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Ensure your cluster meets the following requirements. All kubectl commands can also be executed with oc instead.

Tekton Operator

Install the Tekton operator by creating the following subscription.

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: Subscription
  name: openshift-pipelines-operator
  namespace: openshift-operators
  channel: latest
  name: openshift-pipelines-operator-rh
  source: redhat-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace


Install task from Tekton Hub

kubectl apply -n dev -f
kubectl apply -n dev -f


To authenticate towards your container registry of choice, create a Kubernetes secret. Use the quay-credentails.yaml as an example.

After logging into your registry with docker or podman, you can use the auth file as the value for the Kuberentes secret.

cat ~/.docker/config.json | base64

How to use

Follow these steps to automatically build a container image of the sample-app and push it to your desired container registry (CR).


The pipelinerun.yaml defines both the git repository as well as the image reference. To push the final image to another CR, modify line 25 using the following command. If needed, also change the git repository to your own on line 23.

export IMGREF="myRegistry/myUsername/myImageName:myTag"

if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
  # macOS
  sed -i '' "s||${IMGREF}|g" pipelinerun.yaml
  # Linux
  sed -i "s||${IMGREF}|g" pipelinerun.yaml

Create and execute the pipeline

After creating the secret for your CR and adjusting the CR string in the pipelinerun.yaml create and execute the pipeline

kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml
kubectl create -f pipelinerun.yaml

Tekton Pruner

To automatically remove old pipeline runs and their associated persistent volumes, apply the provided TektonConfig with job that runs every 10min.

kubectl apply -f tektonConfig.yaml

Trigger builds on git push

To automatic start a pipeline run based on git pushes that affect the sample-app, apply the following ressources

kubectl apply -f eventListener.yaml
kubectl apply -f triggerBinding.yaml
kubectl apply -f triggerTemplate.yaml

Then expose the new eventlistener service to create a webhook. The following example only works on OpenShift. For Kubernetes, you can expose the service differently.

oc -n dev create route edge github-evenlistener --service el-github-listener

Extract the hostname and register it as a new webhook in your git repo. Make sure the content type is application/json. For Github you can use these instructions.

URL=$(oc -n dev get routes github-evenlistener -o jsonpath='{ }')
echo "https://${URL}"