#Tract same issue from different activities, under one logcat filter
Logs from different Activities https://github.com/SanthoshMKunthe/Multiple-Logs-Android/blob/master/OUTPUT.png by using same LOGCAT FILTER key. . . We all use debug logs. . . But I hate to type capital 'L' while typing 'Log.d' and also TAG remains same for that particular activity. . .
If I want to see Logs across different activities then filtering Logs based on TAG is not useful as TAG will only show me Log of one particular activity. . .
So I have created this that can show logs across different activities and has 10 types. . .
In Project level gradle-->
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
In app level gradle-->
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SanthoshMKunthe:Multiple-Logs-Android:1.4.5'
import live.mkunthe.simplelogging.smkl;
smkl.a("All logs related to user email,password etc. . ."); in different activities like Splash,Login,Main etc and when you filter in logcat you will get all logs accross different activities. . .
smkl.b("All logs related to database connection. . .");
smkl.c("All logs related to a particular bug. . .");
smkl.j("All logs related to a particular issue. . . From across different activities. . . Under one Logcat Filter. . .");
Screenshot --> https://github.com/SanthoshMKunthe/Multiple-Logs-Android/blob/master/OUTPUT.png #Tract same issue from different activities, under one logcat filter