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183 lines (153 loc) · 4.63 KB

Step 8: Create the score view

When all questions are answered and the user arrives at the end of the quiz, we want to show them their score.

We have already text prepared, which is displayed to the user with their score achieved.

We're enhancing the App.vue with the resultsInfo data which is provided to the Quiz.vue as property.

<!-- App.vue -->
// App.vue
data() {
  return {
    // ...
    resultsInfo: {
      0: {
        text: "Practice, practice, practice! <br>You'll be a clever as Dumbledore in no time!",
        img: ""
      1: {
        text: "You still have to practice!",
        img: ""
      2: {
        text: "Not too shabby! <br>Have a Harry Potter movie marathon and then try again!",
        img: ""
      3: {
        text: "Very good! <br>Have another go and you'll be getting full marks!",
        img: ""
      4: {
        text: "TOP MARKS! Nice work! <br>You have some serious wizard wisdom!",
        img: ""

From the quiz stage we have to switch to the result stage. To do this, we'll define a method for it.

We have to consider when a refresh by the user is done and the application needs to initialize again when the component is mounted.

You can read more about Vue Mounted here:

  // ...
  async mounted() {
    await actions.fetchData(this.questionsUrl);
    if (store.stage === "result") {
    } else if (store.stage === "quiz") {
    } else {
  computed: {
    // ...
    result() {
      const correctAnswers = this.correctAnswers();
      const resultInfo = this.resultsInfo[Math.floor(correctAnswers / 5)];
      const result = {
        title: `Your Score: ${correctAnswers} out of ${

      return result;
    // ...
  methods: {
    // ...
    initResultStage() {
    // ...
  // ...

When switching to the next question, we additionally have to check if the user has arrived at the end of the quiz. If so, we have to change the stage.

// ...
handleAnswer(answerNumber) {
  // ...
  setTimeout(() => {
      if (store.currentQuestionNumber < store.questions.length) {
      } else {
  }, 1000);
  // ...

In the Quiz.vue we have to define the new property for our user's result.

// Quiz.vue
props: {
  // ....
  resultsInfo: {
    type: Object,
    required: true

First, we're going to calculate the correct answers the user gave.

// Quiz.vue
correctAnswers() {
  let count = 0;
  store.questions.forEach((q, i) => {
    if (q.correct === store.userAnswers[i]) {
  return count;

Now we have to evaluate which result info has to be shown to the user. Add the detailed result text in an extra element and a button to restart the quiz, only shown if the user is on the result's page.

<p v-if="this.stage === 'result'" v-html="this.result.text"/>
<button class="wellcome-button" v-if="stage === 'result'" @click="initWelcomeStage">Start again</button>

Maybe you also don't want to keep the last quiz question's image. If not, enhance the image() computed property and check if the stage is result.

// ...
image() {
  switch (store.stage) {
    case "result":
      return this.result.img;
    case "quiz":
      return store.currentQuestion.img;
      return "";
// ...


That's it!

You've completed your very first Harry Potter movie quiz app with Vue.js!

Well done :)


PS: Please let us know if you have any feedback on this tutorial, we would really appreciate it.

Prev: Step #7 - Introducing usage of store and saving data in local storage