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A simple multithread pong game server using TCP/UDP.


alt text



alt text

Server Build / Run

$ g++ -std=c++17 -O2 Source/*.cpp -o server
$ ./server

Tester Build / Run

$ g++ -std=c++17 -O2 Tester/main_visual.cpp -o tester
$ ./tester

API Documentation

API Port

Change the content in "config.h" if you want to change.

Default : 9180


┌───────────────┐       Main Thread                                                          ┌───────────────┐
│               │                                                                            │               │
│               │   ┌──────Query──────┐                                                      │               │
│               │   │                 │                                                      │               │
│               │   │  CreateSession  ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────►│               │
│               │   │                 │                                                      │               │
│               │   └────────┬────────┘                                                      │               │
│               │            │                 Recv Thread         Input Processing Thread   │               │
│               │            ▼                                                               │               │
│               │   ┌──────Query──────┐            ─┬─                       ─┬─             │               │
│               │   │                 │             │                         │              │               │
│               │   │   BeginRound    ├─────────────┼─────────────────────────┼─────────────►│               │
│               │   │                 │             │                         │              │               │
│               │   └────────┬────────┘             │                         │              │               │
│               │            │                      │                         │              │               │
│               │            │                      │                         │              │               │
│               │            │              ┌───────┴────────┐                │              │               │
│               │            │              │                │                │              │               │
│               │◄───────────┼──────────────┤  Relay state   │◄───────────────┼──────────────┤               │
│               │            │              │                │                │              │               │
│               │            │              └────────────────┘                │              │               │
│               │            │              ┌────────────────┐                │              │               │
│    Players    │            │              │                │                │              │  Game Server  │
│               │◄───────────┼──────────────┤  Relay state   │◄───────────────┼──────────────┤               │
│               │            │              │                │                │              │               │
│               │            │              └────────┬───────┘                │              │               │
│               │            │                       │                        │              │               │
│               │            │                       │                        │              │               │
│               │            │                       │              ┌───────Query───────┐    │               │
│               │            │                       │              │                   │    │               │
│               ├────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────►│ ActionPlayerInput ├───►│               │
│               │            │                       │              │                   │    │               │
│               │            │                       │              └─────────┬─────────┘    │               │
│               │            │                       │                        │              │               │
│               │            │              ┌────────┴───────┐                │              │               │
│               │            │              │                │                │              │               │
│               │◄───────────┼──────────────┤  Relay state   │◄───────────────┼──────────────┤               │
│               │            │              │                │                │              │               │
│               │            │              └────────┬───────┘                │              │               │
│               │            │                       │                        │              │               │
│               │   ┌────────┴────────┐              │                        │              │               │
│               │   │                 │              │                        │              │               │
│               │   │ Result Returned │◄─────────────┼────────────────────────┼──────────────┤               │
│               │   │                 │              ▼                        ▼              │               │
│               │   └────────┬────────┘                                                      │               │
│               │            │                                                               │               │
│               │            │                                                               │               │
└───────────────┘            ▼                                                               └───────────────┘

API Query Header

Name Type Byte Description
QueryID uint32_t 4 Query ID

API Response Header

Name Type Byte Description
QueryID uint32_t 4 Query ID you sent

API Query Example

struct CreateSession_Param
    uint32_t QueryID = 101;
    uint32_t FieldWidth = 800;
    uint32_t FieldHeight = 400;
    uint32_t WinScore = 10;
    uint32_t GameTime = 300;
    float BallSpeed = 1.0f;
    float PaddleSpeed = 1.0f;
    uint16_t UdpPort_Recv_Stream = 9981;
} param;
send(socket, &param, sizeof(param), 0);

struct __attribute__((packed)) CreateSession_Response
    uint32_t QueryID;
    uint8_t Result;
    //< There should never exist padding bytes between fields
    uint32_t SessionID;
} response;
recv(socket, &response, sizeof(response), 0);

if (response.QueryID == 101)
    if (response.Result == 0)
        // Success
        std::cout << "SessionID: " << response.SessionID << std::endl;
        // Fail

API Query List


Request to create a new game session.

  • QueryID

  • Parameter

    Name Type Byte Description
    FieldWidth uint32_t 4 The width of the field.
    FieldHeight uint32_t 4 The height of the field
    WinScore uint32_t 4 The point at which the game ends with a win if reached
    GameTime uint32_t 4 The time at which the game ends with a win if reached(sec)
    BallSpeed uint32_t 4 The speed of the ball. (Move distance per second)
    BallRadius uint32_t 4 The radius of the ball.
    PaddleSpeed uint32_t 4 The speed of the paddle.
    PaddleSize uint32_t 4 The size of the paddle.
    PaddleOffsetFromWall uint32_t 4 The distance between the paddle and the wall.
    RecvUdpPort_ObjectPos_Stream uint16_t 2 The port number to receive for the position of all objects.
    Start sending after calling BeginRound query. (See BeginRound_v1)
  • Response

    Name Type Byte Description
    Result uint8_t 1 The result of the request
    - 0: Success
    - 1: Fail
    • If Result == success
      Name Type Byte Description
      SessionID uint32_t 4 Unique session ID


Start a new round.

  • QueryID


  • Parameter

    Name Type Byte Description
    SessionID uint32_t 4 Unique session ID
  • Response

    Name Type Byte Description
    Result uint8_t 1 The result of the request
    - 0: Success
    - 1: Fail
    • If Result == success
      This response is returned after the round is over.
      Name Type Byte Description
      WinPlayer uint32_t 4 The player who won the game
      - 0: Draw (Timeover)
      - 1: Player A
      - 2: Player B
  • [UDP] ObjectPos Packet

    Start sending immediately after a successful BeginRound_v1.

    Name Type Byte Description
    BallPos float[2] 8 The position of the ball
    PlayerA_PaddlePos float 4 The position of the paddle of player A
    PlayerB_PaddlePos float 4 The position of the paddle of player B
    • Field & Ball Coordinate

                  PlayerA                      PlayerB 
      FieldHeight ▲   ┌──────────────┬──────────────┐    
                  │   │              │              │    
                  │   │              │              │    
                  │   │ │            │ ┌─┐        │ │    
                  │   │ │            │ └─┘        │ │    
                  │   │ │            │            │ │    
                  │   │              │              │    
                  │   │              │              │    
                0 │   └──────────────┴──────────────┘    
                      0                        FieldWidth
    • Relative Paddle Coordinate

              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │                   │            
              │     ┌───────┐     │            
              │     └───────┘  ◄──┼───── Paddle
              │                   │            
       -FieldHeight/2   0   +FieldHeight/2


Send the input of the player.

  • QueryID

  • Parameter

    Name Type Byte Description
    SessionID uint32_t 4 Unique session ID
    PlayerID uint32_t 4 The ID of the player who sends the input
    - 1: Player A
    - 2: Player B
    InputKey uint8_t 1 The input key of the player
    - 0: None
    - 1: Left
    - 2: Right
    InputType uint8_t 1 The input type of the player
    - 0: None
    - 1: Press
    - 2: Release
  • Response

    No response


Abort a specific session.

  • QueryID

  • Parameter

    Name Type Byte Description
    SessionID uint32_t 4 Unique session ID
  • Response

    Name Type Byte Description
    Result uint8_t 1 The result of the request
    - 0: Success
    - 1: Fail