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304 lines (155 loc) · 14.8 KB

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304 lines (155 loc) · 14.8 KB

19.0.0 (2024-11-29)


  • components: update @scion/components to Angular 19 (0918769)


  • components: Updating @scion/components to Angular 19 introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

18.0.1 (2024-10-03)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents/keyvalue: support null properties (7949ae5)

18.0.0 (2024-05-31)


  • ɵcomponents: update @scion/components.internal to Angular 18 (2a53650)


  • ɵcomponents: Updating @scion/components.internal to Angular 18 introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

17.0.0 (2023-11-15)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents/design: do not unset the default appearance of input elements (4c0a170)
  • ɵcomponents/design: use correct background color for menu options of <select> HTML element (a2e4e14)


  • ɵcomponents: update @scion/components.internal to Angular 17 (ac7f284), closes #174


  • ɵcomponents: Updating @scion/components.internal to Angular 17 introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

    • Update your application to Angular 17; for detailed migration instructions, refer to;

    • Scrollbar-related mixins have been moved to the @scion/components/scrollbar SCSS module; migrate as follows:

      Before migration:

      @use '@scion/components' as sci-components;
      @include sci-components.scrollbar-hide-when-inactive();
      @include sci-components.scrollbar-position();

      After migration:

      @use '@scion/components/scrollbar' as sci-scrollbar;
      @include sci-scrollbar.scrollbar-hide-when-inactive();
      @include sci-scrollbar.scrollbar-position();

16.3.1 (2023-10-23)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents/list: support for custom padding of list items (719c627)
  • ɵcomponents/qualifier-chip-list: support for custom background color (a7f58d3)
  • ɵcomponents/tabbar: ensure tabbar grows with tab content until encountering a layout constraint (f899d3c)

16.3.0 (2023-10-09)


  • ɵcomponents: enable theming of SCION components (e33a358)
  • ɵcomponents: add toggle button component (6fc9edb)

16.2.0 (2023-07-19)

Code Refactoring

  • ɵcomponents: remove NgModules because components are standalone (217101c)
  • ɵcomponents: rename SciParamsEnterComponent to SciKeyValueFieldComponent (b591d30)
  • ɵcomponents: rename SciPropertyComponent to SciKeyValueComponent (fec29be)


  • ɵcomponents: Renaming SciParamsEnterComponent introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

    • Import SciKeyValueFieldComponent instead of SciParamsEnterComponent
    • Change input from paramsFormArray to keyValueFormArray
    • Use SciParamsEnterComponent#toMap instead of SciParamsEnterComponent#toParamsMap
    • Use SciParamsEnterComponent#toDictionary instead of SciParamsEnterComponent#toParamsDictionary
  • ɵcomponents: Renaming SciPropertyComponent introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate:

    • Import SciKeyValueComponent instead of SciPropertyComponent
    • Change input from properties to object
  • ɵcomponents: Removing NgModules introduced a breaking change.

    To migrate, import the components instead of the modules.

16.1.1 (2023-06-14)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents/accordion: stretch header content to full width (7032730)

16.1.0 (2023-06-02)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents: include all SASS files, but only if they are not contained in the directory /@scion/ or its subdirectories (7fc0eb0)


  • ɵcomponents: accept passing undefined in optional inputs (9fc3b12)
  • ɵcomponents: mark required inputs as required (71264fa)
  • ɵcomponents: migrate to standalone components (eb79b56)

16.0.0 (2023-05-15)


  • ɵcomponents: update @scion/components.internal to Angular 16 (f1813e6), closes #151


  • ɵcomponents: improve accessibility of internal components (5555800)


15.0.1 (2023-04-19)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents/filter-field: do not stop propagation of mouse events (87cac1f)
  • ɵcomponents/filter-field: ignore keyboard event if its target is equal to the input element (fe04fd1)

15.0.0 (2022-12-07)


  • ɵcomponents: update @scion/components.internal to Angular 15 (2dd75b5), closes #112


14.0.1 (2022-09-09)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents/params-enter: make title optional (744f9e2)
  • ɵcomponents: fix resolution of SASS modules when linking the library via tsconfig path overrides (bc63340)

14.0.0 (2022-08-16)


  • ɵcomponents: update @scion/components.internal to Angular 14 (1089d2a), closes #96


13.0.1 (2022-05-18)

Bug Fixes

  • ɵcomponents: add Protractor as optional peer dependency as used by page objects (ac7cd26)

13.0.0 (2022-05-17)


  • toolkit: separate toolkit into @scion/toolkit and @scion/components (b8845d1), closes #77


  • toolkit: Separating the toolkit into @scion/toolkit and @scion/components introduced a breaking change.

    Migration of framework-agnostic tools

    Below is the list of framework-agnostic tools:

    • @scion/toolkit/bean-manager
    • @scion/toolkit/observable
    • @scion/toolkit/operators
    • @scion/toolkit/storage
    • @scion/toolkit/util
    • @scion/toolkit/uuid

    To migrate:

    • Install the NPM module @scion/toolkit in version 1.0.0 using the following command: npm install @scion/toolkit --save. Note that the toolkit was previously released as pre-releases of version 13.0.0 or older.

    Migration of Angular-specific components and directives

    The following Angular-specific tools have been moved from @scion/toolkit to @scion/components:

    • @scion/toolkit/dimension
    • @scion/toolkit/sashbox
    • @scion/toolkit/splitter
    • @scion/toolkit/throbber
    • @scion/toolkit/viewport

    To migrate:

    • Install the NPM module @scion/components in version 13.0.0 using the following command: npm install @scion/components @scion/toolkit @angular/cdk --save
    • Search and replace the following imports:
      • @scion/toolkit/dimension@scion/components/dimension
      • @scion/toolkit/sashbox@scion/components/sashbox
      • @scion/toolkit/splitter@scion/components/splitter
      • @scion/toolkit/throbber@scion/components/throbber
      • @scion/toolkit/viewport@scion/components/viewport
    • If you use the viewport scrollbar in other viewport implementations, such as CDK's virtual scroll viewport, follow these steps:
      • Load SASS mixins as SASS module via the @use rule instead of the @import rule, as follows:
        • @import '~@scion/toolkit/viewport/scrollbar';@use '@scion/components' as sci-components;
      • We have renamed the scrollbar style mixins. See viewport description for a full example. Migrate as follows:
        • @include hide-scrollbars-when-inactive();@include sci-components.scrollbar-hide-when-inactive();
        • @include scrollbar();@include sci-components.scrollbar-position();

SEPARATION OF @SCION/TOOLKIT INTO @SCION/[email protected] AND @SCION/[email protected]

Previously, framework-agnostic and Angular-specific tools were published as a single NPM package, which often led to confusion and prevented framework-agnostic tools from having a release cycle independent of the Angular project.

Therefore, we have moved Angular-specific components and directives to the NPM package @scion/components. It will continue to be versioned according to the Angular major release train. On the other hand, framework-agnostic tools will continue to be released under @scion/toolkit, but now starting with version 1.0.0 instead of pre-release versions.

The changelog before the separation into @scion/toolkit and @scion/components can be found here.