diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 0eb6d8b..186c93a 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +## 1.2.2 +- [language.lua] More identifiers. Again. +- [themes] Incorporated the latest (1.12.2) VS Code default themes + ## 1.2.1 - [language.lua] More closely match WoW's Lua 5.1 environement: functions like `tinsert()`, `table.getn()`, `table.foreach()`... actually exist in WoW so we don't tag them as removed or deprecated anymore. - [language.lua] Fixed a typo in `'RightButton'` diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5fb5385..f486084 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ This World of Warcraft addon developer toolset for VS Code includes an improved * **Full WoW 7.2.x API** * **New since 1.2.0: A bunch of useful code snippets, thanks to [m4xc4v413r4](https://github.com/m4xc4v413r4)** * Improved Lua 5.1 grammar with World of Warcraft's built-in Lua interpreter specificities -* Extensive widgets and Lua library support +* Extensive FrameXML widgets and Lua library support * `.toc` file colorization * Four new, dedicated color themes based on VS Code's default themes: Light+, Dark+, Monokai and Monokai Dimmed @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ wow-bundle replaces VS Code's built-in Lua language grammar. Changes worth notic wow-bundle's Lua grammar also tags a bunch of WoW-related stuff: -* **Blizzard's extensions to the Lua language** like `wipe()`, `strjoin()`, etc. +* **Blizzard's extensions to the Lua language** like `[table.]wipe()`, `strjoin()`, etc. * **World of Warcraft API functions**, with support for functions that can't be called while in combat and functions that can be called only from secure code * **WoW Library functions** written in Lua (mostly used by UI code) * **Global objects** like `UIParent`, `GameFontNormal` and such @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ wow-bundle's Lua grammar also tags a bunch of WoW-related stuff: ![lua](images/lua.png) -#### Toc files +#### > Toc files Also included is a simple grammar for `.toc` files with support for keywords (like `## Interface`, `## Author` and such) and X-keywords (like `## X-Date`, `## X-Website` and such) diff --git a/images/lua.png b/images/lua.png index a54d62a..74a64b3 100644 Binary files a/images/lua.png and b/images/lua.png differ diff --git a/images/themes.gif b/images/themes.gif index 6db52f1..f0e39ca 100644 Binary files a/images/themes.gif and b/images/themes.gif differ diff --git a/languages/grammars/wow-lua.tmLanguage b/languages/grammars/wow-lua.tmLanguage index 1e7fde4..79b711e 100644 --- a/languages/grammars/wow-lua.tmLanguage +++ b/languages/grammars/wow-lua.tmLanguage @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ invalid.illegal.lua - + match (?<!^\.|[^.]\.|:)\b(abs|acos|asin|assert|atan2?|ceil|collectgarbage|cos|date|debug(?:locals|profile(?:start|stop)|stack)|error|deg|difftime|exp|fastrandom|floor|forceinsecure|foreachi?|format|frexp|gcinfo|get(?:errorhandler|fenv|metatable)|gmatch|gsub|hooksecurefunc|issecure(?:variable)?|ipairs|ldexp|loadstring|log(?:10)?|max|min|mod|next|newproxy|pairs|pcall|print|rad|random|raw(?:equal|get|set)|scrub|securecall|select|set(?:errorhandler|fenv|metatable)|sin|sort|sqrt|str(?:byte|char|cmputf8i|concat|join|len|find|lower|match|rep|rev|split|trim|sub|upper|lenutf8)|tan|time|to(?:number|string)|type|unpack|wipe|xpcall)\b @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ support.function.metamethod.lua - + match (?<!^\.|[^.]\.|:)(\bcoroutine\b)(?:(\.)(create|resume|running|status|wrap|yield)\b)? @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ - + match (\bstring\b)(?:(\.)(?:(byte|char|dump|find|format|gmatch|gsub|join|len|lower|match|rep|reverse|rtgsub|split|sub|trim|upper)|(gfind))\b)? @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ - + match (\btable\b)(?:(\.)(?:(concat|insert|maxn|remove|removemulti|sort|wipe)|(foreachi?|getn|setn))\b)? @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ - + match (\bmath\b)(?:(\.)(?:(abs|acos|asin|atan2?|ceil|cosh?|deg|exp|floor|fmod|frexp|ldexp|log(?:10)?|max|min|modf|pow|rad|random|sinh?|sqrt|tanh?)|(huge|pi))\b)? @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ - + match (\bbit\b)(?:(\.)(bnot|band|bor|bxor|lshift|rshift|arshift|mod)\b)? @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ match - \b(AcceptArenaTeam|AcceptLFGMatch|AcceptSkillUps|AddMute|AddOrDelMute|AddPreviewTalentPoints|AddSkillUp|AddUnit|AddUnitAtlas|AddUnitFileID|ApplyTransmogrifications|ArenaTeamDisband|ArenaTeamInviteByName|ArenaTeamLeave|ArenaTeamRoster|ArenaTeamSetLeaderByName|ArenaTeamUninviteByName|BNCreateConversation|BNGetBlockedToonInfo|BNGetConversationInfo|BNGetConversationMemberInfo|BNGetCustomMessageTable|BNGetFriendInviteInfoByAddon|BNGetFriendToonInfo|BNGetMatureLanguageFilter|BNGetMaxNumConversations|BNGetMaxPlayersInConversation|BNGetNumBlockedToons|BNGetNumConversationMembers|BNGetNumFriendToons|BNGetSelectedToonBlock|BNGetToonInfo|BNInviteToConversation|BNIsFriendConversationValid|BNIsToonBlocked|BNLeaveConversation|BNListConversation|BNReportFriendInvite|BNSendConversationMessage|BNSetFocus|BNSetMatureLanguageFilter|BNSetSelectedToonBlock|BNSetToonBlocked|BNTokenCombineGivenAndSurname|BankButtonIDToInvSlotID|BarberShopReset|BattlefieldMgrEntryInviteResponse|BattlefieldMgrExitRequest|BattlefieldMgrQueueInviteResponse|BattlefieldMgrQueueRequest|BattlefieldSetPendingReportTarget|BattlegroundShineFadeIn|BattlegroundShineFadeOut|BeginTrade|BindEnchant|BonusActionBarGetBarInfo|BonusActionButtonDown|BonusActionButtonUp|BuyPetition|BuySkillTier|BuyStableSlot|BuybackItem|C_ArtifactUI\.