Releases: ServerMod/MultiAdmin
Releases · ServerMod/MultiAdmin
1.2.3 - MultiAdmin
- Fix pesky config reload
- Add github autosubmission of errors from your game log file! can be disabled in spc_mulitadmin.cfg with submit_errors=false; i highly recommend you leave this on so i can fix as many issue as possible in servermod.
- Add soft restart on low memory. Use RESTART_LOW_MEMORY_ROUNDEND (default 400)
- Add low memory warning prints to console
- Add get boolean method to config parser
- Add message about donations <_< it felt weird
MutliAdmin 1.2.2 + ServerMod 1.2.1
- Add MA logging ([date]-MA_output_log.txt)
- Game logs will now be this format: [date]-SPC_output_log.txt
- Better config reload handling.
- All server restarts will now be soft (multiadmin wont restart).
- MemoryChecker was checking memory wrong way around (code was taken from localadmin so ???), it will now work as intended.
- TitleBar will now show the PID.
- Fix two null reference exceptions (your logs will now be back at normal size).
- Cursor is now disabled.
1.2.1 - MultiAdmin
- Fix chained config restarting servers once they are already going on crash.
- Fixed low memory checker, by default the server will restart once its working memory reaches 400mb, this is configurable using: RESTART_LOW_MEMORY (changed from SHUTDOWN_LOW_MEMORY).
1.2 - MultiAdmin
- Update events for new messages, Everything should work now
- Silent Crashing, no longer needs user input if unity crashes. (crash logs should still be saved).
Works best with ServerMod 1.2.1.
1.2.1 - ServerMod
- 1.2.1 Fix player connect being triggered more than once.
- Update for this version
- Added following server name variables:
--$scp_alive - number of alive SCPS.
--$scp_start - number of SCPs at start of the round.
--$scp_counter - prints $scp_alive/$scp_start
--$scp_dead - number of dead scps.
--$scp_zombies - current number of zombies.
--$classd_escape - how many class ds have escaped.
--$classd_start - the amount of starting class ds.
--$classd_counter - $classd_escape/$classd_counter.
--$scientists_escape - The number of scientists to escape so far.
--$scientists_start - the amount of starting scientists
--$scientists_counter - $scientists_escape/$scientist_start.
--$scp_kills - number of people killed by scps.
--$warhead_detonated - prints ☢ WARHEAD DETONATED ☢ if its gone off.
You can do this sort of stuff with the new variables:
- no more 106 cleanup for now.
- currently none of the null reference fixes i had in the old version are currently in this version.
- 079 settings still remain and implemented, though they do nothing currently.
MultiAdmin 1.1/ServerMod 1.1
This release has a bug where 173 will not blink, i need to patch a fresh DLL and this wont happen until the next update, so i recommend ServerMod 0.6 or disable 173.
This will be the last release (unless bug fixes are needed) before the next SPC update. Depending on the update, some features may become redundant/no longer possible.
- 1.1 Added CPU hotfix.
- Mostly Rewritten to be nicer and more modular. Easier to extend :D
- No longer uses random strings as session ids, instead uses unix time stamps. no chance for clashing.
- when the game crashes, multiadmin will now launch the game again instead of killing it self and starting a new multiadmin instance.
- Improved config handling.
- Improved error handeling, now more user friendly and less error-prone.
- New command system.
- If the server cant read a mapi input file, it will try for another few attempts. Will no longer require user to press a key.
- Probably lots more
- 1.1: fix blink not working for 173
- ServerName will update on config reload
- Fix minor printing issue when server not verified.
