The v1.0 release of BigQuery is a backwards incompatible release and has
features changes, specifically with the replacement of table_id
and schema_file
to tables
which contains a list of maps with elements identified as table_id
and schema_file
This migration was performed with the following example configuration using v0.1.0 of the bigquery module.
/// @file
provider "google" {
version = "~> 1.20.0"
module "bigquery" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google"
version = "~> 0.1.0"
dataset_id = "foo"
dataset_name = "foo"
description = "some description"
expiration = "3600000"
project_id = "example-project"
location = "US"
table_id = "bar"
schema_file = "sample_bq_schema.json"
time_partitioning = "DAY"
dataset_labels = "${var.dataset_labels }"
table_labels = "${var.table_labels}"
variable "dataset_labels" {
description = "A mapping of labels to assign to the table"
type = "map"
variable "table_labels" {
description = "Key value pairs in a map for table labels"
type = "map"
output "dataset_id" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_id}"
description = "Unique id for the dataset being provisioned"
output "dataset_name" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_name}"
description = "Friendly name for the dataset being provisioned"
output "dataset_project" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_project}"
description = "Project where the dataset and table are created"
output "table_id" {
value = "${module.bigquery.table_id}"
description = "Unique id for the table being provisioned"
output "dataset_labels" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_labels}"
description = "Key value pairs in a map for dataset labels"
output "table_labels" {
value = "${module.bigquery.table_labels}"
description = "Key value pairs in a map for table labels"
Update the BigQuery module to the v1.0 release and make the following changes to the deployment.
/// @file
provider "google" {
- version = "~> 1.20.0"
+ version = "~> 2.5.0"
module "bigquery" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google"
- version = "~> 0.1.0"
+ version = "~> 1.0"
dataset_id = "foo"
dataset_name = "foo"
description = "some description"
expiration = "3600000"
project_id = "example-project"
location = "US"
+ tables = "${var.tables}"
- table_id = "bar"
- schema_file = "sample_bq_schema.json"
time_partitioning = "DAY"
dataset_labels = "${var.dataset_labels }"
table_labels = "${var.table_labels}"
variable "dataset_labels" {
description = "A mapping of labels to assign to the table"
type = "map"
variable "table_labels" {
description = "Key value pairs in a map for table labels"
type = "map"
+variable "tables" {
+ description = "A list of table IDs that will be created on the single dataset"
+ type = "list"
+ default = [{
+ table_id = "bar"
+ schema = "sample_bq_schema.json"
+ }]
output "dataset_id" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_id}"
description = "Unique id for the dataset being provisioned"
output "dataset_name" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_name}"
description = "Friendly name for the dataset being provisioned"
output "dataset_project" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_project}"
description = "Project where the dataset and table are created"
output "table_id" {
value = "${module.bigquery.table_id}"
description = "Unique id for the table being provisioned"
+output "table_name" {
+ value = "${module.bigquery.table_name}"
+ description = "Friendly name for the table being provisioned"
output "dataset_labels" {
value = "${module.bigquery.dataset_labels}"
description = "Key value pairs in a map for dataset labels"
output "table_labels" {
value = "${module.bigquery.table_labels}"
description = "Key value pairs in a map for table labels"
Point at the existing state file. If the deployment referencing the v1.0 module has been updated correctly, specifically the tables
attribute, the existing dataset and table should be retained and updated in place. Outputs will be refactored to the v1.0 format.
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "my-bucket-name"
prefix = "terraform/state/bigquery"
terraform init -upgrade
terraform plan
terraform apply
Friendly name will update in place with no impact to underlying dataset or table.
An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
~ module.bigquery.google_bigquery_table.main
friendly_name: "" => "bar"
table_name, table_id & table_labels become lists and will have to be referenced as such.
dataset_id = example-project:foo
dataset_labels = {
billable = 1
env = dev
owner = janesmith
dataset_name = foo
dataset_project = example-project
table_id = [
table_labels = [
billable = 1,
env = dev,
owner = joedoe
table_name = [