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332 lines (278 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

332 lines (278 loc) · 12.1 KB
MachineState logo


This script should be executed before running benchmarks to determine the current system settings and the execution environment.

On Linux, most information is gathered from sysfs/procfs files to reduce the dependencies. Some information is only available through external tools (likwid-*, nvidia-smi, vecmd, modulecmd) and some basic tools (hostname, users, ...). On MacOS, most information is gathered through the sysctl command.

An example JSON (in extended mode) from an Intel Skylake Desktop system running Linux can be found here (raw).

An example JSON (in extended mode) from an Intel Skylake Desktop system running macOS can be found here (raw).

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MachineState is written as Python3 module:

$ git clone
$ cd MachineState
$ ./


$ pip3 install MachineState
$ machinestate
$ python3
>>> import machinestate

or just for the current project

$ wget
$ ./

The module cannot be used with Python2!

The module is tested on Ubuntu Xenial for Python versions 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 for the architectures AMD64, PPC64le and ARM8. For macOS, only Python versions 3.7 and 3.8 for the AMD64 architecture are tested.



  • Hostname
  • The current load of the system
  • Number of users that are logged into the system that might disturb the runs
  • Shell environment
  • Module system
  • Installed compilers and MPI implementations
  • Information about the executable (if command is passed as cli argument)


  • Operating system and kernel version
  • CPU information (family, model, vulnerabilities, ...) and cpuset
  • CPU, cache and NUMA topology
  • CPU frequency settings
  • Memory information
  • Uncore frequency settings (Uncore only if LIKWID is available)
  • Prefetchers and turbo frequencies (if LIKWID is available)
  • OS settings (NUMA balancing, huge pages, transparent huge pages, ...)
  • Power contraints (RAPL limits)
  • Accelerator information (Nvidida GPUs and NEC Tsubasa)
  • Dmidecode system configuration (if available)


  • Operating system version
  • CPU information (family, model, ...)
  • CPU, cache and NUMA topology
  • CPU frequency settings
  • Memory information

All sizes are converted to bytes, all frequencies are converted to Hz

Usage (CLI)

Getting usage help:

usage: [-h] [-e] [-a] [-c] [-s] [-i INDENT] [-o OUTPUT]
                       [-j JSON] [--html] [--configfile CONFIGFILE]

Reads and outputs system information as JSON document

positional arguments:
  executable            analyze executable (optional)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --extended        extended output (default: False)
  -a, --anonymous       Remove host-specific information (default: False)
  -c, --config          print configuration as JSON (files, commands, ...)
  -s, --sort            sort JSON output (default: False)
  -i INDENT, --indent INDENT
                        indention in JSON output (default: 4)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        save to file (default: stdout)
  -j JSON, --json JSON  compare given JSON with current state
  -m, --no-meta         embed meta information in classes (recommended, default: True)
  --html                generate HTML page with CSS and JavaScript embedded
                        instead of JSON
  --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Location of configuration file

If the configfile cli option is not given, machinestate checks for configuration files at (in this order):

  • $PWD/.machinestate
  • $HOME/.machinestate
  • /etc/machinestate.conf


Gather data and print JSON

$ machinestate
    "HostInfo": {
        "Hostname": "testhost"

Gather extended data and print JSON

$ machinestate -e
    "HostInfo": {
        "Hostname": "testhost"
        "Domainname": "",
        "FQDN": ""

Gather data, include information about the executable on cmdline and print JSON

$ machinestate hostname
    "HostInfo": {
        "Hostname": "testhost"
    "ExecutableInfo": {
        "ExecutableInfo": {
            "Name": "hostname",
            "Abspath": "/bin/hostname",
            "Size": 18504
        "LinkedLibraries": {
            "": null,
            "": "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/",
            "/lib64/": "/lib64/"

Redirecting JSON output to file

$ machinestate -o $(hostname -s).json

Sort keys in JSON output

$ machinestate -s

Compare JSON file created with with current state

$ machinestate -j oldstate.json

Output the MachineState data as collapsible HTML table (with CSS and JavaScript):

$ machinestate --html

You can also redirect the HTML output to a file directly:

$ machinestate --html --output machine.html

You can embedd the file in your HTML page within an <iframe>ö.

Configuration file

The configuration file is in JSON format and should look like this:

  "dmifile" : "/path/to/file/containing/the/output/of/dmidecode",
  "likwid_enable" : <true|false>,
  "likwid_path" : "/path/to/LIKWID/installation/bin/directory",
  "modulecmd" : "/path/to/modulecmd",
  "vecmd_path" : "/path/to/vecmd/command",
  "debug" : <true|false>,

Valid locations are:

  • $PWD/.machinestate
  • $HOME/.machinestate
  • /etc/machinestate.conf

Or the user can specify a custom path with the --configfile CONFIGFILE option.

For the ModulesInfo class with its modulecmd setting, also the TCL version can be used with tclsh /path/to/modulecmd.tcl.

Usage as Python3 module

You can use MachineState also as module in your applications. You don't need to gather all information if you are interested in only specific information classes.

In order to capture the current state:

$ python3
>>> import machinestate
>>> ms = machinestate.MachineState(extended=False, anonymous=False)
>>> ms.generate()                        # generate subclasses
>>> ms.update()                          # read information
>>> ms.get()                             # get the information as dict
{ ... all fields ... }
>>> ms.get_json(indent=4, sort=True)     # get the information as JSON document (parameters optional)
"... JSON document ..."

How to get the list of information classes:

$ python3
>>> import machinestate
>>> help(machinestate)
Provided classes:
    - HostInfo
    - CpuInfo
    - OSInfo

Using single information classes is similar to the big MachineState class

$ python3
>>> import machinestate
>>> hi = machinestate.HostInfo(extended=False, anonymous=False)
>>> hi.generate()
>>> hi.update()
>>> hi_dict = hi.get()
{'Hostname': 'testhost'}
>>> hi_json = hi.get_json()
'{\n    "Hostname": "testhost"\n}'

If you want to compare with an old state:

$ python3
>>> oldstate = {}            # dictionary of oldstate or
                             # filename "oldstate.json" or
                             # JSON document "... OldState JSON document ..."
>>> ms = machinestate.MachineState(extended=False, anonymous=False)
>>> ms.generate()
>>> ms.update()
>>> ms == oldstate

In case of 'False', it reports the value differences and missing keys. For integer and float values, it compares the values with a tolerance of 20%. Be aware that if you use oldstate.get() == ms.get(), it uses the default dict comparison which does not print anything and matches exact.

If you want to load an old state and use the class tree

$ python3
>>> oldstate = {}           # dictionary of oldstate or
                            # path to JSON file of oldstate or
                            # JSON document (as string)
                            # or a MachineState class
                            # It has to contain the '_meta' entries
                            # you get when calling get_json() or
                            # get(meta=True)
>>> ms = machinestate.MachineState.from_dict(oldstate)
>>> ms == oldstate

Differences between Shell and Python version

The Shell version (shell-version/ executes some commands and just dumps the output to stdout.

The Python version ( collects all data and outputs it in JSON format. This version is currently under development.

Additional information by others