Releases: SaviorXTanren/mixer-mixitup
Releases · SaviorXTanren/mixer-mixitup
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.6
New Users:
- Download and un-zip the "" file
- Run MixItUp.exe
Existing Users (Recommended):
- Launch your current version of Mix It Up, you should receive a prompt to automatically update your installation
Existing Users (NOT Recommended):
NOTE: You will be asked to COPY & PASTE in the following steps. This DOES NOT MEAN drag-and-drop, PLEASE do not do this! Copy & Paste is specifically selecting the Copy & Paste options when you right click a folder.
- Download and un-zip the "" file to a different location than your current Mix It Up installation
- Go to your previous Mix It Up installation and do the following:
- Right-click the "Settings" folder
- Select Copy
- Go into the folder of the new version of Mix It Up that you un-zip and do the following:
- Right click anywhere that's not a file
- Select Paste
- Run MixItUp.exe
- (Optional) Delete your old Mix It Up installation folder
Known Issues
Change Log
- Adding new Stream Pass feature
- Adding new Redemption Store feature
- Adding initial rollout of Usage Requirement v2 to Redemption Store:
- Multiple currency, rank, & inventory requirements can now be applied to a single command
- Threshold requirements now allow for the command to be run for every user that participated
- Patreon Benefit has been moved from Settings to User Role requirement
- Adding $toptimeuser___, $topsparksuseduser___, $topembersuseduser__, $top<CURRENCY>user, & $top<RANK>user Special Identifiers to get the user with the highest amount
- Adding Regular Bonus field to Currency/Ranks
- Currency/Rank Role Bonuses now apply only to a user if they specifically have that role (Regular, Subscriber, Mod). If multiple Role Bonuses apply to a user, only the highest one is used
- Inventory items can now be renamed without losing user counts for them
- Adding new fields to User data exporting functionality
- Improvements to User data importing functionality
- Adding Export Quotes option to Quotes page
- Various quality of life & bug fixes
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.5 Preview
0.5.5-preview Merge branch 'preview' into releases/preview
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.5
New Users:
- Download and un-zip the "" file
- Run MixItUp.exe
Existing Users (Recommended):
- Launch your current version of Mix It Up, you should receive a prompt to automatically update your installation
Existing Users (NOT Recommended):
NOTE: You will be asked to COPY & PASTE in the following steps. This DOES NOT MEAN drag-and-drop, PLEASE do not do this! Copy & Paste is specifically selecting the Copy & Paste options when you right click a folder.
- Download and un-zip the "" file to a different location than your current Mix It Up installation
- Go to your previous Mix It Up installation and do the following:
- Right-click the "Settings" folder
- Select Copy
- Go into the folder of the new version of Mix It Up that you un-zip and do the following:
- Right click anywhere that's not a file
- Select Paste
- Run MixItUp.exe
- (Optional) Delete your old Mix It Up installation folder
Known Issues
Change Log
- BREAKING CHANGE: Removing Song Requests feature
- BREAKING CHANGE: Removing Twitter Retweet event command due to rate limiting issues with Twitter
- BREAKING CHANGE: The Chat User Banned event command has been updated to support tracking the user that performed the ban. $user____ now represents the user who triggered the ban, while $targetuser____ now represents the user that was banned.