(?:GetPowersAffectedByRelicItemID)|C_Garrison\.(?:GetFollowerDisplayIDByID|GetRewardChance|IsFollowerUnique)|C_Heirloom\.(?:GetHeirloomItemIDFromIndex)|C_MountJournal\.(?:GetMountInfo|GetMountInfoExtra|GetMountInfoExtra|Summon)|C_NamePlate\.(?:GetNamePlateOtherSize|SetNamePlateOtherSize)|C_PetJournal\.(?:AddAllPetSourcesFilter|AddAllPetTypesFilter|ClearAllPetSourcesFilter|ClearAllPetTypesFilter|GetSummonedPetID|IsFlagFiltered|IsPetSourceFiltered|IsPetTypeFiltered|SetFlagFilter|SetPetSourceFilter|SummonPetByID)|C_PurchaseAPI\.(?:AckFailure|AssignToTarget|DeliverProduct|GetCharacterInfoByGUID|GetCharactersForRealm|GetConfirmationInfo|GetCurrencyID|GetDeliverStatus|GetDistributionInfo|GetDistributionList|GetEligibleRacesForRaceChange|GetEntryInfo|GetFailureInfo|GetProductGroupInfo|GetProductGroups|GetProductInfo|GetProductList|GetProducts|GetPurchaseList|GetPurchaseStatus|GetRealmList|GetUnrevokedBoostInfo|GetVASCompletionInfo|GetVASErrors|GetVASRealmList|HasDistributionList|HasProductList|HasProductType|HasPurchaseInProgress|HasPurchaseList|IsAvailable|IsRegionLocked|PurchaseProduct|PurchaseProductConfirm|PurchaseVASProduct|SetDisconnectOnLogout|SetVASProductReady)|C_Scenario\.(?:GetBonusCriteriaInfo|GetBonusStepInfo|IsChallengeMode)|C_SharedCharacterServices\.(HasFreeDistribution|HasSeenPopup)|C_TaskQuest\.(?:GetQuestObjectiveStrByQuestID|GetQuestProgressBarInfo|GetQuestTitleByQuestID)|C_ToyBox\.(?:ClearAllSourceTypesFiltered|FilterToys|GetFilterCollected|GetFilterUncollected|IsSourceTypeFiltered|SetAllSourceTypesFiltered|SetFilterCollected|SetFilterSourceType|SetFilterUncollected)|C_TransmogCollection\.(?:SetFilterCategory)|C_Vignettes\.(?:GetVignetteInstanceID)|C_WowTokenSecure\.(?:GetRedemptionInfo)|CalendarGetDayEvent|CalendarGetHolidayInfo|CalendarMassInviteArenaTeam|CanCooperateWithToon|CanIgnoreQuest|CanSendLFGQuery|CanTransform|CanTransmogrifyItemWithItem|CanUseEquipmentSets|CancelPendingLFG|CancelSkillUps|CastGlyph|CastGlyphByID|CastGlyphByName|CastGlyphCastGlyphByID|ChannelSilenceVoice|ChannelUnSilenceVoice|ChannelVoiceOff|ChannelVoiceOn|CheckReadyCheckTime|ClearChannelWatch|ClearLFGAutojoin|ClearLFGDungeon|ClearLFMAutofill|ClearLookingForGroup|ClearLookingForMore|ClearMissingLootDisplay|ClearTransmogrifySlot|ClickStablePet|ClickTransmogrifySlot|CloseArenaTeamRoster|CloseBattlefield|CloseReforge|CloseTradeSkill|CloseTransmogrifyFrame|CollapseSkillHeader|CollapseTradeSkillSubClass|CollapseTrainerSkillLine|CommentatorAddPlayer|CommentatorEnterInstance|CommentatorExitInstance|CommentatorFollowPlayer|CommentatorFollowUnit|CommentatorGetCamera|CommentatorGetCurrentMapID|CommentatorGetInstanceInfo|CommentatorGetMapInfo|CommentatorGetMode|CommentatorGetNumMaps|CommentatorGetNumPlayers|CommentatorGetPartyInfo|CommentatorGetPlayerInfo|CommentatorGetSkirmishMode|CommentatorGetSkirmishQueueCount|CommentatorGetSkirmishQueuePlayerInfo|CommentatorInfo|CommentatorLookatPlayer|CommentatorRemovePlayer|CommentatorRequestSkirmishMode|CommentatorRequestSkirmishQueueData|CommentatorSetBattlemaster|CommentatorSetCamera|CommentatorSetCameraCollision|CommentatorSetMapAndInstanceIndex|CommentatorSetMode|CommentatorSetMoveSpeed|CommentatorSetPlayerIndex|CommentatorSetSkirmishMatchmakingMode|CommentatorSetTargetHeightOffset|CommentatorStartInstance|CommentatorStartSkirmishMatch|CommentatorStartWargame|CommentatorToggleMode|CommentatorUpdateMapInfo|CommentatorUpdatePlayerInfo|CommentatorZoomIn|CommentatorZoomOut|ComplainChat|CreateArenaTeam|CreateMiniWorldMapArrowFrame|CreateWorldMapArrowFrame|DeclineArenaTeam|DeclineInvite|DeclineLFGMatch|DelMute|DeleteEquipmentSet|DevTest1|DisplayChannelVoiceOff|DisplayChannelVoiceOn|DoTradeSkill|DownloadSettings|DrawRout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+ 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(['"])(ADD|Alliance|ANCHOR_(?:BOTTOM(?:LEFT|RIGHT)?|CURSOR|LEFT|NONE|PRESERVE|RIGHT|TOP(?:LEFT|RIGHT)?)|APLHAKEY|ARTWORK|AUTOLOOTTOGGLE|BACKGROUND|BLEND|BORDER|BOTTOM(?:LEFT|RIGHT)?|Button[1-5]|CENTER|CHATLINK|COMPAREITEMS|DAMAGER|DIALOG|DRESSUP|FOCUSCAST|FULLSCREEN(?:_DIALOG)?|HEALER|HIGH|HIGHLIGHT|Horde|LeftButton(?:Down|Up)?|LEFT|LOW|MAILAUTOLOOTTOGGLE|MAINASSIST|MAINTANK|MEDIUM|MIDDLE|MiddleButton|MOD|NONE|OPENALLBAGS|OVERLAY|PICKUPACTION|QUESTWATCHTOGGLE|RightButton(?:Down|Up)?|RIGHT|SELFCAST|SHOWITEMFLYOUT|SHOWMULTICASTFLYOUT|SOCKETITEM|SPLITSTACK|STICKYCAMERA|TANK|TOKENWATCHTOGGLE|TOOLTIP|TOP(?:LEFT|RIGHT)?)\1 wow-string-parameters-ci name support.constant.string-parameter.wow-api.lua match - (['"])(?i)(arena[1-5]|boss[1-5]|Browser|Button|CheckButton|ColorSelect|CoolDown|EditBox|focus|Frame|GameTooltip|MessageFrame|MiniMap|mouseover|MovieFrame|none|npc|party(?:pet)?[1-4]|pet|PlayerModel|player|QuestPOIFrame|raid(?:pet)?