current version
- Adding ForceMaskOff, a component to locally (in a branch of the scene graph) cancel the force mask
RigidMapping: in case jetJs is called several times per step
- binding AssembledSystem as a new class in python
- adding Compliant.getImplicitAssembledSystem(node)
- SofaNumpy: bind/share a c++ 1d array as a numpy array
- raw import: adding commented basic size verifications (could be performed in debug)
- fix ConstantForceField::updateForceMask()
Last commit: on Jul 28, 2016
- SOFA on GitHub -
- creation of a RigidScale plugin: implementing mappings, especially allowing to get the DOF with Rigid+Scale type, while reusing affine DOF (Rigid+Scale+Shear) already implemented in Flexible
- creation of a LeapMotion plugin: allowing to integrate a Leap in your SOFA simulation
- add the DrawTool: DrawTool is an interface, describing an API to display primitives on screen. For now, only the OpenGL (fixed-pipeline version) implementation has been made.
- add a Logger
- add the diffusion effect in SOFA (heat transfer)
- SOFA_USE_MASK compilation variable to activate or de-activate the masks in SOFA
- DataTracker: simple and elegant way to track Data in Engine
- extlibs: update cimg to version 1.7.3
- Add guidelines for contributions in
Kernel modules of SOFA (SofaFramework, SofaBase, SofaCommon and SofaSimulation) have been moved to one common module SofaKernel, located at sofa_root/SofaKernel. SofaKernel is a pure LGPL module.
code in sofa_root/modules/sofa/simulation/ has been splitted into three modules of SofaKernel : SofaSimulationCommon, SofaSimulationTree, SofaSimulationGraph
MOVE the SofaPardiso module as a plugin
Move OglTetrahedralModel into a new plugin called VolumetricRendering
Minor moves
- Move ColorMap code to helper and let (Ogl)ColorMap from SofaOpenGLVisual doing OpenGL stuff
- Move TorsionForceField and ComplementaryROI into SOFA (those two components where in a deprecated repository sofa_root/modules/sofa/components/)
- moving propagate_constraint_force_visitor in a helper file and minor cleaning of CompliantImplicitSolver
test examples are now running (on Jenkins for the Continuous Integration)
Add unit test for quaternions
Improving default mouse manipulation while picking a dof
MouseWheel events now propagated
Minor improvements
- runSofa : force loading the SofaPython plugin if existing
- runSofa: adding clang-style formatting (option '-z clang')
- MechanicalObject: adding more visualisation colors for Rigids
- SofaPluginManager: Clear description and components when removing last plugin
- CMake : removing "-Wno-deprecated-register" compiler option that is only known by a few compilers
- Collision : add function setConstraintId in BaseConstraintSet
- SPtr: up to 10 parameters in constructor
- Add function in EigenBaseSparseMatrix in order to use eigen matrices with async solvers
- Add CUSPARSESolver in SofaCudaSolversPlugin, this solver uses cusparse library to solve a sparse triangular system on the GPU
- MeshBoundaryROI : allows specifying an input subset
- ColorMap: with face culling enabled
- ColorMap: adding a scale for the legend range values
- ImageViewer: adding new boolean data field displaying meshes directly on the slices
- ProjectionToPlaneMultiMapping: adding a projection factor to perform tricky stuff such as planar symmetry
- ProjectionToTargetPlaneMapping: adding a factor to perform planar symmetry for example
- DataDisplay: can now be displayed in wireframe
- DataDisplay: display used topology
- DataDisplay: fix and improving shading a bit
- SofaEngine : add selectLabelROI engine
- SofaEngine : add SelectConnectedLabelsROI
- SofaBoundaryCondition: it is now possible to hide fixedconstraint (default to shown as before)
- Mat.h: adding tensor product between vectors
- ForceField: adding const getMState()
- VolumetricRendering: Initialize tetra/hexa Data<> (to be able to link them as data in scenes)
- SofaBaseVisual: Add modelview and projection matrices as data output
- FrameBufferObject: check (and use) the default framebuffer for the current display window
- SofaOpenGLVisual: add link to a potential external shader for VisualManagerSecondaryPass
- Add OglTexturePointer
- adding SquareDistanceMapping to compute the square distance between 2 points.
- add OrderIndependentTransparency Manager (using two passes instead of three)
- add OglOITShader to customize the shading of transparent surfaces
- ProjectionToTargetLineMapping and ProjectionToTargetPlaneMapping with precomputed constant Jacobians and using last origin and direction/normal for extra points
- Adding a timer embedding all the animation loop step but would need further doc.
