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File metadata and controls

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Main Table of Contents

In This Notebook

  • Commands
  • Password-less connection betwen local machine and remote computer (e.g. raspberry pi)
  • rclone - Command line program to manage files on cloud storage (~30 different vendors e.g. Google Drive)
  • Unix
  • Shell
    • Z Shell
    • Bash
  • Add git status to bash command prompt
  • General Notes
  • A note regarding paths
  • Shell constructs
  • Shell scripts


Command Useful/Common Flags Description
$VARNAME Access shell variables
| Unidirectional data channel
> Redirect
e.g. Redirect home path to given file, overwrite if exists: $HOME > log.log
>> Redirect
e.g. Redirect home path to given file, append if exists e.g. $HOME >> log.log
$@ collection of args passed to a shell script
$# Access specific arg passed into a shell script
Index position starts with 1
man [command] Returns command manual
head -n # Print first 10 lines by default of file or stdin
-n Specifiy number of lines
tail -n # Print last 10 lines by default of file or stdin
-n Specifiy number of lines
echo Print string(s) to stdout
terminal stdin args are strings
env vars are strings
cat Concatenate file(s) and print to stdout
cat: Read stdin
cat: when no file and stdin is terminal start interactive console
cat > filename.extension: Starts interactive console and writes to give file
-d delimiter
-f #
Print selected parts of file(s) to stdout
delimiter to split on
after delimiter splits, access the parts/columns, starts at 1
e.g. Print third column in csv file to stdout: cut -d , -f 3 filename.ext
paste Merge lines of file(s)
Make sure length of data matches in each file
-v pattern
Search for pattern and print to stdout each line that contains the pattern
inverted search. Match all lines don't contain str
suppress normal output. Print count of matching lines for file(s)
e.g. Print number of lines not containing pattern 'hello': grep -v 'hello' -c
Print number to stdout
line count
word count
byte count
char count for file(s)
Sort lines of a file(s) and print to stdout
sort by human readable numerical values (e.g. 2K 1G)
sort in desc
output to a file instead of stdout

Filter ADJACENT matching lines of file(s) and print to stdout
Sort first
prefix line with number of occurences

SSH Keys - Password-less connection betwen local machine and remote computer (e.g. raspberry pi)

  1. Generate SSH Key Pair on local machine e.g. MacBook
    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    a. If need password-less entry for automated scripts, leave the passphrase blank else will be prompted to manually enter it b. This will generate a public key (/.ssh/ and a private key (/.ssh/id_rsa).

  2. Copy Public Key to Remote machine
    ssh-copy-id username@remote_host

  3. Test SSH Key Authentication - Should be connected with a password
    ssh username@remote_host

  4. Deleting keys must be done manually

    • Local machine
      cd ~/.ssh
      rm id_rsa
      • Remove any config lines associated with the delete key in the config file, but DO NOT delete the file itself
        nano ~/.ssh/config
    • Remote machine
      • Remove lines associated with key of interest, but DO NOT delete authorized keys
        nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

rclone - Command line program to manage files on cloud storage (~30 different vendors e.g. Google Drive)

Instructions for Google Drive on Ubuntu

  1. Check if rclone exists
    which rclone

  2. Intall rclone

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get rclone
  3. Configure rclone for Google Drive. Plug in keyboard and mouse to raspi - need to use browser rclone config

    n/s/q> n                # create new remote
    name> someNameForDrive  # rclone_drive_name
    storage_type> drive     # 'drive' For google drive
    client_id>              # leave blank
    client_secret>          # leave blank
    scope: 1
    root_folder_id>         # leave blank
    service_account_file>   # leave blank
    edit advanced config? n
    use auto config? y
    configure this as a team drive? n
  4. Use rclone

    • use --checksum file to ensure file integrity

    • NOTE on syntax

      # Both will copy all files in `<dir_local>` dir to a remote. Reverse order for remote to local copy.
      # Notice the colon at the end. This is required to copy to main drive root dir
      rclone copy --checksum <absolute_path>/<di_localr> <rclone_drive_name>:
      # Copy to specific dir
      rclone copy --checksum <absolute_path>/<dir_local> <rclone_drive_name>:<dir_remote>


  • Unix is an operating system (manages resources, file directories, i/o)


  • Interfaces between user and the kernel
  • Shell is a text-only interface program on the user end
  • It is a command-line or command language interpreter
  • A script (sequence of commands) that is passed to a shell is a shell script
  • A shell script can be executed in any shell
  • Shells may be one of Korn, Cshell, Bource, Bash, Z shell (zsh), etc

Z Shell

  • Almost equivalent to Bash but with additional features
  • Has a very large collections of plugins
  • Some additional features:
    • autocorrect
    • autocompletion
  • Is now the default shell for MacOS


  • Bash is a type of shell and can read bash scripts and shell script
  • Bash script is a type of shell script
  • Bash has more features than shell
    • 1D arrays
    • Invoked by single or multi-character-command-line options

Add git status to bash command prompt

  • Open "~/.bashrc"
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1= ...
    PS1= ...

# git branch info if present
parse_git_branch() {
    git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
   PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[33m\]$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\]\$ '
   PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w$(parse_git_branch)\$ '

General Note

  • Always use quotes around a filename that contains spaces

A note regarding paths

  • Absolute path values are always the same no matter where I am in the directory
    • Absolute paths start at home
  • Relative path values are relative to where I am in the directory
  • Root is the name of the head of the entire heirarchical namespace for any UNIX based system
  • Home is the head of a user's file directory and is traditionally the directory that the OS places user just after login

Shell constructs

construct Description
VARNAME=VALUE Create shell variable (local variable)
$VARNAME Access shell variable
Loop for var in iterable; do command; done
# Remember the shell var needs $ prefix. (ignore quotations)
'for filetype in gif jpg png; do echo $filetype;'

# Do multiple things in one loop
'for file in $files;'
'for file in $files; do head -n 2 $file | tail -n 1; done
# Print the first and last data records of each file. (ignore quotations)
'''for filename in $@
    head -n 1 $filename
    tail -n 1 $filename

Shell scripts

  • Save shell commands
  • Run a shell script with: bash scriptname
  • Scripts can be used in pipes with other commands
  • See Shell constructs section for loops in shell scripts
# Shell script. (ignore quotations)
'head -n $1 $2 | tail -n 1 | cut -d , -f $3'

# Run script
'bash 7 somefile.log'  2   # $1=7, $2=somefile.log, $3=2