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Secret Network is the first blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts. Applications built on Secret Network utilize encrypted data without exposing it to anyone, even the nodes in the network.
Secret Network empowers developers to build decentralized, permissionless, privacy-preserving applications - Secret Apps. For blockchain technology to reach global adoption, users and organizations need granular control over their data. Private by default - transparent when needed - Secret Network's programmable privacy delivers this level of control, securing and scaling Web 3.0.
Secret #DeFi is here. Now you can trade secret tokens with frontrunning resistance, improved privacy protections, and low cost. Start using SecretSwap now and stay tuned for more info on next step, a native governance token for Secret DeFi, and more rewards.
Read, watch and absorb the secrets that we publish in
our official blog.
Learn about some of the critical applications being built on Secret Network - and how you can get involved. Help us drive adoption of decentralized finance with security, privacy, and fairness!
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