diff --git a/nana/assistant/inline.py b/nana/assistant/inline.py
index ab442d07..f96093d6 100644
--- a/nana/assistant/inline.py
+++ b/nana/assistant/inline.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import sys
import traceback
import random
-import requests
+import aiohttp
import git
import os
from datetime import datetime
@@ -305,53 +305,76 @@ async def inline_query_handler(client, query):
search = string.split(None, 1)[1]
variables = {'search' : search}
- json = requests.post(url, json={'query': anime_query, 'variables': variables}).json()['data'].get('Media', None)
- if json:
- msg = f"**{json['title']['romaji']}** (`{json['title']['native']}`)\n**Type**: {json['format']}\n**Status**: {json['status']}\n**Episodes**: {json.get('episodes', 'N/A')}\n**Duration**: {json.get('duration', 'N/A')} Per Ep.\n**Score**: {json['averageScore']}\n**Genres**: `"
- for x in json['genres']:
- msg += f"{x}, "
- msg = msg[:-2] + '`\n'
- msg += "**Studios**: `"
- for x in json['studios']['nodes']:
- msg += f"{x['name']}, "
- msg = msg[:-2] + '`\n'
- info = json.get('siteUrl')
- trailer = json.get('trailer', None)
- if trailer:
- trailer_id = trailer.get('id', None)
- site = trailer.get('site', None)
- if site == "youtube": trailer = 'https://youtu.be/' + trailer_id
- description = json.get('description', 'N/A').replace('', '').replace('', '').replace('
', '')
- msg += shorten(description, info)
- image = json.get('bannerImage', None)
- if trailer:
- buttons = [[InlineKeyboardButton("More Info", url=info), InlineKeyboardButton("Trailer 🎬", url=trailer)],
- [InlineKeyboardButton('Add to Watchlist', callback_data=f'addfav_{json["title"]["romaji"]}')]]
- else:
- buttons = [[InlineKeyboardButton("More Info", url=info),
- InlineKeyboardButton('Add to Watchlist', callback_data=f'addfav_{json["title"]["romaji"]}')]]
- if image:
- answers.append(InlineQueryResultPhoto(
- caption=msg,
- photo_url=image,
- parse_mode="markdown",
- title=f"{json['title']['romaji']}",
- description=f"{json['format']}",
- reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)))
- await client.answer_inline_query(query.id,
- results=answers,
- cache_time=0
- )
- else:
- answers.append(InlineQueryResultArticle(
- title=f"{json['title']['romaji']}",
- description=f"{json['averageScore']}",
- input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(msg, parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True),
- reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)))
- await client.answer_inline_query(query.id,
- results=answers,
- cache_time=0
- )
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.post(url, json={'query': anime_query, 'variables': variables}) as resp:
+ r = await resp.json()
+ json = r['data'].get('Media', None)
+ if json:
+ msg = f"**{json['title']['romaji']}** (`{json['title']['native']}`)\n**Type**: {json['format']}\n**Status**: {json['status']}\n**Episodes**: {json.get('episodes', 'N/A')}\n**Duration**: {json.get('duration', 'N/A')} Per Ep.\n**Score**: {json['averageScore']}\n**Genres**: `"
+ for x in json['genres']:
+ msg += f"{x}, "
+ msg = msg[:-2] + '`\n'
+ msg += "**Studios**: `"
+ for x in json['studios']['nodes']:
+ msg += f"{x['name']}, "
+ msg = msg[:-2] + '`\n'
+ info = json.get('siteUrl')
+ trailer = json.get('trailer', None)
+ if trailer:
+ trailer_id = trailer.get('id', None)
+ site = trailer.get('site', None)
+ if site == "youtube": trailer = 'https://youtu.be/' + trailer_id
+ description = json.get('description', 'N/A').replace('', '').replace('', '').replace('
', '')
+ msg += shorten(description, info)
+ image = json.get('bannerImage', None)
+ if trailer:
+ buttons = [[InlineKeyboardButton("More Info", url=info), InlineKeyboardButton("Trailer 🎬", url=trailer)],
+ [InlineKeyboardButton('Add to Watchlist', callback_data=f'addfav_{json["title"]["romaji"]}')]]
+ else:
+ buttons = [[InlineKeyboardButton("More Info", url=info),
+ InlineKeyboardButton('Add to Watchlist', callback_data=f'addfav_{json["title"]["romaji"]}')]]
+ if image:
+ answers.append(InlineQueryResultPhoto(
+ caption=msg,
+ photo_url=image,
+ parse_mode="markdown",
+ title=f"{json['title']['romaji']}",
+ description=f"{json['format']}",
+ reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)))
+ else:
+ answers.append(InlineQueryResultArticle(
+ title=f"{json['title']['romaji']}",
+ description=f"{json['averageScore']}",
+ input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(msg, parse_mode="markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True),
+ reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons)))
+ await client.answer_inline_query(query.id,
+ results=answers,
+ cache_time=0
+ )
+ elif string.split()[0] == "favourite":
+ fav = sql.get_fav(Owner)
+ if fav:
+ text = "**My watchlist:**\n"
+ for title in fav:
+ text += f" - {title.data}\n"
+ keyb = [
+ [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Watched ✅", callback_data=f"remfav_{Owner}")]
+ ]
+ answers.append(InlineQueryResultArticle(
+ title="Favourites",
+ description="Anime",
+ input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent(text, parse_mode="markdown"),
+ reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb)))
+ else:
+ answers.append(InlineQueryResultArticle(
+ title="Fabourites",
+ description="Anime",
+ input_message_content=InputTextMessageContent("**No favourites yet!**", parse_mode="markdown")))
+ await client.answer_inline_query(query.id,
+ results=answers,
+ cache_time=0
+ )
elif string.split()[0] == "favourite":
fav = sql.get_fav(Owner)
diff --git a/nana/assistant/updater.py b/nana/assistant/updater.py
index 52a3e032..8c697368 100644
--- a/nana/assistant/updater.py
+++ b/nana/assistant/updater.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import random
+import os
from git import Repo
from git.exc import GitCommandError, NoSuchPathError, InvalidGitRepositoryError
from pyrogram import filters
@@ -134,6 +134,16 @@ async def update_button(client, query):
await client.send_message(Owner, "no heroku application found, but a key given? 😕 ")
await client.send_message(Owner, "Build Unsuccess, Check heroku build log for more detail")
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.system('git reset --hard')
+ os.system('git pull')
+ os.system('pip install -U -r requirements.txt')
+ await client.send_message(Owner, "Built Successfully, Please Restart Manually in /settings")
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ await client.send_message(Owner, f"Build Unsuccess,\nLog:{e}")
+ return
await client.send_message(Owner, "Successfully Updated!\nBot is restarting...")
