This port will handle the porting of and Ext.util classes, as well as any functionality that doesn't depend on a DOM being present. It does not handle the porting of the Grid, or any of the classes that require a DOM. Porting is done with a least-effort basis, so the files are mostly the same, just with an added "var Ext = ..." line to make them work. Do not require a sub-module (eg: Ext.util.MixedCollection) directly as none of them actually return anything.
There are extensions to the original layout, a rough outline as follows:
- Ext: is now a function that will load more modules, returns Ext
- a collection of modules that add classes and functions to deal with the mechanics of games
An extension of Ext.create() that will automatically load the xtype based on the information in var/registry.json
. This is populated with sbin/regCache
var Ext = require('Ext')('Ext.util.MixedCollection')
var mc = new Ext.util.MixedCollection
mc.get(1) == mc.get('y') // true
var Ext = require('Ext')('Ext.XTemplate')
var x = new Ext.XTemplate([
'<tpl for="array">',
'{#} {name}\n',
]), o = {
array: [{name: 'Joe'}, {name: 'Bob'}],
name: 'Demo'
1 Joe
2 Bob