Final project for the Computer Architecture class, ITESM fall 2019
Each block was implemeted as a vhd module
- R-type instructions (add, sub, and, or, etc.)
- Jump
- Beq
- Addi
- Ori
- Lui
- Lw
- Sw
In order to test the MIPS processor, the following Assembly code was used
The instructions were translated to Machine Code and added to the instruction memory
variable ROM_MEMORY : REG_BANK := (
"00000000000000000100000000100000", -- add r8, r0, r0
"10001100000000010000000000000000", -- lw r1, 0x0(r0)
"10001100000000100000000000000100", -- lw r2, 0x4(r0)
"10001100000000110000000000001000", -- lw r3, 0x8(r0)
"00000000010000010001100000100000", -- add r3, r2, r1
"00000000010000010010000000100101", -- or r4, r2, r1
"00000000010000010010100000100010", -- sub r5, r2, r1
"00000000010000010011000000100100", -- and r6, r2, r1
"00001000000000000000000000001010", -- j L1
"00100001000010000000000000000001", -- L2: addi r8, r8, 0x01
"00000000000010000011100000101010", -- L1: slt r7, r0, r8
"00010000111010001111111111111101", -- beq r7, r8, L2
"00111100000010010010000000000000", -- lui r9, 0x2000
"00110101001010010000000000010100", -- ori r9, r9, 0x14
"10101101001010000000000000000000", -- sw r8, 0x0(r9)
"10001101001010100000000000000000", -- lw r10, 0x0(r9)
"00000000000000000000000000001000", -- jr r0
others => (others => '0')
To test the previous code, the following values were preloaded to the data memory
variable RAM_MEMORY : REG_BANK := (
others => (others => '0')
Paying close attention to the PC (q[31:0]) and the internal registers, based on the previous instructions and memory values preloaded, its clear how each instruction is being executed and how the registers are being modified based on the instruction
After the instructions have finished executing, the expected values for the registers are as follows: