A search component for JMVC 3.2.4.
- 'search.query' (On "keyup", or on the selection of a typeahead option if typeahead is used)
A search component which renders a text input and emits the data entered.
- Ultra Light-weight
- Overridable view template
- Built to complement Event Oriented Architecture
- Event to get the search term from the component
'search.find': function(el, ev, data) {
console.log('user input', data);
template: '//userApp/views/searchOverride.ejs'
- minimumChar (default 3)
- searchDelay (default 1000)
- placeholderText (default 'Search')
- template (.ejs file to overwrite the default)
- typeahead (Bootstrap Typeahead options)
This component needs tests!