Ensure your cluster meets the following requirements. All kubectl
commands can also be executed with oc
Install the Tekton operator by creating the following subscription.
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
name: openshift-pipelines-operator
namespace: openshift-operators
channel: latest
name: openshift-pipelines-operator-rh
source: redhat-operators
sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Install task from Tekton Hub
kubectl apply -n dev -f https://api.hub.tekton.dev/v1/resource/tekton/task/git-clone/0.9/raw
kubectl apply -n dev -f https://api.hub.tekton.dev/v1/resource/tekton/task/kaniko/0.6/raw
To authenticate towards your container registry of choice, create a Kubernetes secret. Use the quay-credentails.yaml as an example.
After logging into your registry with docker or podman, you can use the auth file as the value for the Kuberentes secret.
cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64
Follow these steps to automatically build a container image of the sample-app and push it to your desired container registry (CR).
The pipelinerun.yaml defines both the git repository
as well as the image reference
. To push the final image to another CR, modify line 25 using the following command. If needed, also change the git repository to your own on line 23.
export IMGREF="myRegistry/myUsername/myImageName:myTag"
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# macOS
sed -i '' "s|quay.io/raphael_tholl/sample-app:latest|${IMGREF}|g" pipelinerun.yaml
# Linux
sed -i "s|quay.io/raphael_tholl/sample-app:latest|${IMGREF}|g" pipelinerun.yaml
After creating the secret for your CR and adjusting the CR string in the pipelinerun.yaml create and execute the pipeline
kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml
kubectl create -f pipelinerun.yaml
To automatically remove old pipeline runs and their associated persistent volumes, apply the provided TektonConfig with job that runs every 10min.
kubectl apply -f tektonConfig.yaml
To automatic start a pipeline run based on git pushes that affect the sample-app
, apply the following ressources
kubectl apply -f eventListener.yaml
kubectl apply -f triggerBinding.yaml
kubectl apply -f triggerTemplate.yaml
Then expose the new eventlistener service to create a webhook. The following example only works on OpenShift. For Kubernetes, you can expose the service differently.
oc -n dev create route edge github-evenlistener --service el-github-listener
Extract the hostname and register it as a new webhook in your git repo. Make sure the content type is application/json
. For Github you can use these instructions.
URL=$(oc -n dev get routes github-evenlistener -o jsonpath='{ .spec.host }')
echo "https://${URL}"