A static site where you can view a list of anime, view the details of a single anime and search for anime. It has 100% test coverage on all major React components. This site is deployed and can be accessed here: Anime List (If the page fails to load the third party api may be down, please revisit later or check out the old version linked below)
Fork & clone the repo then install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/<github username>/Anime-List.git
cd Anime-List
npm install
Create a .env.local file with the following variables:
touch .env.local
VITE_API_KEY=<your Rapid-Api key>
To run project type command:
npm run dev
To run tests or view coverage the following commands are available:
npm run test
npm run coverage
- React: Runtime for JavaScript outside the browser, ideal for restful API's.
- Vite: Minimalist Node.js web framework used to run server.
- Vitest: Jest for JavaScript testing and Supertest for HTTP server testing.
This app uses a third party Api from Rapid Api: anime-db