- 9d88cea: Work better with JSPM generator (hopefully)
- 75be1a6: Fixed package exports
084c0a5: Adds JavaScript module, which exports each icon set as a map of icon names to SVG DOM nodes.
import * as Icons from "@rhds/icons"; document.body.append(Icons.social.get("rss")); document.body.append(Icons.standard.get("api"));
⚠️ WARNING: The JavaScript module loads every available icon. Importing it to your project may negatively impact page loading performance.TypeScript users may import the
types to ensure their projects use the correct string names.import type { IconSetName, IconNameFor } from "@rhds/icons"; const iconSet: IconSetName = "social"; const iconName: IconNameFor<"social"> = "email";
- b098f96: Corrected icon export path from
d7bd841: ✨ Added Official Red Hat Brand Icons
848 icons, in 4 sets: Microns, Social, Standard, and UI.