- Adding StreamElements service connectivity and StreamElements donation event command
- Adding initial language localization support for German (de-DE)
- Upgrading settings data formatting to improve reliability and integrity
- Large-scale rework of services connectivity, events, and MixPlay logic to improve speed and reliability
- Adding improved error messaging to connections & services to assist with diagnosing issues for users
- Adding MixPlay spamming input detection for visual cooldowns to prevent extra MixPlay command triggering
- Adding the Mix It Up Overlay as a sound device option for the Sound action
- Adding "Run Ad" option to Streaming Platform action
- Adding "Replaced" comparator to Conditional Action to determine if the 1st value has been changed or replaced due to Special Identifier processing
- Adding Chat User Timeout event command with $timeoutlength Special Identifier
- Adding Chat Whisper Received event command
- Adding $usersubstreak Special Identifier to Mixer Channel Resubscribed event
- Adding $userisregular Special Identifier
- Adding latest Special Identifiers to keep track of last user/usage for various features: $latestfolloweruser____, $latesthostuser____, $latesthostviewercount, $latestsubscriberuser____, $latestsubscribersubmonths, $latestsparkusageuser____, $latestsparkusageamount, $latestemberusageuser____, $latestemberusageamount, $latestdonationuser____, $latestdonationamount
- Adding Special Identifier for Currency/Rank/Inventory to show display-friendly numbers: $user____display
- Adding Special Identifier for Currency/Rank/Inventory to show position relative to all users: $user____position
- Adding support for $skill_____ Special Identifiers in Channel Embers Spent event command
- Adding $userpatreontier Special Identifier
- Adding $milestoneendtime & $milestonetimeremaining Special Identifiers
- Adding $streamviewertotal & $streamchattercount Special Identifier
- Adding option to pin Dashboard window to top of screen
- Revamping New User Wizard experience to better assist and onboard new users
- Adding Accounts page to main menu and moving Mixer Bot Account authentication to this page
- MixPlay actions with the Cooldown option now support Special Identifiers
- Special Identifiers created by Web Request actions are no longer global Special Identifiers
- Adding $isautohost Special Identifier to Mixer Channel Hosted event to indicate if the host occurred by Mixer's built-in auto-hosting
- Updating list of supported Text to Speech voices
- Improving logic with age calcuations for things like follow age, subscriber age, etc
- Fixing bug with WASD buttons being reversed for MixPlay Joystick Commands
- Various quality of life & bug fixes
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.4 Preview
0.5.4-preview - Updating Currency editor error message
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.4
New Users:
- Download and un-zip the "" file
- Run MixItUp.exe
Existing Users (Recommended):
- Launch your current version of Mix It Up, you should receive a prompt to automatically update your installation
Existing Users (NOT Recommended):
NOTE: You will be asked to COPY & PASTE in the following steps. This DOES NOT MEAN drag-and-drop, PLEASE do not do this! Copy & Paste is specifically selecting the Copy & Paste options when you right click a folder.
- Download and un-zip the "" file to a different location than your current Mix It Up installation
- Go to your previous Mix It Up installation and do the following:
- Right-click the "Settings" folder
- Select Copy
- Go into the folder of the new version of Mix It Up that you un-zip and do the following:
- Right click anywhere that's not a file
- Select Paste
- Run MixItUp.exe
- (Optional) Delete your old Mix It Up installation folder
Known Issues
Change Log
- Adding End Credits Overlay Widget
- Adding the ability to select Single Action for Conditional Actions
- Adding Trivia game type
- Adding JustGiving service integration
- Adding the ability to upload a file when sending a message to Discord
- Adding additional user metrics for tracking
- Adding dedicated Play button when editing a command for easy testing
- Adding drop-down to Stream Title on Channel page to include last 5 stream titles
- Adding option to convert basic commands to advanced commands when editing them
- Switching Mixer Alerts over to new endpoint
- Various quality of life & bug fixes
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.3 Preview
0.5.3-preview - Charity Stream updates
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.3
New Users:
- Download and un-zip the "" file
- Run MixItUp.exe
Existing Users (Recommended):
- Launch your current version of Mix It Up, you should receive a prompt to automatically update your installation
Existing Users (NOT Recommended):
NOTE: You will be asked to COPY & PASTE in the following steps. This DOES NOT MEAN drag-and-drop, PLEASE do not do this! Copy & Paste is specifically selecting the Copy & Paste options when you right click a folder.
