutter
- Android Studio / Xcode
Clone the repo
git clone
Install dependencies
dart pub get
This project uses Firebase. Go to and create a new project. Then, create an Android app and follow the instructions to replace the
file. Note that, you'll need to create Firestore and Storage instances in Firebase Console. -
Mapbox is used for map. Go to and create a new token. Then, create a file named
folder and add the following code:const String mapboxAccessToken = {YOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN};
Run the app
flutter run
Screenshot 1 | Screenshot 2 | Screenshot 3 |
Screenshot 4 | Screenshot 5 | Screenshot 6 |
Screenshot 7 | Screenshot 8 | Screenshot 9 |
Screenshot 10 | Screenshot 11 | Screenshot 12 |
Screenshot 13 | Screenshot 14 | Screenshot 15 |
Screenshot 16 | Screenshot 17 | Screenshot 18 |
Screenshot 19 | Screenshot 20 | Screenshot 21 |
Screenshot 22 | Screenshot 23 | Screenshot 24 |
Screenshot 25 | Screenshot 26 | Screenshot 27 |
Screenshot 28 | Screenshot 29 | Screenshot 30 |
Screenshot 31 | Screenshot 32 |
Name | Version | Description |
bloc | 8.1.2 | A predictable state management library |
cloud_firestore | 4.14.0 | Cloud Firestore Plugin for Flutter |
dio | 5.4.0 | A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors |
equatable | 2.0.5 | Simplify Equality Comparisons |
firebase_auth | 4.16.0 | Firebase Authentication Plugin for Flutter |
firebase_core | 2.24.2 | Core Firebase Flutter SDK |
firebase_storage | 11.6.0 | Firebase Storage Plugin for Flutter |
flutter_bloc | 8.1.3 | Flutter Widgets that make it easy to implement BLoC design patterns |
flutter_launcher_icons | 0.13.1 | A package that provides icons for Flutter apps |
flutter_map | 6.1.0 | Interactive Map for Flutter |
flutter_rating_bar | 4.0.1 | A Flutter widget for rating bar |
flutter_slidable | 3.0.1 | A Flutter widget that can be slid horizontally or vertically |
flutter_svg | 2.0.9 | SVG Rendering Library for Flutter |
geolocator | 10.1.0 | Flutter Geolocation Plugin |
hive | 2.2.3 | NoSQL database in pure Dart |
hive_flutter | 1.1.0 | Hive Flutter Adapter |
image_picker | 1.0.7 | Flutter Image Picker |
intl | 0.19.0 | Internationalization and localization facilities, including message translation, plurals and genders, date/number formatting and parsing, and bidirectional text. |
latlong2 | 0.9.0 | Latitude and longitude coordinates |
shimmer | 3.0.0 | Shimmer effect for Flutter |
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Shokhrukhbek Yuldoshev
- Github: @ShokhrukhbekYuldoshev
- Email: @[email protected]
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