- Step 1 : Fork this repository
- Step 2 : Clone the repository to your local machine
- Step 3 : Figure out the bugs or the improvement, and mentions provided in the issue section of the repository
- Step 4 : Add the changes to your repository with your comment(author, description, date) in the code
- Step 5 : Run formatRun.bat file to make the code format organize
- Step 6 : Run SpotBugs.bat file to check and fix the bug
- Step 7 : Create a Pull Request, And that's all
- Plug-In : Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Search > Find Google-Java-Format
- StandAlone : java -jar lib/google-java-format-1.9-all-deps.jar --replace src/*.java Run formatRun.bat
- Plug-In : Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Search > Find SpotBugs
- StandAlone : java -jar lib/spotbugs/spotbugs.jar -project SpotBugs.fbp Run SpotBugs.bat
- Naming : T0#_functionNameCheckTest
- Path : src/test
- Assertion : assertEquals(expected, actual)
- Plug-In : Help > Eclipse Marketplace > Search > Find EclEmma > Coverage As