This is the official repository of NIPS 2022 paper EvenNet: Ignoring Odd-Hop Neighbors Improves Robustness of Graph Neural Networks.
The implementation is based on python 3, and
- deeprobust==0.2.4
- dgl==0.6.0
- numpy==1.18.1
- ogb==1.3.3
- torch==1.8.1
- torch_geometric==1.6.3
You can simply run
pip install -r requirements.txt
We provide generated cSBM datasets, real-world datasets in "./data", and pertubed graphs in "./atk_data/atk_adj/". Ogbn-arxiv is not provided, you can download it via ogb official
|-- src
| # Attack methods
| # Generate cSBM datasets
| # Dataloader
| # Main code against graph attacks
| # Main code on common datasets
| # Main code on cSBM datasets
| # Models
| # Parser & model loader
| # Propagation/Convolutional layers
| # Training code against graph attacks
| # Training code on common datasets
| # Training code on cSBM datasets
| # Other used functions
##### scripts #####
| # EvenNet for node classification
| # EvenNet on cSBM datasets
| # EvenNet against DICE attacks
| # EvenNet for defense on heterophilic datasets.
| # EvenNet against poison attacks
| # EvenNet against random attacks
|-- atk-data # Dataset used for graph attacks
|-- data # Dataset on clean datasets
|-- logs # Empty repo for logs
|-- GIA-HAO # Experiments against graph injection attacks
Create empty directory ./logs/ (To save the experiment results.)
cd the ./src/ directory
Running corresponding scripts For example, to run experiments on real-world datasets, try:
To run experiments against Metattack / MinMax attack, try:
title={EvenNet: Ignoring Odd-Hop Neighbors Improves Robustness of Graph Neural Networks},
author={Lei, Runlin and Wang, Zhen and Li, Yaliang and Ding, Bolin and Wei, Zhewei},