- Download and un-zip the "" file to a different location than your current Mix It Up installation
- Go to your previous Mix It Up installation and do the following:
- Right-click the "Settings" folder
- Select Copy
- Go into the folder of the new version of Mix It Up that you un-zip and do the following:
- Right click anywhere that's not a file
- Select Paste
- Run MixItUp.exe
- (Optional) Delete your old Mix It Up installation folder
Known Issues
Change Log
- Large-scale overhaul of the internal Chat logic for better performance
- Adding new Dashboard window with the following items: Chat, Alerts, Quick Commands, Statistics, Game Queue, & Song Requests
- Chat commands now support the use of wild card triggers
- Adding the ability for Chat Commands to be enabled for Chat Context Menu usage
- Adding support for multiple clauses to Conditional action
- Adding rate limiting checks to the Send Message option for the Discord action to cut down on abuse & adding support for custom Discord application usage to circumvent rate limiting
- MixrElixr emotes can now be enabled in the Chat Settings menu to be used and displayed in chat
- Adding trade command option to Inventories
- Adding Chat Message Deleted event command
- Chat timestamps can now be enabled in the Chat Settings menu
- Adding support for team campaigns to be selectable for Tiltify service
- Added "Sparks & Embers Only" and "Embers Only" chat moderation rules
- Various quality of life & bug fixes
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.2 Preview
0.5.2-preview - Updating to
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.2
New Users:
- Download and un-zip the "" file
- Run MixItUp.exe
Existing Users (Recommended):
- Launch your current version of Mix It Up, you should receive a prompt to automatically update your installation
Existing Users (NOT Recommended):
NOTE: You will be asked to COPY & PASTE in the following steps. This DOES NOT MEAN drag-and-drop, PLEASE do not do this! Copy & Paste is specifically selecting the Copy & Paste options when you right click a folder.
- Download and un-zip the "" file to a different location than your current Mix It Up installation
- Go to your previous Mix It Up installation and do the following:
- Right-click the "Settings" folder
- Select Copy
- Go into the folder of the new version of Mix It Up that you un-zip and do the following:
- Right click anywhere that's not a file
- Select Paste
- Run MixItUp.exe
- (Optional) Delete your old Mix It Up installation folder
Known Issues
Change Log
- BREAKING CHANGE: Chat User Purged event command now specifies the moderator who performed the purging as $username, while the user that was purged is not $targetusername
- BREAKING CHANGE: All random user Special Identifiers will always give a new user every time they are used instead of saving them for the entire command. If you need to use the same user multiple times, use it inside of a Special Identifier action.
- Large-scale overhaul of Overlay system; more Overlay Widgets handle updating dynamically
- Adding IFTTT action to support firing of triggers for IFTTT events
- Adding Streaming Platform action to support streaming website-specific actions such as hosting & polls
- Adding Ticker Tape & Spark Crystal Overlay Widgets
- Adding Healing & Overkill bonus settings to Stream Boss Overlay Widget
- Adding Fade Out options to Chat Messages & Event List Overlay Widgets
- Adding the ability to specify the layer that an Overlay item is positioned at
- Moving Overlay Widget refresh timer into individual Overlay Widgets to allow for greater flexibility
- Adding Bet, Word Scramble, Treasure Defense, Hot Potato, Beach Ball, & Hangman game types
- Adding "Not Enough Players" & "Not Accepted" command to appropriate games
- Changing setup for Bet game type and removing all past instances of it
- Adding the ability to specify a message to whisper to Streamer when auto-hosted
- Adding Song Removed trigger command for Song Requests
- Adding Chat User Joined & Left event commands
- Adding "!startgiveaway" pre-made chat command
- Adding $usergamequeueposition, $dateyear, $datemonth, $dateday, $timehour, & $timeminute Special Identifiers
- Adding Set option to Counter action
- Adding volume level adjustment for notifications
- Adding automatic rounding up Special Identifiers that are used in Currency/Rank/Inventory actions to prevent the need for an additional Special Identifier action
- Changing File Action to create local instead of global Special Identifiers
- Removing Action Group Action & replacing with Command Action
- Removing GawkBox service
- Various quality of life & bug fixes
Pre-Release Omega 0.5.1 Preview
0.5.1-preview - Updating to