I'm really glad you're reading this. This repository is maintained by the coding subsystem of team RoboManipal.
We want you working on things that you're excited about.
Before you get started, here are some important resources:
- Arduino reference here, website and download
- Arduino resources here
- Git documentation and cheatsheet
You might need them time to time.
All the libraries on the master
branch are tested on the Arduino IDE by RoboManipal. You can also test them personally, send us a proof of work and your library too will be on the master branch.
There are some basic requirements that your library must satisfy
- Documentation for all the libraries is mandatory, all the libraries must have a
file. This serves as the documentation for the library. - All developers must read the README file of this repository.
- It's suggested that you use appropriate naming conventions for all your identifiers. Also, have a readable code well explained with comments.
- All the developed libraries must have a debugger for debugging purposes. It's suggested that you use a Serial to do so.
You are also suggested to make useful documentation of all the libraries that you make. All the documentations must have the following standards:
- All libraries must have a
file written in GitHub markdown. All documentation about the library goes here - A
Users Guide
section and aDevelopers Guide
section.- In
Users Guide
, please explain how a user can use the library and about an example (if you have any). It must have the following tagsDownloading the library
where you explain how to download the library and it's dependencies.Using the library with Arduino
where you explain how to set up the library in Arduino. (MentionPrerequisites
if any).Examples
if you've created any.
- The
Developers Guide
has info about all the code you've written. It must have the following tagsLibrary Details
which must haveFiles in the library
which will have separate headers for every file followed by description.
Class description
which describes everything within your class (library class). It must have headers forprivate members
,public members
andprotected members
, with each having their own headers forconstructors
,member functions
- In
- It is also suggested that you include the derivation if the library has a mathematical foundation.
- Developer Shield in the end: All documentation files must have a developer stamp (a developer shield) in the end to show who worked on the library, the stamp must link to the GitHub profile of the developer. The shield must have developer subject and the GitHub ID as the status in blue color. You could use this website for creating shields.