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Coverage Path Plannig with Genetic Algorithms

This project utilizes a custom implementation of Genetic Algorithms (GA) with a variable length genome representation that generates coverage paths on a 2D grid map.

The complete thesis can be found here.


The left column shows the initially generated paths (blue). The right shows the adapted paths after a partial region is marked (red) as already visited.

General Structure

├── main.cpp
├── optimizer
│   ├── ga
│   │   ├── crossover.cpp
│   │   ├── crossover.h
│   │   ├── fitness.cpp
│   │   ├── fitness.h
│   │   ├── init.cpp
│   │   ├── init.h
│   │   ├── mutation.cpp
│   │   ├── mutation.h
│   │   ├── selection.cpp
│   │   └── selection.h
│   ├── optimizer.cpp
│   ├── optimizer.h
└── tools
    ├── configuration.cpp
    ├── configuration.h
    ├── debug.cpp
    ├── debug.h
    ├── genome_tools.cpp
    ├── genome_tools.h
    ├── mapGen.cpp
    ├── mapGen.h
    ├── pa_serializer.cpp
    ├── pa_serializer.h
    ├── path_tools.cpp
    └── path_tools.h

Path Generation Toolbox

The tools are used to implement different path manipulations path_tools and provide the foundation for the genome representation genome_tools. Furthermore, the map creation and manipulation process in described in mapGen. In order to serialize or load a GA population pa_serializer is utilized. Some debugging functionality with levels DEBUG, INFO and WARN is provided as well as a logger that write the internal state of the optimizer to a CSV file. The behavior of the entire system is controlled by the configuation. The user can provide a configuration file at program start that determines the parameter setting of the GA as well as several options that influence the map generation and logging directories. A complete list of those parameters as well as their respective default value is described here.

Genetic Algorithm Operators

The optimizer provides the general architectures (two in total). Choosing a selection strategy will automatically determine which architecture is used. Furthermore, logging is performed at the end of each iteration step (fitness, diversity, coverage, time, chromosome length, etc.). The genome modification strategies are grouped in init, crossover and mutation. Finally the fitness contains several strategies for calculating the fitness of a genome.


Execution Configuration

  • General configuration
Parameter Default Options Comment
logDir - string Name of the logging directory
logName run.log string Prefix for csv file -> run.log.csv
maxIterations 2000 >= 0 Maximum amount of iterations
visualize true true, false Show live preview of path optimization (best path)
printInfo true true, false Print basic status info (*)
genSeed 42 >= 0 Random seed
retrain 0 >= 0 See Retrain
restore false true, false See snapshots
tSnap pool.actions string ""
tPerformanceSnap pool.performance string ""
snapshot - string ""
takeSnapshot true true, false ""
takeSnapshotEvery 1 >= 1 ""
mapType 1 1,2 Type of map that is generated
Rob_width 0.3 > 0 Robot tool width [m]
Rob_speed 0.2 > 0 Robot speed [m/s]
Rob_RPM 60 >= 0 Rounds per Minute
mapWidth 11 >= 3
mapHeight 11 >= 3
mapResolution 0.2 > 0, <= Rob_width
  • Genetic Algorithm Configuration
Parameter Default Options Comment
clearZeros 0 n >= 0 At which iteration to remove Zero actions
penalizeZeroActions false true, false Reduce fitness when zero actions appear
penalizeRotation true true, false Whether Rob\_RPM should be included in the fitness
funSelect 0 0,1,2,3,4 Fitness function selection (See: Fitness Calculation)
fitSselect 1 0,1 See Coverage Calculation
initActions 50 n >= 10 Corresponds to the initial chromosome length
initIndividuals 1000 n >= 1 Individuals in the initial population
popMin 20 n >= 1 Guarantees a minimal amount of individuals inside a population
scenario 0 0,1,2,3 0 -> Elite, 1 -> TS, 2 -> PRWS, 3 -> RRWS
keep 0 n >= 0 Selection parameter, keep n best individuals
select 10 n >= 1 Select individuals for recombination
tournamentSize 2 n >= 1 <= popMin Parameter for Tournamen Selection (TS)
selPressure 1.5 1<= n <= 2 Parameter for Ranked Roulette Wheel Selection (RRWS)
crossoverProba 0.8 0 <= n <= 1 Crossover probability
crossLength 0.4 0.1 <= n <= 0.8 Information sharing probability during crossover
crossChildSelector 2 0,1,2 0 -> Change locality, 1 -> preserve, 2 -> combined
mutaOrtoAngleProba 0 0 <= n <= 1 Mutation Probability: Orthogonal angle offset
mutaRandAngleProba 0 0 <= n <= 1 Mutation Probability: Random angle offset
mutaPosDistProba 0 0 <= n <= 1 Mutation Probability: Positive distance offset
mutaNegDistProba 0 0 <= n <= 1 Mutation Probability: Negative distance offset
mutaRandScaleDistProba 0 0 <= n <= 1 Mutation Probability: Random distance scale
mutaReplaceGen 0 0 <= n <= 1 Mutation Probability: Genome reinitialization

Retrain Procedure

The retrain procedure is preformed after maxIterations is reached. After the optimization one predefined part of the map is marked as already covered and the previous population is trained for as much iterations as stated by retrain under the new conditions. Note that all logging parameters for the retrain process remain the same except that logDir is altered to: logDir/retrain_run/.

Snapshot and Restore

A population can be saved to a file. The user can control this by behavior with takeSnapshot where takeSnapshotEvery determines after how much iterations the population should be saved to a file. Additional parameter tSnap and tPerformanceSnap control the naming of the actual population (tSnap) as well as some basic fitness, coverage and time values (tPerformanceSnap). It es recommended to leave those at default, because all evaluation scripts work after those naming conventions. The name is generated accordingly: <currentIteration>_<suffix> in order to differentiate the snapshots from each generation.

If one wants to restore a population the following path needs to be passed to snapshot:<logDir>/<iteration>_<tSnap> where <*> means to replace the corresponding content.

Coverage Calculation

The parameter fitSselect states what strategy or backend is utilized to calculate the coverage, redundant path segments and how obstacles should be treated. Setting fitSselect to zero causes the backend to work on pixel level. That is, Rob\_width = MapResolution. Additionally paths that are generated are guaranteed collision free because those paths have zero fitness. This is not the case for fitSselect = 1, the most recent backend utilizing rectangles to select pixels on the path. Here objects can intersect with the path. Instead of setting fitness to zero a penalty is applied.

(*) Status info contains: Iteration, best time, best cov, best rotation time, best chromosome size, Avg time, Avg cov, Avg chromosome length, crossover proba, mutation proba, Avg diversity, Std diversity