- Increase network send queue size to hopefully reduce the amount of packets not being able to be transmitted from server.
reasoning: currently high load servers will start dropping packets, usually voice chat packets (so if you randomly stop hearing people on full servers this is why) - Add nuke disable cooldown
config: nuke_disable_cooldown
default: 0 seconds
recommended: 80 seconds
reasoning: stop nuke disable/enable spam. - Add SCP106_cleanup [needs testing!]:
config: SCP106_cleanup
default: no
recommended: yes
reasoning: This will stop ragdolls + items spawning when a player dies in 106s dimension. - Add CLASSD_HP for regularity reasons:
config: CLASSD_HP
default: 100 - Add NTFSCIENTIST_HP for regularity reasons:
default: 100 - Add SCIENTIST_HP for regularity reasons:
default: 100 - Add CI_HP for regularity reasons:
config: CI_HP
default: 120 - Add NTFL_HP for regularity reasons:
config: NTFL_HP
default: 120 - Add NTFC_HP for regularity reasons:
config: NTFL_HP
default: 150 - Add NTFG_HP for regularity reasons:
config: NTFL_HP
default: 100 - Add SCP079_DISABLE
config: SCP079_DISABLE
default: no
reasoning: some people want to remove computer from the game. also useful for me for testing. maybe events? - Add SCP049_DISABLE
config: SCP049_DISABLE
default: no
reasoning: useful for me for testing. maybe events? - Add SCP079_DISABLE
config: SCP079_DISABLE
default: no
reasoning: useful for me for testing. maybe events? - Add SCP106_DISABLE
config: SCP106_DISABLE
default: no
reasoning: useful for me for testing. maybe events? - Add SCP173_DISABLE
config: SCP173_DISABLE
default: no
reasoning: useful for me for testing. maybe events? - Add SCP457_DISABLE
config: SCP457_DISABLE
default: no
reasoning: regularity.
ServerMod 1.1
- Fix 173 blink issue
- Remove debug message.
MultiAdmin/ServerMod 0.6
- Fix bug where SCP-079 gets picked twice when banning it as first pick.
- Improve network stability by changing on player disconnect behaviour to hopefully increase the uptime of servers.
- Fix bug where manual start was ignored for the first server.
ServerMod 0.5 - Bugfix
Fixes issue with default health's being messed up.
Added missing class for health configs
ServerMod + MultiAdmin 0.5
Please download ServerMod 0.5.1 instead of this version.
- Fixed bug in latest servermod logfile option.
- Added Command: SHUTDOWNNEXTROUND, will shutdown the server next round.
- Removed "manual" check, replaced with a new config setting called MANUAL_START=true|false default: false
- Added Config: START_CONFIG_ON_FULL=, will start a server with this config id once full. use MANUAL_START and SHUTDOWN_ONCE_EMPTY with this. Requires ServerMod
- Added Config: SHUTDOWN_ONCE_EMPTY_FOR=, will shut the server down if a new round hasnt started in x seconds.
- Added RESTART_EVERY_NUM_ROUNDS, which will restart the server after x rounds, set to -1 to never restart automatically.
- Made more linux friendly (untested).
- MultiAdmin.cfg must now be named spc_multiadmin.cfg instead due to way the game is launched.
This update will hopefully improve stability of your server, or at the very least make the log files it produces manageble by reducing the amount of null reference errors.
- The server will no longer think it has hands.
- Computer no longer has a corpse drop on him after being turned off. (untested)
- Fixed Radio null pointer spam in logs
- Fix various 914 null pointers.
- Fix bug when using classlist (does not show the 10 class on pages). Added max hp to the printed info.
- Cusor is now hard coded to not lock (do not use this mod on clients, you may have a bad time).
- Added NO_SCP079_FIRST to config, use this to disable the first SCP becoming computer. Default = true
- Experimental settings:
- Added SCP049_HP to config, use this to set the starting HP for the class. Default = 1200
- Added SCP049-2_HP to config , use this to set the starting HP for the class. Default = 400
- Added SCP079_HP to config, use this to set the starting HP for the class. Default = 100
- Added SCP106_HP to config, use this to set the starting HP for the class. Default = 700
- Added SCP457_HP to config, use this to set the starting HP for the class. Default = 700