0.2.5 Prefer --env over the environment variable NODE_ENV. Search by default for a file called .sequelizerc and treat it as --options-path. 0.2.4 Fix unqualified sequelize instantiation which enforced the mysql module. 0.2.3 Fix --migrations-path for relative paths. 0.2.2 Fix for MS Windows. 0.2.1 Fix _.includes. 0.2.0 sequelize model:create creates a model and its respective migration file. 0.1.1 Fix illegal character. 0.1.0 sequelize init now creates a models folder and a models/index.js file. #11 0.0.4 Fix --config flag. #4 Fix custom logging option. #3 0.0.3 Fix conflict within projects that are already shipping gulp. #2 Add harmony support. #6 0.0.2 Added the binary to the package.json 0.0.1 First working version