diff --git a/md_CHANGELOG.html b/md_CHANGELOG.html index b3168b7ae..78ec5a08d 100644 --- a/md_CHANGELOG.html +++ b/md_CHANGELOG.html @@ -92,24 +92,35 @@












Release after first round of breaking changes. Requires CVMFS release ≥ 24.10. Tagged for launch of background simulations.














24.10 - Freiburg

Tag release to prepare for breaking changes. Last release to include charm cross-section measurement code, and obsolete detector configurations.
















FairShip is the software framework for the SHiP experiment which is based on FairRoot. The dependencies of FairShip are tracked and installed using alibuild.




@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@

Branch for the muon flux analysis. Python 2 only. Requires aliBuild default fairship-2018.

All packages are managed in Git and GitHub. Please read the Git tutorial for SHiP first, even if you already know Git, as it explains how development is done on GitHub.



Build Instructions using CVMFS

On lxplus this is the recommended way to use FairShip. CVMFS can also be setup on your own machine (please see the CVMFS documentation)

    @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@

However, this won't work if you are using HTCondor. In such case you can do:

eval $(alienv load FairShip/latest --no-refresh)


Local build, without access to CVMFS

Commands are similar to the previous case, but without access to CVMFS you need to build the required packages.

    @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@

  1. Build the software using aliBuild: ```bash aliBuild build FairShip –config-dir $SHIPDIST –defaults release `` NB: Depending on the platform you might have to pass the–always-prefer-systemor–force-unknown-architectureflags to aliBuild. For debugging,aliDoctor` is very useful!
  2. Load the environment ```bash alienv enter FairShip/latest ```


Run instructions

Set up the bulk of the environment from CVMFS (see the dedicated repository for information about the available releases):

source /cvmfs/ship.cern.ch/$SHIP_RELEASE/setUp.sh
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@

python -i $FAIRSHIP/macro/eventDisplay.py -f ship.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4_rec.root -g geofile_full.conical.Pythia8-TGeant4.root
// use SHiP Event Display GUI
Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit


Docker instructions

Docker is not the recommended way to run FairShip locally. It is ideal for reproducing reproducible, stateless environments for debugging, HTCondor and cluster use, or when a strict separation between FairShip and the host is desirable.

    @@ -177,13 +177,13 @@

  1. Run theFairShipdocker image: ``bash docker run -i -t –rm fairship /bin/bash ```
  2. Advanced docker run options: ```bash docker run -i -t –rm \ -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ -v /local_workdir:/image_workdir \ fairship /bin/bash `` The option-e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unixforwards graphics from the docker to your local system (similar tossh -X). The option-v /local_workdir:/image_workdirmounts/local_workdiron the local system as/image_workdir` within docker.


Troubleshooting information

Please see the wiki for FAQs and common issues.




An automatic class reference is built using Doxygen from comments in the C++ code. Improving the comments will improve this documentation.



Contributing code