The Robot Operating System (ROS) runs best in Ubuntu Linux. Since most students aren't running Linux on their personal computers, we provide instructions below for setting up a virtual machine that will let you run emulate running Linux on your computer.
Virtualization can get complicated. There are many options for VM technology and graphical front ends. Some work better than others in certain scenarios, and your host operating system places some constraints on which ones you can use. For each type of machine listed below, we've provided multiple VM options. You should pick one to use for software training.
We've marked the solution we recommend for each scenario. These are the options that we feel are most reliable and easiest for us to help you with should you have any problems.
The teams with access to a Jetson platform are using ISAAC ROS built and maintained by NVIDIA. ISAAC ROS is built on ROS 2 Humble and has all the capabilites of ROS 2 Humble and can nominally be used as such. ISAAC ROS comes with a few libraries that can prove to be useful but can only be run optimized on Nvidia hardware (use the isaac_ros development container) [instructions] (
** CODER BEWARE ** usb/peripherals devices may not run properly on docker due to passthrough.
If you have an NVIDIA GPU we recomend using WSL for best use of the CUDA acceration