- display of indices has been improved
- Add an example using cloth springs: examples/Components/forcefield/
- Improving a few examples by making the embedding nodes as non pickable (tag 'NoPicking')
- Add BaseNode::getRootPath
- Improving performances: * Message::class is now an enum
- Updated draw method of PointSetGeometryAlgorithms, QuadSetGeometryAlgorithms, TetrahedronSetGeometryAlgorithms, TriangleSetGeometryAlgorithms
- Add Blender-like orientation helper in the bottom-left part of the screen while drawing bbox (QtGlViewer)
- Add Blender-like orientation helper in the bottom-left part of the screen while drawing bbox (QtViewer)
- add of GUIEvent into the STLExporter
- Make the code compatible with ClipPlane (using ClipVertex in shaders, which is deprecated for GLSL > 1.4)
- Optimize the callto C-PYTHON side when the functions are not implemented in the python side
- Add color attribute support (and default color if not present in the node)
- Reactivate color map in TetraFEM, as it does not depend on SofaOpenGLVisual anymore
- indices data field for UniformMass
- analyze matrix only if number of non-zeroes has changed and no iterative refinement
- update the applyConstraint methods according to the actual API
- Adding ProjectionTo{Plane|Line}MultiMapping where the plane (origin,normal) and the line (origin,direction) are dofs
- add MeshBoundaryROI with an example
- for (multi)Mapping test, check the size of the mapping output is correct
- adding TestMessageHandler that raises a gtest failure each time an error message is processed
- test for node removal
- test for removal of a node containing an UncoupledConstraintCorrection (for now the test fails because there is a problem with the removal of that component)
- add of Multi2Mapping_test
- add DistanceMapping_test
- logger: cleaning emitter
- sml.Mesh: adding load function
- sml: python set for tags is created by objects themselves
- sml - add tag to JointGeneric
- sml - add the printLog flag
- sml - setup units in BaseScene for all sml Scene class
- sml - mesh has a clear id
- sml -insertVisual: bug fix for solid with multiple meshes (just impacting the Display scene)
- sml - handy constructor for Dof creation
- sml - like can be defined in
- sml - add a utility function: look into the valueByTag dictionary for a tag contained in tags
- sml - adding a warning if a vertex group is empty
- sml - can have offsets under solids
- sml - remove deprecated setTagFromTag() method
- API - add subsetFromDeformables function
- binding Node::isInitialized
- binding loadPythonSceneWithArguments
- adding a binding to get the pointer of a Data (with its dimensions and type)
- adding binding of BaseMapping::getJs (as dense matrices for now)
- adding python functions to convert a Data in a numpy array with shared memory
- adding a visitor to set all mstates as non pickable (such as picking will only be performed with collision models)
- add tags to mesh groups
- add a groupsByTag dict to easily iterate over groups knowing a tag
- add of SceneDataIO to save and load the current state of a simulation
- add of the method getDataFields
- adding automatically tested examples
- add tags to MeshAttributes
- add a helper PythonScriptFunction_call and PythonScriptFunction_callNoResult to call a python controller function from c++ code
- PythonScriptHelper -> PythonScriptControllerHelper : PythonScriptHelper: add convertion for float and std::string
- Add the timingEnabled attribute to the PythonScriptController to control if the script is gather timing statistics
- adding python module to load .obj files
- adding BaseContext_getObject_noWarning that returns None w/o warning if the object is not found
- improving a bit the conversion from a cpp Base* to a PyObject* when the cpp Base* type is (even partially) known.
- adding a test to show how to bind a component outside of SofaPython
- Factory: conversion shortcuts for known types
- PythonScriptController: if the filename is let empty, the controller is supposed to be in an already loaded file, to avoid to read the same file several times
- adding "loadPlugin" function to the Sofa python module
- Add a getObjects() method to python BaseContext interface. Allow selection of objects based on type and name.
- object and type names are now both optional when calling BaseContext_getObjects()
- search direction can now optionally be passed to BaseContext_getObjects()
- at object creation failure, print additional error messages from BaseObjectDescription
- adding special Data types in the PythonFactory, so more specific cases can be added outside of the plugin SofaPython.
- adding Node::addObject_noWarning not to print a warning when adding an object to an already initialized node
- add of a method which compute quaternion from a line define by a director vector
- add of few new features to save and load the current state of simulation
- adding FlexibleCorotationalMeshFEMForceField (meta-forcefield). Not optimized but working
- add of RigidScale mapping in addition to their tests and examples
- HexaFEM comparison: each method has its own solver and uses the same decomposition so the only difference came from the deformation tensor used to find the rotation.
- Flexible: WIP adding a meta-forcefield to compute regular corotational FEM. The idea is to use Flexible's components internally without adding extra computation neither extra memory
- API: add strain offseting option
- API: strainMappings as data members
- API: use branching images for mass computation
- API: make AffineMass, ShapeFunction, Behavior work in more cases
- API - make Behavior work in simple cases with no label image
- materials: removed checking for changed parameters at each step.