diff --git a/nana/helpers/deldog.py b/nana/helpers/deldog.py
index 9b9b0404..eda6a586 100644
--- a/nana/helpers/deldog.py
+++ b/nana/helpers/deldog.py
@@ -1,19 +1,9 @@
-import requests
+import aiohttp
async def deldog(message, data):
- BASE_URL = 'https://del.dog'
- r = requests.post(f'{BASE_URL}/documents', data=data.encode('utf-8'))
- if r.status_code == 404:
- await message.edit('Failed to reach dogbin')
- r.raise_for_status()
- res = r.json()
- if r.status_code != 200:
- await message.edit(res['message'])
- r.raise_for_status()
- key = res['key']
- if res['isUrl']:
- reply = f'Shortened URL: {BASE_URL}/{key}\nYou can view stats, etc. [here]({BASE_URL}/v/{key})'
- else:
- reply = f'{BASE_URL}/{key}'
+ BASE_URL = 'https://nekobin.com'
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.post(f'{BASE_URL}/api/documents', json={"content":data}, timeout=3) as response:
+ key = (await response.json())["result"]["key"]
+ reply = f'{BASE_URL}/raw/{key}'
return reply
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nana/modules/animelist.py b/nana/modules/animelist.py
index 80c1097f..2345281f 100644
--- a/nana/modules/animelist.py
+++ b/nana/modules/animelist.py
@@ -74,20 +74,20 @@ def t(milliseconds: int) -> str:
airing_query = '''
query ($id: Int,$search: String) {
- Media (id: $id, type: ANIME,search: $search) {
- id
- episodes
- title {
- romaji
- english
- native
+ Media (id: $id, type: ANIME,search: $search) {
+ id
+ episodes
+ title {
+ romaji
+ english
+ native
+ }
+ nextAiringEpisode {
+ airingAt
+ timeUntilAiring
+ episode
+ }
- nextAiringEpisode {
- airingAt
- timeUntilAiring
- episode
- }
- }
@@ -233,8 +233,7 @@ async def character_search(client, message):
search = search[1]
variables = {'query': search}
- json = requests.post(url, json={'query': character_query, 'variables': variables}).json()[
- 'data'].get('Character', None)
+ json = requests.post(url, json={'query': character_query, 'variables': variables}).json()['data'].get('Character', None)
if json:
ms_g = f"**{json.get('name').get('full')}**(`{json.get('name').get('native')}`)\n"
description = f"{json['description']}"
diff --git a/nana/modules/lydia.py b/nana/modules/lydia.py
index 9c5a8176..33b72770 100644
--- a/nana/modules/lydia.py
+++ b/nana/modules/lydia.py
@@ -91,11 +91,13 @@ async def chat_bot(client, message):
async def check_message(_client, message):
- reply_msg = message.reply_to_message
- if message.text.lower() == f"@{OwnerUsername}":
+ if message.chat.type == 'private':
return True
- if reply_msg:
- if reply_msg.from_user.id == Owner:
- return True
- return False
+ if message.text.lower() == f"@{OwnerUsername}":
+ return True
+ if message.reply_to_message:
+ if message.reply_to_message.from_user.id == Owner:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
diff --git a/nana/modules/ocr.py b/nana/modules/ocr.py
index 14b2b256..7872ac4a 100644
--- a/nana/modules/ocr.py
+++ b/nana/modules/ocr.py
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ async def ocr(client, message):
ParsedText = test_file["ParsedResults"][0]["ParsedText"]
except BaseException as e:
- await message.reply(e)
+ await edrep(message, text=e)
if ParsedText == 'ParsedResults':
await message.delete()
- await message.reply(f"`{ParsedText}`")
+ await edrep(message, text=f"`{ParsedText}`")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nana/modules/updater.py b/nana/modules/updater.py
index 6045ba12..d2b3621e 100644
--- a/nana/modules/updater.py
+++ b/nana/modules/updater.py
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ async def updater(client, message):
await client.send_document(message.chat.id, "nana/cache/output.txt", reply_to_message_id=message.message_id,
- caption="`Changelog file`")
+ caption="`Changelog file`")
await edrep(message, text=changelog_str)