Set up dependency injection:
services.AddSingleton<IAirtimeApi, AirtimeApi>(
sp => new AirtimeApi(
credentials.ClientId, credentials.ClientSecret,
Use the SDK:
var airtimeApi = serviceProvider.GetService<IAirtimeApi>();
var myBalance = await airtimeApi!.Accounts.GetBalanceAsync();
You may configure HTTP timeout while registering the IHttpClient:
.AddHttpClient<AirtimeApi>(httpClient =>
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
var httpProxy = new WebProxy(
"proxy address", BypassOnLocal: false, Array.Empty<string>(), new NetworkCredential("username", "password"));
.AddHttpClient<AirtimeApi>(httpClient => { })
.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() => new HttpClientHandler()
Proxy = httpProxy
An operation may throw a ReloadlyOAuthException
when the access token expires. When this happens, you will need to refresh the access token. Once the token is refreshed, you may want to repeat the request rather than displaying an error to the end user. To easily repeat a request, the exception thrown will have a Request
property containing a repeatable ReloadlyRequest
You may see a working example of this implementation in the Reloadly.Console.Example project,
public MyService(
IAuthenticationApi authenticationApi,
IAirtimeApi airtimeApi)
_authenticationApi = authenticationApi;
_airtimeApi = airtimeApi;
public async Task PrintBalanceAsync()
AccountBalanceInfo balance;
balance = await _airtimeApi.Accounts.GetBalanceAsync();
catch (ReloadlyOAuthException<AccountBalanceInfo> ex)
var accessToken = await _authenticationApi.ClientCredentials.GetAccessTokenAsync();
balance = await _airtimeApi.RefreshTokenForRequest(ex.Request, accessToken.AccessToken!);
// Use the response
var myBalance = balance.Amount;
By default, the library sends request latency telemetry to Reloadly. These numbers help Reloadly improve the overall latency of its API for all users.
You can disable this behavior if you prefer:
services.AddSingleton<IAirtimeApi, AirtimeApi>(
sp => new AirtimeApi(
"client id", "client secret",
disableTelemetry: true))