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96 lines (78 loc) · 2.83 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (78 loc) · 2.83 KB



Web Hacking + Dark web Tool

don't attack websites you don't have permission to
To avoid it being illegal, create your own website and do whatever you want in
We are not responsible for your stupidities.


Installing Python

  • linux-py: sudo apt install python3
  • win-py:


 >→  exploit          >=─►   Exploit vulnerabilities
 >→  subdomain        >=─►   Subdomain Scanner
 >→  admin            >=─►   Admin Finder Scanner
 >→  xss              >=─►   XSS Vulnerability Scanner
 >→  sql              >=─►   SQL Injection Scanner
 >→  clickjacking     >=─►   ClickJacking Scanner
 >→  miscon           >=─►   Misconfiguration Scanner
 >→  sims             >=─►   Security Misconfiguration Scanner
 >→  lfi              >=─►   Local File Inclusion
 >→  email            >=─►   Show emails on the website
 >→  file             >=─►   View website files

[Dark Web]
 >→  tor file         >=─►   View website files
 >→  tor scrape       >=─►   Web Scraper
 >→  tor xss          >=─►   XSS Vulnerability Scanner
 >→  tor sql          >=─►   SQL Injection Scanner
 >→  tor email        >=─►   Show emails on the website
 >→  tor admin        >=─►   Admin Finder Scanner
 >→  tor subdomain    >=─►   Subdomain Scanner

 >→  clear            >=─►   Clear screen
 >help             >=─►   Show commands

Installing Webkit

git clone
cd Webkit

Install Python3 modules 
 - pip3 install colorama
 - pip3 install beautifulsoup4
 - pip3 install requests[socks]
Start the program
 - python3

Installing TOR

root~# sudo apt update
root~# sudo apt install tor
root~# tor --version
root~# tor --hash-password < your_password >
root~# sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc   
# Scroll down and search for "HashedControlPassword" and "ControlPort 9051" and remove the "#"
ControlPort 9051
HashedControlPassword < YOU_PASSWORD_HASH >

root~# sudo systemctl restart tor
root~# sudo systemctl status tor
  • linux: sudo apt install tor
  • windows:


v1.0 ⋮ 29/06/2024
v1.5 ⋮ 4/07/2024
v2.0 ⋮ 9/07/2024
v2.5 ⋮ 14/07/2024
v3.0 ⋮ 20/07/2024
v3.5 ⋮ 28/07/2024
v4.0 ⋮ 10/09/2024
v4.5 ⋮ 30/10/2024