Post-process code for USGS-SUTRA
readNOD -- read *.NOD file to MATLAB
readELE -- read *.ELE file to MATLAB
readBCOP -- read *.BCOP file to MATLAB
readBCOF -- read *.BCOF file to MATLAB
inpObj -- read *.INP file to MATLAB
type help functions in MATLAB to see how to use these functions
etc -- some parsing subfunctions required for read functions
misc -- analytical solutions and constitutive relationships
read -- list of functions for reading input and output files
sutraset -- subfunctions required particularly for sutraSET
please help us improve this package by file bugs and merge request: several simple rules to make code consistent.
- try to use SUTRA variable name as priority.
- if the variable is not in SUTRA original code, variables(function names) are named as small case with underscores, it does not matter whether it is too long, as long as it is self explainable
- use tab rather than space to indentate the code
to let MATLAB accept the library.
Then at the simulation directory, run:
fil = readFIL;
inp = inpObj(fil.basename);
nod = readNOD(fil.basename);
ele = readELE( fil.basename);
bcop = readBCOP(fil.basename);
bcof = readBCOF(fil.basename);
to read sutra files to MATLAB