Releases: Royrdan/Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor
GPIO interupt fix, Resume fix, GPIO cleanup fix
Fixed issue with GPIO interupt not interupting and registering movement until later. Added a 10 second delay to allow for this.
Fixed issue with re triggering after resuming
Fixed issue with other plugins with the GPIO.cleanup call. Item was removed.
Reset filament on M commands. Ignore retraction
Reset filament on M82 and M83 command because this was causing issue.
Ignore retrations. Fixes issue with longer retractions after paused, etc.
Remove version revisions count. to 1.1.7
Fix debug logs error
Fixed issue with debug logs and having the incorrect command posted
Fix plugin version number in Bump version
Reset filament extrusion counter when paused
Resets the filament extursion counter when it detects an issue and causes a pause. Fixes issue pausing again after resuming.
Update for author fix
Fixed issue with missing double quotes on author
Change of maintainer
Change in maintainer.
Added ability to use Octoprint pause and cancel for stopping.
Changed sidebar for remaining distance to only show full number without decimals.