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Configuration Files

Lilac edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 26 revisions


RoseChat has several different configuration files that can be used to edit many different aspects of the plugin. Each config file has comments explaining the settings, but further information will be explained below.


The config file is used to edit most settings in the plugin. Please read the comments explaining each setting to understand what it does. One section that is particularly useful is the chat-formats section:


  # The format of a /message sent to another player.
  # Default: {message-sent}{message}
  message-sent: '{message-sent}{message}'

  # The format of a /message received from another player.
  # Default: {message-received}{message}
  message-received: '{message-received}{message}'

  # The format of a spied /message.
  # Default: {spy-prefix}{spy-players}{message}
  message-spy: '{spy-prefix}{spy-players}{message}'

  # The format of a group message.
  # Default: {group-prefix}{group-member-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}
  group: '{group-prefix}{group-member-prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'

These are used by RoseChat to decide the format of the message that should be sent to the players. Each item surrounded by {} are placeholders that are defined in custom-placeholders.yml. These can be chained together to create a format perfect for you.


The channels file is used to define your own custom chat channels that can be used in-game. There are a few default channels to display how they work.

Channel Options

Option Description Example
default This sets the channel as the default channel.
Players will be placed into this channel when they first join the server.
There can only be one default channel.
default: true
formats The different formats used by the channel.
Uses placeholders defined in the custom-placeholders.yml file. If no format is defined, the default channel's format will be used.
chat: '{prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'
commands This creates command aliases for the channel. Players can then use that command to join the channel. commands:
- staff
radius The radius defines the distance that chat messages can be read from. If two players are over radius blocks away from each other, they will not be able to read the others' message. radius: 200
worlds The worlds that the player has to be in to send and receive messages. worlds:
- skyblock
auto-join If this is enabled, and combined with a world setting, when a player enters the world they will also join the channel. auto-join: true
visible-anywhere If this is enabled, players in this channel will be able to see the messages while they're using another channel. visible-anywhere: true
joinable If this is enabled, the channel can be joined with a command. Disable this to stop players using a command to join.
This can be combined with visible-anywhere and world to only allow players to talk in the channel with a command, or when in a specific world.
This is enabled by default.
joinable: false
discord The DiscordSRV channel that messages can be sent and received from.
This needs to match a channel defined in DiscordSRV's config file.
Requires DiscordSRV installed.
discord: global
servers This allows messages to be sent to the listed servers.
This needs to match a server defined in bungeecord.yml.
Requires BungeeCord.
- skyblock
keep-format-over-bungee This allows this channel's format to be sent over bungee servers. This is very useful when you have placeholders for a specific player on one server, and need them on the second server.
Requires BungeeCord.
keep-format-over-bungee: true
override-commands This allows another plugin's commands to be overriden, so chat messages can be sent via RoseChat instead. For example, overriding the command island chat will allow players to use /island chat to talk in this channel. override-commands:
- 'island chat'
shout-commands This allows a player to use a prefix in their message to send that message to another channel. For example, !hello could send hello to the global channel. shout-commands:
- !
join-conditions This allows you to specify conditions for a player to be able to join the channel. join-conditions:
- "%playerpoints_points%>100"
receive-conditions This allows you to specify conditions for a player to be able to receive messages in the channel. receive-conditions:
- "%playerpoints_points%>100"

Other options in channels.yml are related to specific plugins, these can be viewed here.


Each channel can have several different formats used in different places. The default global channel has the following formats:

    chat: '{prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'
    minecraft-to-discord: '{discord}'
    discord-to-minecraft: '{from-discord}{discord-player}{separator}{message}'
    shout: '&8[&3SHOUT&8]&f {prefix}{player}{separator}{message}'
    broadcast: '&8[&cBroadcast&8]&f {message}'
    join-message: "&eWelcome to the &bGlobal Channel&e!"

The chat format is used when a player sends a message in the channel.
The minecraft-to-discord format is used when a message in the channel is sent to Discord. Requires DiscordSRV.
The discord-to-minecraft format is used when a message is sent from Discord to the channel. Requires DiscordSRV.
The shout format is used with the shout-commands setting, and a message is shouted.
The broadcast format is used when a message is sent the channel from /broadcast.
The join-message format is the message sent to a player when they join the channel.


The replacements file is used for replacing messages with other content. This can be used for fun, or to filter a message. For example, the default file replaces <3 with ❤️. These are extremely configurable, and allow for things like emojis and tags.

A replacement must first start with an ID and has two sections, input which contains settings for inputting a replacement, and output which contains settings for the output of a replacement. These can be seen as what the player types and what the player sees.