- add example showing how to better handle partially filled elements using fine volumes
- optimizing FlexibleCorotationalMeshFEMForceField by preassembling constant sub-graph
- refactoring of MassFromDensity
- adding a warning when creating a UniformMass on Affine/Quadratic frames.
- add FEMDof class to python API
- DeformationMapping: print a warning if a child particle has no parent
- adding HEML implementation of St Venant-Kirchhoff materials (for tetrahedra).
- if correct weights are given in mapping as input data, use it (even if a shapefunction is found)
- use sout for logging
- compute tangents for VisualModel loaded using loadVisual python function
- transformEngine for Affine frames
- sml - export of meshes
- sml - the solids tags to be simulated as rigids are gathered in a set()
- sml - geometricStiffness option
- sml: using logger
- implementing compliance unassembled API
- in the python API, joints can be created in compliance or not
- API - write a addSpring() in GenericRigidJoint, reuse it in children classes where possible
- API - simplify usage of jointCompliance specification by tag
- API - relative offset position is given to the AssembledRigidRigidMapping, and then computed at init into the MO
- API - modifying the API to move an Offset
- API - adding Offset::moveOffset to apply a rigid transformation to an offset (in its local frame)
- API - new parameter to add non-mechanical Offsets and MappedPoints
- API - collision mesh and visual model can be added to a Rigid Offset
- adding an automatic execution of a scene based on a sml description
- Constraint: adding a typeid for faster Constraint type comparisons
- adding short name to create a ConstantCompliantPseudoStaticSolver
- using tag on joints in a generic way, set their compliance / isCompliance value
- added machinery to map data to numpy arrays, see example/
- added easy pure python mappings, see examples/
- added pure python forcefields, see examples/
- AssembledRigidRigidMapping autoresize
- geometric stiffness in python mappings
- insertMergeRigid is coherent with solid tags usage
- CompliantPseudoStaticSolver: avoiding an unnecessary propagation when the stopping criterion is the nb of iterations.
- visualization in DifferenceFromTargetMapping
- adding a function to force quaternion normalization (to avoid numerical drift)
- added SimpleAnimationLoop
- adding RigidRestJointMapping to compute a joint between a rigid body's current position and its rest position.
- large compliances are considered as null stiffnesses
- Offset default to isMechanical=True
- python quaternion log
- added nlnscg acceleration
- pure python constraints
- .inl for python mappings
- adding Addition[Multi]Mapping
- implementing AssembledMultiMapping::applyDJT
- adding DotProduct[Multi]Mapping (with tests)
- adding NormalizationMapping to map a 3d vector to its normalization
- adding ConstantAssembled[Multi]Mapping
- adding SafeDistanceMapping: a distance mapping that becomes a difference mapping for too small distances.
- adding SafeDistanceFromTargetMapping
- using the new SofaPython API
- SafeDistanceFromTargetMapping can now be "safe" by giving the edge directions when they are known
- adding the SofaCompliant python module (first module created outside of SofaPython!)
- adding DotProductFromTargetMapping (with test)
- adding RigidJointFromTargetMapping and RigidJointFromWorldFrameMapping
- add of complementary API to create deformable articulated systems
- adding NegativeUnilateralConstraint to guarantee negativeness
- adding PenaltyForceField and using it in penalty contact response
- add of two file from the SohusimDev plugin
- API - Sampler.addMechanicalObject() more versatile
- API - refactor python API
- API - add addClosingVisual()
- add function in python API to retrieve perspective property
- MeshToImageEngine: move getValue out of for loops
- add a python ImagePlaneController
- Data<Image> are now specifically bound in python
- remove pthread and X11 dependencies
- add metaimage tags that may be used to define orientation
- add python function to retrieve image type
- simpler imagePlane python controller
- add a createTransferFunction method
- improved cutplane texture resolution
- half perspective, half orthographic image transforms
- add imageCoordValuesFromPositions engine
[PluginManager] crashed when a plugin was removed
[SofaCUDA] fix the compilation using SofaCUDA on Windows
unstable behavior of masks - USE-MASK variable added
fix DAGNode traversal when a visitor is run from a node with a not up-to-date descendancy
fix flaws in glText (memory leak and an other bug)
EigenBaseSparseMatrix: fix parallel matrix-vector product
XML export
Minor fix
- Sofa helper: leak when drawing 3d text
- compilation with SofaDumpVisitor flag enabled
- compilation of BezierTriangleSetGeometryAlgorithms (color changed from Vec3f to Vec4f)
- runSofa: viewport aspect issue and loss of interaction in QtGLViewer
- BoxROI: visual bounding box
- SofaMiscForceField on Windows
- VisualVisitor traversal order
- SphereROI: indices out when multiple spheres
- bug in RestShapeSpringsForceField
- Remove VariationalSymplecticSolver.h from the package in SofaCommon (to fix history)
- some static analysis warnings and errors (including memory leaks)
- MeshROI: remove unnecessary sqrt
- SphereROI: set centers' size to radii if only one radius is provided
- ARTrack plugin compilation
- bug in MeshNewProximityIntersection involving false positive detection with triangles containing an angle > 90°
- path to images for html description pop up window
- OglModel hasTexture
- DataDisplay: normal computation
- DataDisplay: crash when the component was dynamically added to a scene
- visual bug with OglModel when putOnlyTexCoords is enabled with no texture
- Order Independent Transparency for old graphics card
- sofa::gui::glut applying changes in BaseCamera
- computation of the bounding box in PlaneForceField
- SofaHelper: Fix bug with FBO (causing some weird things when using textures)
- corrected the visualization of heterogeneous tetrahedra
- SofaOpenGLVisual: Fix Spotlight source drawing + add some log for ShaderElement
- OmniDriverEmu plugin and examples
- scene test : ICPRegistration_ShapeMatching.scn is ignored
- Vec: 'normalized' function constness
- SpotLight: direction normalization
- ProjectionTo{Plane,Line}MultiMapping Jacobian insertion order
- SofaGeneralRigid : bug in ArticulatedSystemMapping
- SofaEngine: BoxROI instantiation
- SofaBaseCollision: Fix computeBBox in SPhereModel
- bug in MechanicalPickParticlesWithTagsVisitor input tags were not respected
- SofaOpenGLVisual: fix light's modelview matrix computation (lookat data was not checked)
- StateMask method clean needs to resize m_size to 0
- fix crash UncoupledConstraintCorrection_test
- fix SofaComponentBase_test on windows
- fix Mapping and MultiMapping tests
- fix MultiMapping::applyDJT test
- fix {Difference,Addition}Mapping when a pair is composed of the same index.
- fix tested scenes selection
- removed OptiTrackNatNet from "options" configurations
- ignore some OptiTrackNatNet scenes testing
- fix GridTopology type on the python side
- fix OBJ loader
- fix loading a scene from a .py in a Node independently from the awful Simulation singleton.
- fix SofaPython.Tools.localPath in some situations
- fix BaseContext_getObjects so it can select objects from a base class name (and adding an example)
- quaternion: fix singularity in from_line function
- fix case sensitive issues
- API: fix a bug with colors when reloading a scene
- fix the bulk factor in NeoHookean material
- fix NeoHookean traction test
- testing detachFromGraph
- BaseDeformationMapping: remove debug message, fix usage of sout (no need for testing f_printLog)
- fix test compilation w/o image plugin
- fix loadVisual
- fix bug in topologygausspointsampler (computation of volume integrals for irregular hexa)
- CompliantImplicitSolver: fix Lagrange multipliers clear when reseting the simulation
- auto-fix init errors in RigidMass
- adding tolist() conversion
- fix Jacobian reserved size
- fix contacts and associated test
- python tools: fix bug in mhd parsing
- MeshToImage: fix bresenham, be sure dmax>=1
- fix resampling of projection images, and marching cubes default parameter
- fix bug in mhd file loader
- fix rasterization when using vertex colors
warnings were removed
dead branches were removed
the ‘using’ directives were removed in header files
the repository sofa_root/modules/sofa/components has been cleaned (deprecated components removed)
clean many SOFA examples
removing "using helper::vector" from VecTypes.h
SofaQtGui: Remove qt3 remnants in ui files
Minor clean
- clean SofaBaseCollision of OpenGL dependency
- cleaning Material::setColor
- Base: write sout as info (rather than warnings)
- clean and fix RestShapeSpringsForceField draw functions
- Remove useless tests, optimize and fix potential bugs
- cleanup, precompute barycenters for tetra and hexa
- SofaBaseVisual: clean up and make consistent BaseCamera's code: clean QtViewer projection (remove OpenGL functions)
- SofaBaseVisual: clean and fix BaseCamera Z clipping
- SofaOpenGLVisual: cleanup Lights (remove Glu calls and set matrices as data) + Fix typo in Camera
- quaternion to euler: not need for the hack since atan2 is used
- clean examples
- clean the hard-binding example
- clean noPicking visitor
- remove unecessary data for Gauss points visualization
- some clean regarding openmp parallelisation
- clean metaFF
- remove unecessary apply in reinit
- clean FlexibleCorotationalMeshFEMForceField
- clean RigidJoint{Multi}Mapping