\d{1,2}|ScenarioPOIFrame|ScrollFrame|ScrollingMessageFrame|SimpleHTML|Slider|StatusBar|target|vehicle)\1 + (['"])(?i)(AmmoSlot|arena[1-5]|BackSlot|Bag[0-3]Slot|boss[1-5]|Browser|Button|CheckButton|ChestSlot|ColorSelect|CoolDown|EditBox|focus|Frame|FeetSlot|Finger[0-1]Slot|GameTooltip|HandsSlot|HeadSlot|LegsSlot|MainHandSlot|MessageFrame|MiniMap|mouseover|MovieFrame|NeckSlot|npc|party(?:pet)?[1-4]|pet|PlayerModel|player|QuestPOIFrame|raid(?:pet)?\d{1,2}|RangedSlot|ScenarioPOIFrame|ScrollFrame|ScrollingMessageFrame|SecondaryHandSlot|ShirtSlot|ShoulderSlot|SimpleHTML|Slider|StatusBar|TabardSlot|target|Trinket[0-1]Slot|vehicle|WaistSlot|WristSlot)\1 diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 7fdbed9..b0367c7 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "name": "wow-bundle", "displayName": "WoW Bundle", "description": "World of Warcraft addon developer toolset for VS Code", - "version": "1.2.1", + "version": "1.2.2", "icon": "images/wow-icon.png", "publisher": "Septh", "license": "MIT", diff --git a/themes/dark_plus_wow.json b/themes/dark_plus_wow.json index 91b1fb3..4cf2824 100644 --- a/themes/dark_plus_wow.json +++ b/themes/dark_plus_wow.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "Dark+ (wow-bundle)", - "include": "./theme-defaults/dark_plus.json", + "include": "./theme-defaults/themes/dark_plus.json", "settings": [ // Comments -- just add italics to the current style { @@ -20,23 +20,29 @@ { "scope": "support.function.metamethod.lua", "settings": { - "foreground": "#c586c0" + "foreground": "#a671a1" } }, { - "scope": "keyword.operator.lua, keyword.operator.logical.lua", + "scope": "keyword.operator.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#569cd6" } }, { - "scope": "variable.language.lua, support.variable.lua", + "scope": "keyword.operator.logical.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#c586c0" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["variable.language.lua", "support.variable.lua"], "settings": { "foreground": "#569cd6" } }, { - "scope": "constant.language.lua, support.constant.lua", + "scope": [ "constant.language.lua", "constant.language.quoted.lua", "support.constant.lua", "support.constant.quoted.lua"], "settings": { "foreground": "#9cdcfe" } @@ -47,6 +53,13 @@ "foreground": "#e6bc85" } }, + { + "scope": "invalid.deprecated.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#c586c0", + "fontStyle": "underline" + } + }, // Word of Warcraft .toc file colors { @@ -76,7 +89,7 @@ // World of Warcraft API colors { - "comment": "Catches everything not defined below", + "comment": "This catches everything not defined below", "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api", "support.function.wow-library", "support.variable.object.wow-api", "support.variable.object.wow-library", @@ -94,27 +107,35 @@ }, { - "name": "WoW API functions", + "name": "WoW C API functions", "scope": "support.function.wow-api", "settings": { "foreground": "#ff8000" } }, { - "scope": [ - "support.function.wow-api.protected", - "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" - ], + "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api.protected", "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" ], + "settings": { + // "foreground": "#cc6600", + "fontStyle": "underline" + } + }, + + { + "name": "Widgets methods", + "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", "settings": { - "foreground": "#cc6600" + // "foreground": "#ffaa00" + "foreground": "#ff8000" } }, { - "name": "WoW Library (FrameXML)", + "name": "WoW Library (Lua functions)", "scope": "support.function.wow-library", "settings": { - "foreground": "#ffaf3e" + // "foreground": "#ffaf3e" + "foreground": "#ffaa00" } }, { @@ -130,13 +151,6 @@ } }, - { - "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#ffaa00" - } - }, - { "name": "WoW API Constants", "scope": [ @@ -151,19 +165,11 @@ }, { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.deprecated", + "name": "Removed stuff", + "scope": "invalid.removed.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#f44747" } - }, - { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.removed", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#f44747", - "fontStyle": "underline" - } } ] } diff --git a/themes/light_plus_wow.json b/themes/light_plus_wow.json index d2653fd..dd6caf2 100644 --- a/themes/light_plus_wow.json +++ b/themes/light_plus_wow.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "Light+ (wow-bundle)", - "include": "./theme-defaults/light_plus.json", + "include": "./theme-defaults/themes/light_plus.json", "settings": [ // Comments -- just add italics to the current style { @@ -24,19 +24,25 @@ } }, { - "scope": "keyword.operator.lua, keyword.operator.logical.lua", + "scope": "keyword.operator.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#000000" } }, { - "scope": "variable.language.lua, support.variable.lua", + "scope": "keyword.operator.logical.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#000000" } }, { - "scope": "constant.language.lua, support.constant.lua", + "scope": ["variable.language.lua", "support.variable.lua"], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#000000" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ "constant.language.lua", "constant.language.quoted.lua", "support.constant.lua", "support.constant.quoted.lua"], "settings": { "foreground": "#09885a" } @@ -44,8 +50,14 @@ { "scope": "constant.character.escape.lua", "settings": { - "foreground": "#cc1b1b", - "fontStyle": "bold" + "foreground": "#cc1b1b" + } + }, + { + "scope": "invalid.deprecated.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#0000ff", + "fontStyle": "underline" } }, @@ -77,7 +89,7 @@ // World of Warcraft API colors { - "comment": "Catches everything not defined below", + "comment": "This catches everything not defined below", "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api", "support.function.wow-library", "support.variable.object.wow-api", "support.variable.object.wow-library", @@ -95,24 +107,30 @@ }, { - "name": "WoW API functions", + "name": "WoW C API functions", "scope": "support.function.wow-api", "settings": { "foreground": "#cc6600" } }, { - "scope": [ - "support.function.wow-api.protected", - "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" - ], + "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api.protected", "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" ], + "settings": { + // "foreground": "#994c00", + "fontStyle": "underline" + } + }, + + { + "name": "Widgets methods", + "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", "settings": { - "foreground": "#994c00" + "foreground": "#cc6600" } }, { - "name": "WoW Library (FrameXML)", + "name": "WoW Library (Lua functions)", "scope": "support.function.wow-library", "settings": { "foreground": "#b37a2b" @@ -131,13 +149,6 @@ } }, - { - "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#cc6600" - } - }, - { "name": "WoW API Constants", "scope": [ @@ -152,19 +163,11 @@ }, { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.deprecated", + "name": "Removed stuff", + "scope": "invalid.removed.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#f44747" } - }, - { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.removed", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#f44747", - "fontStyle": "underline" - } } ] } diff --git a/themes/monokai_dimmed_wow.json b/themes/monokai_dimmed_wow.json index a03ede6..2e20614 100644 --- a/themes/monokai_dimmed_wow.json +++ b/themes/monokai_dimmed_wow.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { - "name": "Monokai (wow-bundle)", - "include": "./theme-monokai-dimmed/dimmed-monokai.json", + "name": "Monokai Dimmed (wow-bundle)", + "include": "./theme-monokai-dimmed/themes/dimmed-monokai-color-theme.json", "settings": [ // Comments -- just add italics to the current style { @@ -10,17 +10,6 @@ } }, - // Comments -- just add italics to the current style - { - "scope": [ - "comment.toc", - "comment.lua" - ], - "settings": { - "fontStyle": "italic" - } - }, - // Lua colors ONLY - except for comments above, we dont mess with other languages { "scope": "support.function.lua", @@ -35,19 +24,25 @@ } }, { - "scope": "keyword.operator.lua, keyword.operator.logical.lua", + "scope": "keyword.operator.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#676867" + } + }, + { + "scope": "keyword.operator.logical.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#676867" } }, { - "scope": "variable.language.lua, support.variable.lua", + "scope": ["variable.language.lua", "support.variable.lua"], "settings": { "foreground": "#569cd6" } }, { - "scope": "constant.language.lua, support.constant.lua", + "scope": [ "constant.language.lua", "constant.language.quoted.lua", "support.constant.lua", "support.constant.quoted.lua"], "settings": { "foreground": "#9cdcfe" } @@ -58,6 +53,12 @@ "foreground": "#d1e64e" } }, + { + "scope": "invalid.deprecated.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#f44747" + } + }, // Word of Warcraft .toc file colors { @@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ // World of Warcraft API colors { - "comment": "Catches everything not defined below", + "comment": "This catches everything not defined below", "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api", "support.function.wow-library", "support.variable.object.wow-api", "support.variable.object.wow-library", @@ -105,24 +106,29 @@ }, { - "name": "WoW API functions", + "name": "WoW C API functions", "scope": "support.function.wow-api", "settings": { "foreground": "#ff8000" } }, { - "scope": [ - "support.function.wow-api.protected", - "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" - ], + "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api.protected", "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" ], "settings": { "foreground": "#cc6600" } }, { - "name": "WoW Library (FrameXML)", + "name": "Widgets methods", + "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#ffaa00" + } + }, + + { + "name": "WoW Library (Lua functions)", "scope": "support.function.wow-library", "settings": { "foreground": "#ffaf3e" @@ -141,13 +147,6 @@ } }, - { - "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#ffaa00" - } - }, - { "name": "WoW API Constants", "scope": [ @@ -162,19 +161,11 @@ }, { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.deprecated", + "name": "Removed stuff", + "scope": "invalid.removed.