This basic replacement replaces the input of :example: to \uE000, which will be an emoji.
The can-toggle setting allows the /toggleemoji command to be used, this allows players to not format specific replacements, like not converting <3 to ❤️.
These emojis can have icons when using a Resource Pack.

    text: ':example:'
    can-toggle: true
    text: "\uE000"

There are many configuration options for replacements.

    text: ':example:'
    is-emoji: true
    text: "\uE000"
    hover: '&b&o:rosewood:'

The hover option allows a replacement to be hovered over.
You can also use a custom placeholder here.

    text: "{your-placeholder}"

    text: '&h'
    text: '<r:0.5>'
    color-retention: true

The color-retention option allows the colour specified in the output text to continue along the message.

    text: '(?:http(?:s){0,1}://){0,1}[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,32}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{2,16}\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)'
    is-regex: true
    text: '{url}'

The is-regex option allows the text value to be seen as regex, and replacements will be matched against it.
For replacements that use regex, there are placeholders for regex groups. These can be used in linked custom placeholders, or in the text option itself.

    default: "&0⬛"
      - "%group_1%"

This replacement uses %group_1% to get the text inside the spoiler tags. These can also be used in inline replacements.

Prefixed Replacements

    prefix: '<spoiler>'
    suffix: '</spoiler>'
    text: '{spoiler-tag}'
    match-length: true

Replacements can also have prefix and suffix. This example will match this text: <spoiler>Hello</spoiler> and replace it with the custom placeholder {spoiler-tag}.
The match-length option is useful as the {spoiler-tag} setting contains one character, match-length will repeat this character 5 times as Hello has 5 characters.
prefix and suffix can also contain regex if is-regex is enabled.

    prefix: '@'
    stop: '[\p{P}\p{S}]'
    text: '{player-tag}'
    tag-online-players: true

Replacements can also have only a prefix option. This example will look for words starting with @ and replace them with the output text.
The stop setting is a regex string, telling the plugin where to stop looking after it finds the prefix. This example searches for @player and stops when it finds punctuation or a space.
The output option tag-online-players highlights the player's name, and sends them a sound, specified in the sound option.

Inline Replacements

    prefix: '['
    suffix: ']'
    text: '(?:http(?:s){0,1}://){0,1}[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,32}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{2,16}\b(?:[-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)'
    inline-prefix: '('
    inline-suffix: ')'
    is-inline-regex: true
    text: '{url}'

This replacement converts [Click Here]( to Click Here, with the link
The prefix and suffix values define the prefix and suffix for the content, Click Here.
The inline-prefix and inline-suffix values define the prefix and suffix for the inline,
These can be used without regex, and without the text value to allow players to create their own hoverable messages. For example, [Hover Me!](Hello), when configured, will create a message saying "Hover Me", and the hover says "Hello".

Using a text value combined with is-inline-regex, allows the text between the inline-prefix and inline-suffix to be matched. This example matches against a URL.
You can also use is-content-regex to match text between the prefix and suffix.

The discord-output option, requiring DiscordSRV, allows the output to be different if sent to Discord.

    text: ':example:'
    text: "\uE000"
    discord-output: ":smile:"

By default, the permission to use a replacement is rosechat.replacement.<id>. The player also needs rosechat.replacements.<location> to send replacements in a specific location.
This can be changed using the permission option:

    text: ':example:'
    permission: 'your.permission'
    text: "\uE000"


The colors file serves as an extra space to add replacements that are specifically custom colours. These have color-retention enabled by default. By default, this file allows players used to MiniMessage formats to use colors in RoseChat.

This is an example of a basic color.

    text: "<red>"
    has-closing-tag: true
    text: "&c"

The format is the same as a replacement, the player can type <red> and it is replaced by the &c color code. The has-closing-tag option allows the plugin to automatically create a closing tag version of the replacement. This means that the above color will also be available by typing <red>your text</red>, allowing for non-colored text the be placed outside of the tags.


The placeholders file is used to define placeholders that RoseChat uses. This is probably the most useful file. It allows you to define different hover and click events based on different conditions. These can then be put together in a format to display that content to the players. The {message} placeholder is reserved for displaying messages, creating a placeholder called message will not do anything.

A basic setup guide can be found here.

Creating a Placeholder

A placeholder must first start with an ID, called player in this instance. This can be anything.

    default: "%player_nickname%"
      - "&7Username: &f%player_name%"
      - "&7Click to Message"
    default: "/msg %player_name% "

The text section tells the placeholder that text must be shown. This is required.
default is required if no condition (explained below) is defined.
The hover section tells the placeholder that a hover event should be shown. This is when a player hovers over the message. As hover events can have multiple lines, this is a list. This section is optional.
The click section tells the placeholder that a click event should be shown. This is when a player clicks the message. Click events have actions that define what they do, and values which define what the content of the action is. In this example, the value will be shown in the player's text box when they click the message.

Conditional Placeholders

Placeholders can also have conditions. These bring futher customizability to them. Conditions are exactly what they sound like, a condition must be hit for a placeholder to be shown. However, in RoseChat you can also show something if a condition is not met.

    condition: "%vault_rank%"
    default: "&7"
    admin: "&8[#C0FFEEAdmin&8] #C0FFEE"
    condition: "%vault_rank%"
      - "&cThis player administrates the server!"

This works similarly to the previous example, but using conditions to drive what is shown. In this instance the placeholder %vault_rank% is the condition. If the rank is admin, then the admin prefix will be shown and when hovered, the admin hover event will be shown. This works the same for click events.


Conditions can work in a variety of ways. These are an example of how conditions are formatted in RoseChat.
Conditions can have operations in them, for example:

Condition Definition Example Meaning
= Is equal to %group_owner%=%player_name% If the group owner is the same as the player viewing the message, this will be true
!= Is not equal to %group_owner%!=%player_name% If the group owner is not the same as the player viewing the message, this will be true
^ Contains %vault_rank%^staff If the rank includes "staff", this will be true.


If a condition returns a word (not a number or true/false value), this format can be used:

    condition: "%vault_rank%"
    default: "&7"
    vip: "&a"
    vip+: "&2"
    helper: "&9"

If the condition returns one of the values below it, that value will be used. If not, default will be used.


If a condition returns a number, this format can be used:

    condition: "%playerpoints_points%"
    value: 500
    more: "&eYou're rich!"
    equal: "&fYou've got exactly 500 points!"
    less: "&7You should earn more points..."

If the condition (the amount of points that the player has) is more than the value, then more will be used. If the condition is the same as the value, then equal will be used. If the condition is less than the value, then less will be used. You do not need more, equal and less if you do not plan on using them, having a default value can work if you only need one.

Booleans (True/False)

If a condition returns true or false (or yes or no in PlaceholderAPI), this format can be used:

    condition: "%group_owner%=%player_name%"
    default: ""
    true: "&e:star:"
    false: ""

If the condition is true, the true value will be used. If the condition is false, the false value can be used. If, for any reason, the placeholder cannot be parsed, then default will be used. It may be easier to only include default and true if both default and false are the same.

Boolean conditions can also be OR'd. This means, you can check if one condition OR another condition is true, for example:

    condition: "%player_ping%<20||%playerpoints_points%>500"
    true: "&bCool "

In this condition, if the player has less than 20 ping or they have more than 500 points, then the prefix &bCool is applied.

Multiple Conditions

If you want to use multiple conditions at once, a comma can be used like this:

    condition: "%vault_rank%,%player_biome%"
    default,default: "&7Default "
    default,beach: "&6Sandy "
    admin,beach: "&6Sandy &cAdmin "

If the player is default, or has a rank not listed, then the first condition will return default. After this, the second condition is checked, if they are in a biome that is not listed, the second condition will also return default, causing the prefix to be &7Default . However, if the player is in a beach, then the prefix will be &6Sandy . If the player is an admin, and in a beach, their prefix will be &6Sandy &cAdmin .

Multiple conditions can also work with boolean conditions, for example:

    condition: "%vault_rank%,%playerpoints_points>500"
    admin,true: "&aA Rich Admin "

Discord Embeds

When using DiscordSRV, an embed can be used to display messages. By default, just a simple message is used. In order to use embeds, these are all the available options that can be in the placeholder:

    default: "Title"
    default: "{message}"
    default: "#C0FFEE"
    default: true
      default: "%player_displayname%"
      default: ""
      default: ""
      default: ""
      default: ""
      default: "My Footer"
      default: ""
    # There can be as many fields as you want! Just change the id from `1` to anything!
      name: "Field"
      value: "Value"
      inline: true
      name: "Field 2"
      value: "Value 2"
      inline: true

These are all the options used for a discord embed. One setting, either title or description must include the {message} placeholder, so that the message can be shown. Here is a basic example of an embed:

Default Placeholders

RoseChat has some placeholders that do not require PlaceholderAPI.

Placeholder Definition
%player_name% The name of the player who sent the message.
%player_displayname% The display name of the player who sent the message.
%player_nickname% The nickname (from using /nick) of the player who sent the message.
If a player does not have a nickname, then the display name will be used.
If the player does not have a display name, then the name will be used.
%group% If sent in a group, the ID of the group a message is sent in.
%group_name% If sent in a group, the name of the group a message is sent in.
%group_owner% If sent in a group, the name of the owner of a group a message is sent in.
%channel% If sent in a channel, the name of the channel a message is sent in.

Placeholders can also be prefixed with "other_" to get the person viewing the message, rather than the sender. For example, %other_player_name% gets the name of the viewer.