This project implements a user profile page with a centered circular user photo, the user’s name, and a list of options in a dropdown menu. The profile page also features a fixed navbar at the top.
- Responsive Design: The page is responsive and adjusts to various screen sizes.
- Navbar: The navbar contains the page title and a profile icon that triggers a dropdown.
- Dropdown Menu: The dropdown includes user options such as Settings, Friends, New Group, Support, Share, and About Us.
- Profile Photo: The profile photo is displayed in a circular format.
- Edit Button: An "Edit Profile" button is included within the dropdown for user interaction.
![Profile Page Screenshot](C:\Users\Nittya Kanse\Pictures\ss.png)
- HTML5: For the structure of the page.
- CSS3: For styling the layout, navbar, and dropdown functionality.
- JavaScript: For toggling the profile dropdown and closing it when clicking outside.
- Font Awesome: For icons next to profile menu items.
- Navbar: The top navbar contains a profile icon on the right. Clicking the profile icon will open a dropdown with profile options.
- Profile Dropdown: When the dropdown is open, it displays the user’s profile photo, name, and several actions like "Settings," "Friends," and "Support."
- Edit Button: Inside the dropdown, there's a button labeled "Edit Profile" for profile modification.
- Click Outside to Close: Clicking outside the profile dropdown will automatically close the menu.