Namelists, postprocessing and analysis scripts for "Controls on Exchange through a Tidal Mixing Hotspot at an Estuary Constriction"
Namelists in directory Namelists see subdirectory names below.
From Victoria to Point Roberts and Gulf Island Transect (also to Puget and Discovery) Run forward Directory: FullSouth
To Point Roberts from Victoria Sill (also from Gulf Islands, Puget and Discovery) Run backward Directory: BackNorth
To Gulf Islands from Victoria Sill (also from Point Roberts, Puget and Discovery) Run backward Directory: InGIslands
From Point Roberts to Victoria Sill (also to Gulf Islands, Puget and Discovery) Run forward Directory: FullNorth
From Gulf Islands to Victoria Sill (also to Point Roberts, Puget and Discovery) Run forward Directory: SouthGIslands
To Victoria Sill from Point Roberts and Gulf Island Transect (also from Puget and Discovery) Run backward Directory: BackSouth
Transport.ipynb : extracting the flux, age, position, salinity and temperature information from the individual Ariane files and storing it in csv files for analysis and plotting.
Transport-Analysis.ipynb : determining the phase shift to match the forward and backward fluxes. Much preliminary analysis of the fluxes. Also produces the transport figure. (Figure 4 in the revision)
CalculateDensity-Hindcast.ipynb : calculate the density difference between Point Roberts transect and Victoria Sill
CalculateTides.ipynb : calculate the tides in Boundary Pass
CalculateSSH.ipynb : calculate the SSH at Neah Bay
CalculateWind.ipynb : calculate the Sand Head winds
SoGRunoff.ipynb : calculate the river flux into the SoG
Mixing_vs_advection-PtRoberts.ipynb, Mixing_vs_advection-mycross.ipynb : estimate impact of random walk on particle speeds through the mixing region, from SoG and from Vic Sill, respectively
Age_Analysis.ipynb : analyzing age of loops, efflux, reflux
Analyze_Lost_Particles.ipynb : collate statistics of "lost" particles
CalculateTides-Broader.ipynb : look at the tidal currents through the depth, maximum during the day and at other points
MeanVelocitiesAllMonths.ipynb : calculate the NEMO averaged velocities across the Point Roberts transect
Figure 1: Maps-Cartopy.ipynb
Figure 2: a) Ariane_Locations.ipynb b) Maps-Cartopy.ipynb
Figure 4: a) & b) Similar to loadPSFCTD.ipynb c-j) PlotVENUSModelComparisons.ipynb
Figure 5: Transport-Analysis.ipynb
Figure 6: Ancillary.ipynb
Figure 7: FroudeFit.ipynb
Figure 8: FluxBySalt.ipynb
Figure 9: FluxCrossSections.ipynb
Figure 10: FluxCrossSections_Vic.ipynb
Figure 11: FluxCrossSections.ipynb
Figure 12: Final_Figure_FluxCrossSections.ipynb
Figure A1: BarotropicBaroclinicMeanderSaltFlux.ipynb BarotropicBaroclinicMeanderSaltFlux-Vic.ipynb