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The YCB-Multicam-Dataset

Since computer vision is an important aspect in the field of robotics, the choice of suitable 3D sensors is of great significance. In order to evaluate the suitability of these sensors, there exists the need for datasets that include multiple sensors in a comparable fashion. This dataset was conceived in order to satisfy that need and provide a basis for a quantitative comparison of 3D sensors with regard to object recognition. The dataset provides 32 scenes containing a selection of 20 objects from the YCB Object and Model set and is designed to compare 6DOF pose estimation of object recognition algorithms applied to the data of different cameras.

The scenes also contain a marker board featuring fiducial markers (ArUco-markers) which provides a reference frame shared among the cameras and the ground truth annotations. This marker board also acts as a calibration means for the inter-camera calibration.

The data in this dataset are divided into two parts, based on the acquisition method. For the first part the cameras were held in place at nine fixed positions and recorded sequentially in order to avoid interference between the sensors. The second part contains recordings of the scene for which each camera moved in a trajectory around the scene. Again, the recordings were performed sequentially in order to avoid interference.

Recording the multicam dataset

Important note: This dataset is not conceived as a training dataset i.e. for neuronal networks. Since the data are heavily biased (same background and marker board visible in every scene), the resulting trained model will most likely yield suboptimal results in data other than what is provided.


We included the following 3D-sensors into the dataset. Sensors that do not yield RGB images are marked with an asterisk.

Structured Light

  • ASUS Xtion Pro Live

  • Orbbec Astra

Active Stereo

  • Ensenso N35

  • Intel RealSense R200

Time of Flight

  • Microsoft Kinect2

  • PMD CamBoard pico flexx*

  • Basler ToF Engineering Sample*

Structure of the dataset

The dataset was recorded using ROS and hence is stored in the versatile rosbag format. In each rosbag file there are multiple messages containing the following data:

  1. Raw RGB/infrared image (for convenience also named ’rgb’ in the data)

  2. RGB/infrared camera intrinsics

  3. Raw Depth image

  4. Depth camera intrinsics

  5. Pointcloud registered to the rgb/infrared image

In total there are 8064 annotated frames from the snapshots and about 47000 annotated frames from the trajectory recordings. For all frames we provide the transforms between the camera frames as well as the transforms from the camera rig to the marker board reference frame.

The folder structure of the dataset:

The snapshots are compressed with bz2 and can be decompressed with the ROSBag commandline tools like: find . -type f -name "*.bag*" -exec rosbag decompress {} \;

Provided code for evaluation

In this repository we provide an interface for easy access to the dataset. It is written in Python 2.7 and uses ROS, which is both needed in order to use this code.

The YCBMulticamDataset class contains the following fields:

cams - List of used camera names as strings

classes - List of used object classes

... and the following methods:

get_data(cam[string], source[DataSource], cloud[bool]) - returns a Python Generator which iterates over all available frames of a given camera and from a given source (i.e. fixed positions, trajectories or both)


  1. cam : string containing the name of desired camera as in , e.g.: ’astra’

  2. source : a value of the enum DataSource which can be either SNAPSHOT (data from fixed positions), RECORDING (data from trajectories) or ALL (all available data)

  3. cloud a boolean that indicates, whether the point cloud data should be retrieved

The generated frames have the following format:

Provided code for visualization

  • edit paths to the datset in the launch/visualizer.launch launchfile
  • run roslaunch ycb_multicam_dataset visualizer.launch
  • run rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
  • edit scene and position in rqt_reconfigure

Sample data

In the following figure we provide some sample data from the dataset. It contains the depth data captured by all used sensors, as well as ground truth annotations on its own and rendered into the scene for the pointcloud of the Ensenso N35 camera.