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#f44747" } - }, - { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.removed", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#f44747", - "fontStyle": "underline" - } } ] } diff --git a/themes/monokai_wow.json b/themes/monokai_wow.json index 14948ea..aecb5bc 100644 --- a/themes/monokai_wow.json +++ b/themes/monokai_wow.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "Monokai (wow-bundle)", - "include": "./theme-monokai/Monokai.json", + "include": "./theme-monokai/themes/monokai-color-theme.json", "settings": [ // Comments -- just add italics to the current style { @@ -24,30 +24,73 @@ } }, { - "scope": "keyword.operator.lua, keyword.operator.logical.lua", + "scope": "keyword.operator.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#f92672" } }, + { + "scope": "keyword.operator.logical.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#f92672" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["variable.language.lua", "support.variable.lua"], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#09885a" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ "constant.language.lua", "constant.language.quoted.lua", "support.constant.lua", "support.constant.quoted.lua"], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#09885a" + } + }, + { + "scope": "constant.character.escape.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#cc1b1b", + "fontStyle": "bold" + } + }, + { + "scope": "invalid.deprecated.lua", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#f44747" + } + }, // Word of Warcraft .toc file colors { - "scope": "keyword.other.toc", + "scope": "keyword.operator.toc", "settings": { "foreground": "#f92672" } }, { - "scope": "support.other.toc", + "scope": "keyword.control.toc", "settings": { "foreground": "#ae81ff", "fontStyle": "italic" } }, + { + "scope": "keyword.control.x.toc", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#000000" + } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.parameter.toc", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#ce9178" + } + }, // World of Warcraft API colors { - "comment": "Catches everything not defined below", + "comment": "This catches everything not defined below", "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api", "support.function.wow-library", "support.variable.object.wow-api", "support.variable.object.wow-library", @@ -65,24 +108,29 @@ }, { - "name": "WoW API functions", + "name": "WoW C API functions", "scope": "support.function.wow-api", "settings": { "foreground": "#ff8000" } }, { - "scope": [ - "support.function.wow-api.protected", - "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" - ], + "scope": [ "support.function.wow-api.protected", "support.function.wow-api.nocombat" ], "settings": { "foreground": "#cc6600" } }, { - "name": "WoW Library (FrameXML)", + "name": "Widgets methods", + "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#ffaa00" + } + }, + + { + "name": "WoW Library (Lua functions)", "scope": "support.function.wow-library", "settings": { "foreground": "#ffaf3e" @@ -101,13 +149,6 @@ } }, - { - "scope": "support.class.method.wow-api", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#ffaa00" - } - }, - { "name": "WoW API Constants", "scope": [ @@ -122,15 +163,8 @@ }, { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.deprecated", - "settings": { - "foreground": "#f44747" - } - }, - { - "name": "Removed/deprecated stuff", - "scope": "invalid.removed", + "name": "Removed stuff", + "scope": "invalid.removed.lua", "settings": { "foreground": "#f44747", "fontStyle": "underline" diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/dark_defaults.json b/themes/theme-defaults/dark_defaults.json deleted file mode 100644 index d98ae61..0000000 --- a/themes/theme-defaults/dark_defaults.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "$schema": "vscode://schemas/color-theme", - "name": "Dark Default Colors", - "colors": { - "editorBackground": "#1e1e1e", - "editorForeground": "#D4D4D4", - "editorInactiveSelection": "#3A3D41", - "editorIndentGuides": "#404040", - "editorSelectionHighlight": "#add6ff26" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/light_defaults.json b/themes/theme-defaults/light_defaults.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0760e98..0000000 --- a/themes/theme-defaults/light_defaults.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "$schema": "vscode://schemas/color-theme", - "name": "Light Default Colors", - "colors": { - "editorBackground": "#ffffff", - "editorForeground": "#000000", - "editorInactiveSelection": "#E5EBF1", - "editorIndentGuides": "#d3d3d3", - "editorSelectionHighlight": "#add6ff4d" - } -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/package.json b/themes/theme-defaults/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a73e265 --- /dev/null +++ b/themes/theme-defaults/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +{ + "name": "theme-defaults", + "displayName": "Default Themes", + "description": "The default light and dark themes (Plus and Visual Studio)", + "categories": [ "Themes" ], + "version": "0.1.10", + "publisher": "vscode", + "engines": { "vscode": "*" }, + "contributes": { + "themes": [ + { + "id": "Default Dark+", + "label": "Dark+ (default dark)", + "uiTheme": "vs-dark", + "path": "./themes/dark_plus.json" + }, + { + "id": "Default Light+", + "label": "Light+ (default light)", + "uiTheme": "vs", + "path": "./themes/light_plus.json" + }, + { + "id": "Visual Studio Dark", + "label": "Dark (Visual Studio)", + "uiTheme": "vs-dark", + "path": "./themes/dark_vs.json" + }, + { + "id": "Visual Studio Light", + "label": "Light (Visual Studio)", + "uiTheme": "vs", + "path": "./themes/light_vs.json" + }, + { + "id": "Default High Contrast", + "label": "High Contrast", + "uiTheme": "hc-black", + "path": "./themes/hc_black.json" + } + ], + "iconThemes": [ + { + "id": "vs-minimal", + "label": "Minimal (Visual Studio Code)", + "path": "./fileicons/vs_minimal_icons.json" + } + ] + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_defaults.json b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_defaults.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6900987 --- /dev/null +++ b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_defaults.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "$schema": "vscode://schemas/color-theme", + "name": "Dark Default Colors", + "colors": { + "editor.background": "#1e1e1e", + "editor.foreground": "#D4D4D4", + "editor.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#3A3D41", + "editorIndentGuide.background": "#404040", + "editor.selectionHighlightBackground": "#add6ff26", + "list.dropBackground": "#383B3D" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/dark_plus.json b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_plus.json similarity index 99% rename from themes/theme-defaults/dark_plus.json rename to themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_plus.json index 600050b..972481b 100644 --- a/themes/theme-defaults/dark_plus.json +++ b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_plus.json @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ { "name": "Types declaration and references, TS grammar specific", "scope": [ - "meta.return.type", "meta.type.cast.expr", "meta.type.new.expr", "support.constant.math", diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/dark_vs.json b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_vs.json similarity index 98% rename from themes/theme-defaults/dark_vs.json rename to themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_vs.json index 0f477bf..08b4ecf 100644 --- a/themes/theme-defaults/dark_vs.json +++ b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/dark_vs.json @@ -287,7 +287,8 @@ "keyword.operator.new", "keyword.operator.expression", "keyword.operator.cast", - "keyword.operator.sizeof" + "keyword.operator.sizeof", + "keyword.operator.logical.python" ], "settings": { "foreground": "#569cd6" diff --git a/themes/theme-defaults/themes/hc_black.json b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/hc_black.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fb65f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/themes/theme-defaults/themes/hc_black.json @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +{ + "$schema": "vscode://schemas/color-theme", + "name": "Dark High Contrast", + "include": "./hc_black_defaults.json", + "settings": [ + { + "settings": { + "foreground": "#FFFFFF", + "background": "#000000" + } + }, + { + "scope": "emphasis", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "italic" + } + }, + { + "scope": "strong", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "bold" + } + }, + { + "scope": "meta.diff.header", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#000080" + } + }, + + { + "scope": "comment", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#7ca668" + } + }, + { + "scope": "constant.language", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#569cd6" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "constant.numeric", + "constant.other.color.rgb-value", + "constant.other.rgb-value", + "support.constant.color" + ], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#b5cea8" + } + }, + { + "scope": "constant.regexp", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#b46695" + } + }, + { + "scope": "entity.name.tag", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#569cd6" + } + }, + { + "scope": "entity.name.tag.css", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#d7ba7d" + } + }, + { + "scope": "entity.other.attribute-name", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#9cdcfe" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "entity.other.attribute-name.class.css", + "entity.other.attribute-name.class.mixin.css", + "entity.other.attribute-name.id.css", + "entity.other.attribute-name.parent-selector.css", + "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css", + "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.css", + + "source.css.less