The adapter service fetches data from external data sources and provides them via a HTTP API in JSON format. The data coming from the external sources can be fetched over various protocols and can have various formats.
- Datasource: Description of a datasource. This description can be transformed into an adapter to import data from a data source and forward it to downstream services.
- Adapter: Configuration to import data from a datasource; can be derived from a datasource config, or is provided by a user to generate a preview.
- Preview: Stateless preview that allows executing a datasource config once and synchronously returning the result of the import and interpretation; does not send the result to downstream services (difference to creating and triggering a datasource).
- Data import: One execution of the import of a datasource. The result and metadata get stored in the database and can be accessed for each datasource.
- Currently the adapter service is only a prototype and can handle JSON, XML and CSV files that can be fetched over HTTP.
The handling of new protocols and formats is going to be implemented.
Planned protocols:
- ftp
Planned formats:
- Build with
./gradlew build
- Run unit tests with
./gradlew test
- Run integration test with
./gradlew integrationTest
(note that a instance of the adapterService needs to be up). - Start with
./gradlew bootRun
- not recommended - Use Docker-Compose:
docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yml --env-file ../.env up adapter
builds Docker images and starts them up. Note that you need to delete existing docker images from your local docker daemon to have recent changes integrated. - For integration testing run
docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yml -f ../ --env-file ../.env up adapter-it
- To analyze the logs of the service under test we recommend using lazydocker. Alternatively, you can attach manually to the adapter container using the docker cli.
- After running integration tests dependant services (e.g. rabbit-mq) keep running. In order to stop all services and return to a clean, initial state run
docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yml -f ../ down
Each adapter consists of a importer that is responsible for the handling of the data source protocol and a interpreter that reformats the given data to json format. The implemented importers and interpreters are stored in a map in the AdapterManager. For each request to the AdapterEndpoint, the AdapterManager chooses a appropriate Interpreter and Importer and creates an Adapter to handle the request. Information about data format, protocal and location of the external data source to include are stored in a AdapterConfig file which is included in the request. The basic architecture of the ODS is depicted below. Support for new protocols or data formats can easily be achieved by adding classes implementing the importer/interpreter interface and registering those classes in the AdapterManager.
Endpoint | Method | Request Body | Response Body |
base_url/version | GET | - | String containing the application version |
base_url/formats | GET | - | JsonArray of data formats available for parsing and possible parameters |
base_url/protocols | GET | - | JsonArray of protocols available for importing and possible parameters |
base_url/preview | POST | AdapterConfig | PreviewResponse |
base_url/preview/raw | POST | ProtocolConfig | PreviewResponse |
When started via docker-compose base_url is http://localhost:9000/api/adapter
"protocol": ProtocolConfig,
"format": {
"type": "JSON" | "XML" | "CSV",
"parameters": { } | CSVParameters
"type": "HTTP",
"parameters": {
"location": String,
"encoding": String
"columnSeparator": char,
"lineSeparator": char,
"skipFirstDataRow": boolean,
"firstRowAsHeader": boolean
"data": <<Stringified JSON or RAW representation of payload>>
Endpoint | Method | Request Body | Response Body |
base_url/datasources | GET | - | All DatasourceConfigs |
base_url/datasources/{id} | GET | - | DatasourceConfig wih {id} |
base_url/datasources | POST | Datasource Config | Created datasource, id generated by server |
base_url/datasources/{id} | PUT | Datasource Config | Updated datasource with {id} |
base_url/datasources | DELETE | - | Delete all datasources |
base_url/datasources/{id} | DELETE | - | Delete datasource with {id} |
base_url/datasources/{id}/trigger | POST | Parameters | DataImport |
base_url/datasources/{id}/imports | GET | - | All DataImports for datasource with {id} |
base_url/datasources/{id}/imports/{importId} | GET | - | DataImports with {importId} for datasource with {id} |
base_url/datasources/{id}/imports/latest | GET | - | Latest DataImport for datasource with {id} |
base_url/datasources/{id}/imports/{importId}/data | GET | - | Actual data of DataImport with {importId} for datasource with {id} |
base_url/datasources/{id}/imports/latest/data | GET | - | Actual data for latest DataImport for datasource with {id} |
When started via docker-compose base_url is http://localhost:9000/api/adapter
"id": Number,
"protocol": ProtocolConfig,
"format": FormatConfig,
"trigger": TriggerConfig,
"metadata": Metadata
"type": "HTTP",
"parameters": {
"location": String,
"encoding": String
"format": {
"type": "JSON" | "XML" | "CSV",
"parameters": { } | CSVParameters
"columnSeparator": char,
"lineSeparator": char,
"skipFirstDataRow": boolean,
"firstRowAsHeader": boolean
"firstExecution": Date (format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX),
"interval": Number,
"periodic:" Boolean
"author": String,
"displayName": String,
"license": String,
"description": String,
"creationTimestamp: Date (format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX),
"datasource": DatasourceConfig
"parameters": <<Map of type <String, String> for open parameter to replace with the value>>
"id": Number,
"timestamp": Date (format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX)
"location": String (relative URI)