entity.other.attribute-name.id", + + "entity.other.attribute-name.attribute.scss", + "entity.other.attribute-name.scss" + ], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#d7ba7d" + } + }, + { + "scope": "invalid", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#f44747" + } + }, + { + "scope": "markup.underline", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "underline" + } + }, + { + "scope": "markup.bold", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "bold" + } + }, + { + "scope": "markup.heading", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#6796e6" + } + }, + { + "scope": "markup.italic", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "italic" + } + }, + { + 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"#569cd6" + } + }, + { + "scope": "storage.modifier", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#569cd6" + } + }, + { + "scope": "string", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#ce9178" + } + }, + { + "scope": "string.tag", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#ce9178" + } + }, + { + "scope": "string.value", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#ce9178" + } + }, + { + "scope": "string.regexp", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#d16969" + } + }, + { + "name": "JavaScript string interpolation ${}", + "scope": [ + "punctuation.definition.template-expression.begin.js", + "punctuation.definition.template-expression.begin.ts", + "punctuation.definition.template-expression.end.ts", + "punctuation.definition.template-expression.end.js" + ], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#569cd6" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "support.type.vendored.property-name", + "support.type.property-name", + "variable.css", + "variable.scss", + "variable.other.less" + ], + "settings": { + "foreground": "#d4d4d4" + } + }, + { + "scope": 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- - - foreground - #9AA83A - - - - name - String Embedded Source - scope - string source - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #D08442 - - - - name - Number - scope - constant.numeric - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #6089B4 - - - - name - Built-in constant - scope - constant.language - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #408080 - - - - name - User-defined constant - scope - constant.character, constant.other - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #8080FF - background - #1e1e1e - - - - name - Keyword - scope - keyword - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #6089B4 - - - - name - Support - scope - support - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #C7444A - - - - name - Storage - scope - storage - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #9872A2 - - - - name - Class name - scope - entity.name.class, entity.name.type - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #9B0000 - background - #1E1E1E - - - - name - Inherited class - scope - 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scope - punctuation.section.embedded -(source string source punctuation.section.embedded), meta.brace.erb.html - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #D0B344 - - - - name - HTML ID - scope - meta.toc-list.id - settings - - foreground - #9AA83A - - - - name - HTML String - scope - string.quoted.double.html, punctuation.definition.string.begin.html, punctuation.definition.string.end.html - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #9AA83A - - - - name - HTML Tags - scope - punctuation.definition.tag.html, punctuation.definition.tag.begin, punctuation.definition.tag.end - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #6089B4 - - - - name - CSS ID - scope - meta.selector.css entity.other.attribute-name.id - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #9872A2 - - - - name - CSS Property Name - scope - support.type.property-name.css - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #676867 - - - - name - CSS Property Value - scope - meta.property-group support.constant.property-value.css, 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- - foreground - #D0B344 - - - - name - Ruby Special Method - scope - keyword.other.special-method.ruby - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #D9B700 - - - - name - Ruby Embedded Source - scope - source.ruby.embedded.source - settings - - foreground - #D08442 - - - - name - SQL - scope - keyword.other.DML.sql - settings - - fontStyle - - - foreground - #D0B344 - - - - name - diff: header - scope - meta.diff, meta.diff.header - settings - - background - #b58900 - fontStyle - italic - foreground - #E0EDDD - - - - name - diff: deleted - scope - markup.deleted - settings - - background - #eee8d5 - fontStyle - - foreground - #dc322f - - - - name - diff: changed - scope - markup.changed - settings - - background - #eee8d5 - fontStyle - - foreground - #cb4b16 - - - - name - diff: inserted - scope - markup.inserted - settings - - background - #eee8d5 - foreground - #219186 - - - - name - Markup Quote - scope - markup.quote - settings - - foreground - #9872A2 - - - - name - Markup Lists - 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- name - Invalid deprecated - scope - invalid.deprecated - settings - - background - #AE81FF - foreground - #F8F8F0 - - - - name - JSON String - scope - meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json - settings - - foreground - #CFCFC2 - - - - - name - diff.header - scope - meta.diff, meta.diff.header - settings - - foreground - #75715E - - - - name - diff.deleted - scope - markup.deleted - settings - - foreground - #F92672 - - - - name - diff.inserted - scope - markup.inserted - settings - - foreground - #A6E22E - - - - name - diff.changed - scope - markup.changed - settings - - foreground - #E6DB74 - - - - - scope - constant.numeric.line-number.find-in-files - match - settings - - foreground - #AE81FFA0 - - - - scope - entity.name.filename.find-in-files - settings - - foreground - #E6DB74 - - - - - name - Markup Quote - scope - markup.quote - settings - - foreground - #F92672 - - - - name - Markup Lists - scope - markup.list - settings - - foreground - #E6DB74 - - - - name - Markup Styling - scope - markup.bold, markup.italic - settings - - foreground - #66D9EF - - - - name - Markup Inline - scope - markup.inline.raw - settings - - fontStyle - - foreground - #FD971F - - - - name - Markup Headings - scope - markup.heading - settings - - foreground - #A6E22E - - - - name - Markup Setext Header - scope - markup.heading.setext - settings - - fontStyle - - foreground - #A6E22E - - - - - - uuid - D8D5E82E-3D5B-46B5-B38E-8C841C21347D - - diff --git a/themes/theme-monokai/OSSREADME.json b/themes/theme-monokai/OSSREADME.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddb630b --- /dev/null +++ b/themes/theme-monokai/OSSREADME.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +// ATTENTION - THIS DIRECTORY CONTAINS THIRD PARTY OPEN SOURCE MATERIALS: + +[{ + "name": "Colorsublime-Themes", + "version": "0.1.0", + "repositoryURL": "https://github.com/Colorsublime/Colorsublime-Themes", + "description": "The themes in this folders are copied from colorsublime.com. <<>>" +}] diff --git 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"constant.numeric", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#AE81FF" + } + }, + { + "name": "Built-in constant", + "scope": "constant.language", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#AE81FF" + } + }, + { + "name": "User-defined constant", + "scope": "constant.character, constant.other", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#AE81FF" + } + }, + { + "name": "Variable", + "scope": "variable", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "" + } + }, + { + "name": "Keyword", + "scope": "keyword", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#F92672" + } + }, + { + "name": "Storage", + "scope": "storage", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "", + "foreground": "#F92672" + } + }, + { + "name": "Storage type", + "scope": "storage.type", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "italic", + "foreground": "#66D9EF" + } + }, + { + "name": "Class name", + "scope": "entity.name.type, entity.name.class", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "underline", + "foreground": "#A6E22E" + } + }, + { + "name": "Inherited class", + "scope": "entity.other.inherited-class", 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"fontStyle": "italic", + "foreground": "#66D9EF" + } + }, + { + "name": "Library variable", + "scope": "support.other.variable", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "" + } + }, + { + "name": "Invalid", + "scope": "invalid", + "settings": { + "background": "#F92672", + "fontStyle": "", + "foreground": "#F8F8F0" + } + }, + { + "name": "Invalid deprecated", + "scope": "invalid.deprecated", + "settings": { + "background": "#AE81FF", + "foreground": "#F8F8F0" + } + }, + { + "name": "JSON String", + "scope": "meta.structure.dictionary.json string.quoted.double.json", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#CFCFC2" + } + }, + { + "name": "diff.header", + "scope": "meta.diff, meta.diff.header", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#75715E" + } + }, + { + "name": "diff.deleted", + "scope": "markup.deleted", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#F92672" + } + }, + { + "name": "diff.inserted", + "scope": "markup.inserted", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#A6E22E" + } + }, + { + "name": "diff.changed", + "scope": "markup.changed", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#E6DB74" + } + }, + { + "scope": "constant.numeric.line-number.find-in-files - match", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#AE81FFA0" + } + }, + { + "scope": "entity.name.filename.find-in-files", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#E6DB74" + } + }, + { + "name": "Markup Quote", + "scope": "markup.quote", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#F92672" + } + }, + { + "name": "Markup Lists", + "scope": "markup.list", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#E6DB74" + } + }, + { + "name": "Markup Styling", + "scope": "markup.bold, markup.italic", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#66D9EF" + } + }, + { + "name": "Markup Inline", + "scope": "markup.inline.raw", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "", + "foreground": "#FD971F" + } + }, + { + "name": "Markup Headings", + "scope": "markup.heading", + "settings": { + "foreground": "#A6E22E" + } + }, + { + "name": "Markup Setext Header", + "scope": "markup.heading.setext", + "settings": { + "fontStyle": "", + 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